9/11 Scholars Forum

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Nuclear Obama's "Vibrant Response": Tick Tock Obama

These are the times that try men's souls. The summer soldier and the sunshine patriot will, in this crisis, shrink from the service of their country; but he that stands by it now deserves the love and thanks of man and woman. Tyranny, like hell not easily conquered. -- Thomas Paine, December 23, 1776

By Captain Eric H. May
W. Leon Smith
Dr. James H. Fetzer
Major William B. Fox

Tick Tock Obama

MONDAY, August 3, 2009 -- Time is working against Barack Obama. Just-released poll numbers show that his popularity is slightly above fifty percent, down considerably from a month ago. The quicksand war in Iraq has been equaled by the quicksand war in Afghanistan, and the brand-new war he has stirred up in Pakistan has nearly sunk the pro-U.S. government for which we have long paid bountiful bribes. Israel and its muscular American lobby supported his candidacy, and now they are pressuring his presidency to start a war with Iran.

Domestically, the health care debate has turned against him, and drains his political capital, causing even Democrats to desert his standard. The economy is still rotten, unemployment is still rising, and any assurance that things will soon get better is dubious at best. Blaming Bush for it all was a fine way of temporizing in his first hundred days, and an adequate defense in his second hundred days, but the third hundred days, which begin this week, will likely extinguish his excuses.

His standing with the military is mediocre at best, given his escalations in the Middle East, and it won't get any better when he escalates still more to keep the failing mission going. His relations with American policemen are lousy, a result of his recent championing of friend Robert Gates against the Cambridge Police Department, which he accused of stupidity. Add to this a threat to his position unique in American history: nearly 60 percent of Republicans believe that he is a foreigner and therefore a usurper. The mainstream media persistently ridicules the so-called "birthers," but it's hard to find humor in Obama's expenditure of nearly $1 million on lawyers who adamantly refuse to turn over his valid certificate and education documents.

Unsteady on his throne, upon which King George unsteadily sat only half a year ago, Obama needs some magic to stop his bleeding, silence his detractors and resume his socialist surge. Many of his cronies and controllers are wishing right about now that Joe Biden's prediction of a catastrophic challenge in the first six months of the Obama nation would come true.

NLE 09 -- A Disarmed Nuke

They almost got their wish last week, by means of National Level Exercise 2009 (NLE 09), a massive terror drill suspiciously like the 9/11 U.S. terror drills (simulating hijacked airplanes as weapons) and the 7/7 U.K. terror drills (simulating railway bombings). Officials and mainstream media in both countries call it coincidence, but among their publics more and more are calling it conspiracy.

Events shortly before and during NLE 09 argue strongly that there was an official conspiracy by the Obama administration to execute a "false flag" attack against our country, using the terror drill has a convenient way to pre-position forces. To compare what happened to what we thought would happen, we urge the reader to review our pre-exercise article, published last Sunday:

NLE 09 Target Analysis -- CHI NYC HOU PDX DC, The Lone Star Iconoclast, 7/26/2009, http://tinyurl.com/lseh5g

If you're going to attack your own country, you should observe three basic rules:

FIRST: Convince your victim that you are a faithful friend.

The Obama administration arranged a pre-NLE 09 powwow with America under the most favorable circumstances by placing a presidential press conference on 7/22, immediately before the most hyped cable program of the year:

Obama Presser Delays CNN's 'Black in America 2' Premiere, Broadcasting and Cable, 7/20/2009 http://www.broadcastingcable.com/article/315886-Obama_Presser_Delays_CNN_s_Black_In_America_2_Premiere.php

By inserting a black Barack ahead of the CNN special, his handlers hoped to revive the national optimism of the Obama election. Further, they meant to remind the nation of its racist past, thereby stifling Obama critics.

SECOND: Convince your victim that an insidious enemy is intent on striking, so that you can blame that enemy after you attack.

The day after the press conference, media worldwide published the story, offered up by U.S. intelligence, that established a very strong motive for an Al Qaeda attack:

Osama bin Laden son 'probably killed in US drone attack', UK Guardian, 7/23/2009, http://www.guardian.co.uk/world/2009/jul/23/osama-bin-laden-son-reported-killed

THIRD: Have a plan and stick to it.

NLE 09's script called for a widespread U.S. response to a foreign terror event, which would place our country in imminent danger of a follow-up attack. "Spanish terrorists" did their part on Thursday, 7/30, the fourth day of NLE 09. It happened at 8 AM, Central Time:

Bombing Kills 2 Police Officers on Spanish Island, New York Times, 7/30/2009, http://www.nytimes.com/2009/07/31/world/europe/31spain.html

Never mind that the attacks were blamed on the Basque separatist group ETA and not Al Qaeda. The infamous Madrid train bombings of 3/11 in 2004 were blamed on ETA, too; compliant Spanish officials changed the story days later, blaming Al Qaeda.

At 11 AM, Central, according to White House Press Secretary Robert Gibbs, the president was in the situation room, handling a make-believe catastrophe:

Obama Participates in Terror Preparedness Test, CBS, 7/30/2009, http://www.cbsnews.com/blogs/2009/07/30/politics/politicalhotsheet/entry5198249.shtml

In light of what happened while he was there, Obama in the situation room was quite reminiscent of Cheney in the bunker:

Entire Texas Town, Population 70,000, Evacuated Due to Fire, Associated Press, 7/30/2009, http://www.fox40.com/news/headlines/ktxl-news-chemicalfire0730,0,2049153.story

Our national mainstream media obligingly focused on the "beer summit" scheduled for that afternoon at the White House, only "breaking" the story of the Bryan, Texas catastrophe five hours after it happened. The next day the story received scant coverage, especially the inconvenient fact that military hazmat forces were practicing such a catastrophe in the area at the time it happened.

In our article, NLE 09 Target Analysis -- CHI NYC HOU PDX DC, we stated that the Houston area the third most likely false flag site in the nation. In light of Thursday's near miss, it's now our most likely target. The order of likelihood is now: Houston, Chicago, New York City, Portland and Washington, DC.

Robots, reactionaries and Rahm Emanuel will rationalize that all of these July 30 events, which fit perfectly into the NLE 09 terror script, were coincidences. They will chuckle that military experts and experienced journalists like us have fallen over the edge into conspiracy theory. They are right in part: our theory, backed up by the facts above, is indeed that there is indeed a conspiracy. They are wrong to chuckle, though: treason is a capital offense, and no laughing matter.

In all likelihood the Obama administration didn't carry out the false flag option built into NLE 09 because of two things: first, the torrent of Internet traffic about the false flag possibilities of the exercise; second, the egregious political error of Obama's ostracizing nearly every cop in the country when he intended to carry out his "9/11-2B" operation.

Every terror drill has a false flag option built into it, and accordingly every patriotic American should scream bloody mass murder when one is about to occur. A small number of alternative media "9/11 Truth” writers and broadcasters deride this simple, warranted and proven means of self-defense as "crying wolf." In light of the U.S. 9/11 and the U.K. 7/7 terror drills/attacks, it would be absurd NOT to cry wolf, since the wolves are actual. We wonder what motivates those who urge defenselessness, and in turn ask them whether they are trying to help the wolf by convincing the American people to behave like sheeple.

We've seen it done before, in a Houston area terror attempt very much like the one we just saw in Bryan. It happened near the BP refinery in Texas City. The same tactic of issuing a widespread alert scared the wolf off in that case, too, and the same enablers did all they could do to convince the public that it had never happened:

Nuclear attack warning story dismissed, Galveston County Daily News, 2/2/2006, http://www.galvnews.com/story.lasso?ewcd=966022542546e363

TJ Aulds, the Daily News reporter who parroted the cover-up stories of the FBI's Shauna Dunlap and Homeland Security's Bruce Clawson, was willing to set up his hometown for obliteration..., and as a result he received promotion and recognition. Were it not so, how could malefactors attract assistants for terror and treason?

Vibrant Response -- A Rearmed Nuke

The day that NLE 09 (7/27-7/31) ended, "Vibrant Response" (7/31-8/14) began:

'Vibrant Response' to train troops for disasters, if WWW.ARMY.MIL, 7/27/2009, http://www.army.mil/-news/2009/07/27/24983-vibrant-response-to-train-troops-for-disasters/

Vibrant Response is specifically designed to simulate a catastrophic WMD attack resulting in massive casualties. Remember the rule that every terror drill contains the option to execute the terror attack presented in its script. With that in mind, it is our duty -- it is every patriot's duty -- to sound the alarm, even though false flag enablers in the mainstream and alternative media will undoubtedly say we are crying wolf.

We have learned from U.S. Army North public affairs that Vibrant Response will involve a 10 kiloton nuclear device, targeted against Kansas City. Officials did not specify whether the target was Kansas City, Kansas or Kansas City, Missouri. Our guess is that it is Kansas City, Kansas. We have noticed and explored certain idiosyncrasies in false flag terror. One of them is the tendency to attack targets with repetitive names:

Oklahoma City, Oklahoma
New York City, New York
Texas City, Texas

Kansas City, Kansas would fit the pattern perfectly. Having said that, the optional false flag target could be anywhere. We have noted above the five most likely metropolitan attack areas of Houston, Chicago, New York, Portland and Washington, DC. In the case of the WMD team lurking near Texas City on February 1, 2006, they were supposed to be operating in the exercise target area of Charleston, South Carolina. Their exercise script, like that of Vibrant Response, specified a 10 kiloton nuke.

Nuclear Go Go

Another idiosyncrasy of the false flag terrorists is their fascination with, and use of, occult numerology. After the 9/11 U.S. attacks, the 3/11 Madrid attacks, the 7/7 (7 x 11) London attacks and the 7/11 Mumbai attacks, the public was becoming aware of it. In an attempt to suppress speculation, the FBI and ABC collaborated on a 7/11/2006 "limited hangout" story -- one that told the public just enough to assure it that the establishment was looking out for it:

New York, 9/ll; Madrid, 3/11; Munbai, 7/ll, ABC News, 7/11/2006, http://blogs.abcnews.com/theblotter/2006/07/new_york_9ll_ma.html

Clever readers can look closely and see how ABC/FBI tried to make their own story inaccessible by substituting a double "L" instead of an 11 in the date codes for New York and Mumbai. The date code for Madrid is correct.

The numerology -- their widely recognized coded system -- is indispensable for anyone who wants to understand their signals. This is disturbingly relevant at present, because the false flaggers have just sent out an unmistakable signal with the announcement of a military pilot's death:

Michael Scott Speicher, United States Military Family Resource Network, 8/2/2009, http://www.navysisters.com/michaelscottspeicher.html

Navy Capt. Speicher was said to be dead on 1/17/91 by Dick Cheney, at the time Secretary of Defense. His status was changed to missing in action on 1/11/01, which decodes to 1111. His status was changed again on 10/11/2002, which decodes to 11122, the date on which our Congress passed the Iraq War Resolution, thereby assuring the invasion of that country.

To demonstrate the universality of the terror date code, consider that the next day, 10/12/2002 (11222) the Bali bombings occurred, thereby giving Australia a causus belli for an invasion of the Middle East. Between the Iraq War Resolution (11122) and the London bombings (7/7), there are exactly 999 days -- the same as the U.K. emergency code. Between the 9/11 U.S. attacks and the 3/11 (2004) Madrid attacks there are exactly 911 days -- the same as the U.S. emergency code. Coincidence? Hardly.

The in and out of it is that the announcement of Capt. Speicher's death is a code of some sort. Coming at the beginning of Vibrant Response, we are anxious that it could be a "GO" signal for a nuclear false flag attack.

Another likely false flag signal is the release over the weekend of the previously withheld photos from the terrifying overflight by Air Force One in Manhattan in April. New Yorkers at the time believed that they were under attack again. They may well have been right, but a few months premature, in their assessment:

More on Air Force One's New York photo op released, CNN, 8/1/2009, http://www.cnn.com/2009/POLITICS/07/31/air.force.one/index.html

Finally, there is the indicator of the mobilization by New York's Zionists, announced the day after the publication of the "bin Laden's son killed" story, three days before the beginning of NLE 09. According to the Israeli newspaper Ha'aretz, New York's Jewish community was tipped off to the WTC attacks of 9/11 hours in advance. It would be foolish not to consider the possibility that the same community knows something is coming:

IDF Vets Train U.S. Jews to Protect Their Communities, ZionTimes.com, 7/24/2009,

* * * * * * * * *

Capt. Eric H. May, a disabled veteran, is the founder and commander of Ghost Troop Cyber Militia. W. Leon Smith is the publisher of The Lone Star Iconoclast. Dr. James H. Fetzer is the founder of Scholars for 9/11 Truth. Major William B. Fox is the publisher of America First Books.

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Comment by James H. Fetzer on August 5, 2009 at 9:19am
I never turned them off. In fact, I don't know to do it, though I could learn if I were so inclinded. I'm not.
Comment by James H. Fetzer on August 5, 2009 at 7:57am
For reasons I do not understand, Michael Morrissey has asserted that I have
closed off comments on this article before he was done posting. That is not
the case, as it obvious from this new post. I don't even know how to do that,
so I find it extremely peculiar that he would make that observation. Meanwhile,
he has added a new blog post about this, to which I have replied at that place.
Comment by James H. Fetzer on August 4, 2009 at 4:46pm

The version archived at http://www.biblebelievers.org.au/nl188.htm cites
Israel (Ha'aretz) and Beirut (AL-MANAR Television) September 18, 2001.
so my inference would be that they are the original sources. I tried to find
it on the haaretz web site, but my search was unsuccessful, probably
because I was not using the same title as the paper itself had used.

Comment by James H. Fetzer on August 4, 2009 at 1:35pm
Well, I interviewed David Ray Griffin on "The Real Deal" recently to review his book, OSAMA BIN LADEN: DEAD OR ALIVE? (2009), which rather strongly suggests that he died on or about 15 December 2001. I am inclinded to agree with that. Various Osama tapes have been faked, some of which have been addressed in press releases from Scholars. The interview is archived at radiofetzer.blogspot.com for those so inclined.
Comment by Thoth II on August 4, 2009 at 12:39pm
Kind of hate to bring this up, but I really think it true, so I post when I feel there is something to it. Look at the long span of human history, the succession of kings and dictators: let's be specific. Look at the rulers of Roman empire. Just take a few, they waffled between awful and pretty good: Caligula, Cladius, and Nero.
Now take the last 3 presidents (quite a leap, huh?): Clinton, Bush, Obama. I would argue the last good president was Clinton, whatever of his years, but they were the last years of vibrant politics. Bush and Obama just seem like weak puppets serving masters behind the throne.
Comment by James H. Fetzer on August 4, 2009 at 12:27pm
I have just noticed an English-language article on the right-hand column of
the Greek newspaper, "4000 Isreali Employees in WTC Absent the Day of the
Attack", by Vadiot Ahranot 3 PM WED Sep 19 '0l. It appears to be the same
as one I've located via google at http://www.biblebelievers.org.au/nl188.htm
Here is a version edited to correspond to what I am reading in the newspaper:

4,000 Israeli Employees in WTC Absent Day of Attack
by Vadiot Ahranot 3:00pm Wed Sep 19 '0l

4,000 Israeli Employees in
WTC Absent Day of Attack

With the announcement of the attacks at the World Trade Center in New York, the
international media, particularly the Israeli one, hurried to take advantage of the
incident and started mourning 4,000 Israelis who work at the two towers.
Then suddenly, no one ever mentioned anything about those Israelis and later it became
clear that they remarkably did not show up in their jobs the day the incident took place.
No one talked about any Israeli being killed or wounded
in the attacks. Arab diplomatic sources revealed to the Jordanian al-Watan
newspaper that those Israelis remained absent that day based on hints from the
Israeli General Security Apparatus, the Shabak, the fact which evoked unannounced
suspicions on American officials who wanted to know how the Israeli
government learned about the incident before it occurred, and the reasons why
it refrained from informing the U.S. authorities of the information it had.
Suspicions had increased further after Israeli newspaper Yadiot Ahranot revealed that the
Shabak prevented Israeli premier Ariel Sharon from traveling to New York and particularly
to the city's eastern coast to participate in a festival
organized by the Zionist organizations in support of the "Israel". Aharon
Bernie, the commentator at the newspaper, brought up the issue and came up
with a negative conclusion, saying "no answer". He then asked about the clue
behind the Shabak's position in preventing Sharon's participation, and again
without giving an answer.

The above is what I have in the Greek newspaper dated 22-23 September 2001.
The corresponding article to which I have linked above also includes this:

Bernie added that Sharon, who was delighted for having his speech on top of the festival
agenda, asked the head of the organization to mediate and convince the Shabak to change
its position, but his attempts were in vein. The next day after Sharon's secretary
officially announced that Sharon would not participate the incident [at the World Trade
Center] took place.

For its part, the Israeli Ha'aretz newspaper revealed that the FBI arrested
five Israelis four hours after the attack on the [World Trade Center] Twin
Towers while filming the smoking skyline from the roof of their company's
building. The FBI had arrested the five for "puzzling behavior". They are
said to have been caught videotaping the disaster in what was interpreted
as cries of joy and mockery.

Full story: http://www.manartv.com http://www.haaretzdaily.com
Comment by James H. Fetzer on August 4, 2009 at 10:17am
Give me a fax number and I will fax it. I have sent an inquiry to Capt. May. I am sure he will respond. Then you will have two sources for the story. Send me a fax number for Wayne Hall and I will send it along to him.
Comment by James H. Fetzer on August 4, 2009 at 9:36am
Michael, Yes, I will ask Capt. May for his source. But I am looking at a Greek newspaper from 22-23 September 2001 and, if my uneducated guess is correct, there appears to be an article about saving 4,000 lives on page 5. Of course, I don't know Greek but I could fax you a copy of this, if you like. It was given to me by a noted pianist who travels the world and experienced a very different response to 9/11 in Europe and elsewhere. Her name is Evi Martyn and she was my featured guest on "The Real Deal" recently. You might want to listen to the program, which is archived at radiofetzer.blogspot.com. Email a fax number, if possible.

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