Exposing Falsehoods and Revealing Truths
The Oath of the President of the United States declares that he will faithfully execute the laws of the United States and, to the best of his ability, preserve, protect, and defend the Constitution of the United States.
By signing NDAA for 2012, President Obama will have authorized the arrest and the indefinite detention without trial of citizens and residents of the United States, which is both immoral and cruel and violates multiple provisions of the Constitution, including
• Article 1, Section 9, the privilege to petition for habeas corpus;
• Fourth Amendment right to be free from unreasonable seizure;
• Fifth Amendment prohibition of loss of liberty without due process;
• Sixth Amendment right to a speedy and public trial with representation.
NDAA also violates the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, which the U.S. has signed. We therefore assert that, for violating his Oath of Office, Obama should be impeached by Congress forthwith.
NOTE: Apparently, he has not yet signed. For more on the law, see http://obrag.org/?p=51825&cpage=1
Views: 273
thanks, yes I put in my study time in this life, and I don't see why joe sixpack can't put in his. The dark side oligarchs and their henchmen know we have a few of us thinkiers out here, but they know joe sixpack outnumber us 100 to 1 and they play right to mr. dummy
yeah, thanks Thoth II, yeah, dummies.
but i think it is apparent that although a lot of folks feel the
same way, only some will put their reppies on the line and speak
out, even if their voices shake.
i like to think that people are more askeered than just plain dum.
and we have some reason to be skeered, i guess, tho some of us
rise above it in spite of the reaper cusshions....
we are not alone. of that i am sure. yeah, the bravest will speak
out and put the Truth above their fears, and the rest will hide behind
curtains and stuff, and hope that others will address it rather than
we are up against a small bunch of heatless assless pigs.....
they seem not to care what the consequences might be.....they
think they are above it all................like whoren vander slut......
butt in the end they will find they are not above squat, and they
just THOUGHT they were....and that they had covered all of their bases.
Thoth II, i feel fortunate that you are in our midst and stick with it,
no matter how hopeless it may seem. it is this type that does us proud.
at least i can feel good to know that the truth is down there/out there/
in public/ where everyone who dares can see it......the truth will live on
even after we do. that in itself might be a credit to our sanity.
the People are our best bet. and even tho the most committed
and awesome ones can be counted on a stick of wood, i do believe
there are bagillions and mamillions who feel the way we basically
yes that is the problem, not enough good people too many lazy dummies
personally, i'd be a litte miffed if obombya was peached yet scubba
the dubba and his gang of mass murderers weren't....
i'm pretty sure the whole piss ass gummint shoulda been impeached
by now. lying bunch of ass-kissing mass murdering pieces of shit...
wait.....what are we impeaching obummer for? i mean, my main gripe
is that he danced over 9/11 truth, and wanted to sweep it under the
rug.... he's a warpig and a mass murderer and all of that, of course, aren't
they all? (it's pretty baaaaad when he looks better than the rest of the
candy dits.......i'm curious about Ron Paul, and somewhat glad to see him
get somewhere in the crock of things.....tho anything that calls himself a
repulsican...well, i just hafta wonder....)
as far as polliticks go, i think wur dumed no matter what we get...
the People are our best bet. and even tho the most committed
and awesome ones can be counted on a stick of wood, i do believe
there are bagillions and mamillions who feel the way we basically
do.....that our gummint sucks ass and is driving us slowly all into
the ground.....and that we should freakin back up and start over.
let's throw out the whole so-called gummint and start over. luv, sandy.
Jim, it is always and for sure good to hear from you. love you!
I updated the petition at http://www.petition2congress.com/5800/to-impeach-president-barack-h...
I agree.
a man I knew several years of good service at work, they recently fired him because someone in HR found that he had omitted a serious felony from his job application several years before. He was immediately fired because this lie about his felony on job application simply invalidated his job application and therefore he wasn't really a legimate employee. However, I am sure HR followed its standard legal practice for firing employees for cause. So whether Obama is a usurper or whether he has violated his oath while in office, the same impeachment procedure should apply.
But what really gets me is that we citizens have to be doing all this; why isn't the politico class policing itself since JFK to now. This is an absurd situation in history and I doubt without the internet we'd all know how absurd it was.
Check this out: http://www.wnd.com/index.php?fa=PAGE.view&pageId=321969 To which I have replied,
James Henry Fetzer · Works at McKnight Professor Emeritus, UMD
What planet is she coming from? Of course he can be impeached. He is the de facto President of the United States and her argument (that he is actually a usurper) offers a bizarre theory that cannot be sustained in practice. There is no chance at all of removing him other than by means of impeachment:
The Oath of the President of the United States declares that he will faithfully execute the laws of the United States and, to the best of his ability, preserve, protect, and defend the Constitution of the United States.
By signing NDAA for 2012, President Obama will have authorized the arrest and the indefinite detention without trial of citizens and residents of the United States, which is both immoral and cruel and violates multiple provisions of the Constitution,...See More
Reply · Like · Unfollow Post · 3 minutes ago
James Henry Fetzer · Works at McKnight Professor Emeritus, UMD
We are talking about political actions that cannot proceed without political support, especially from members of Congress. Even if I were to agree with her contention, there is no politically viable method for removing him from office other than impeachment.
Reply · Like · about a minute ago
the people should form a more unified bond. we are all that we gots.
i am raht proud of the job our Occupiers done did. right dang dam proud.
the more the people say, the more they hafta listen. it's just the way it goes.
yes Sandy,
LBJ should have been executed for his role in killing Kennedy. And Bush, etc. You are so correct.
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