9/11 Scholars Forum

Exposing Falsehoods and Revealing Truths



Articles by Subject Solving 9-11: The Deception that Changed the World - Online Book

* Table of Contents
* Preface
* I - 9/11 Through the Eyes of an American Skeptic
* II - The Planes of 9-11
* III - America the Target: 9-11 and the History of False Flag Terrorism
* IV - The Terror Drills That Became Real: 9-11, the London Bombings & the Sinking of Estonia
* V - How Did Spy Software Get Onto FAA Computers?
* VI - Who Controls Our Elections?
* VII - The Architecture of Terror: Mapping the Network Behind 9-11
* VIII - The Mass Media & the 9-11 Cover-Up
* IX - Who Really Controls Our Political Parties?
* X - Who Runs the Obama White House?
* XI - The Fleecing of America: 9-11 and the Crisis on Wall Street
* XII - The Nexus Linking 9-11 and the Financial Crisis
* XIII - Ptech, 9-11, and the Financial Collapse
* XIV - Game Over: Evidence of Super-Thermite in the Rubble

Table of Contents

Solving 9-11: The Deception that Changed the World

By Christopher Bollyn

Table of Contents

Updated August 29, 2009

(The bold blue titles of the chapters and articles by year are clickable and take the reader to the specific chapter. Each chapter has a Print icon in the top right corner for the print-friendly format for printing.)


We Are Not Afraid



1. 9-11 Through the Eyes of an American Skeptic

As a journalist and skeptic of the unproven official version, I have examined the facts and evidence and concluded that the U.S. government and controlled media have engaged in a conspiracy to deceive the world about what really happened on 9-11.

2. The Planes of 9-11

A foreign and privately-owned aircraft leasing company is connected to the airport security and passenger screening company at the center of the terror attacks of 9-11.

3. America the Target: 9-11 and the History of False Flag Terrorism

An examination of key events in the history of false-flag terror attacks and the people behind them.

4. The Terror Drills That Became Real: 9-11, the London Bombings & the Sinking of Estonia
The past two decades have been marked by a number of terror events which occurred during security exercises in which the scenario was identical to the real-life terror attack.

5. How Did Spy Software Get Onto FAA Computers?

9-11 was also a sophisticated computer crime, carried out through long-term foreign infiltration of the most sensitive U.S. military and government computer networks.

6. Who Controls Our Elections?

The stealing of American elections is primarily a computer crime, as were the terror attacks of 9-11. These crimes are carried out by criminals using computer code and enterprise software.

7. The Architecture of Terror: Mapping the Network Behind 9-11

Information from material in the public domain supporting the thesis that Israeli military intelligence agencies were involved in the false-flag terror of 9-11.

8. The Mass Media & the 9-11 Cover-Up

Who controls the "hidden hand" in the U.S. mass media that censors and suppresses the crucial 9-11 evidence? What is the nexus connecting the architects of 9-11 with the mass media moguls who are covering up the truth?

9. Who Really Controls Our Political Parties?

Politicians in the United States and Britain are made to submit to the Zionist masters who control our political parties. By forcing our leaders to accept the Zionist yoke our nations have become subjugated to a foreign agenda.

10. Who Runs the Obama White House?

The day after Barack Obama was elected president, the Israeli press reported he had chosen the "Israeli Rahm Emanuel" to manage his administration. The "free" press in the United States, however, failed to report that the chief of staff is a dual-national with terrorist roots and a loyalty to a foreign state.

11. The Fleecing of America: 9-11 and the Crisis on Wall Street

The government bail-out of Maurice Greenberg’s criminal operation, American International Group (A.I.G.), brings into the spotlight one of the key individuals in the network behind 9-11.

12. The Nexus Linking 9-11 and the Financial Crisis

Behind such massive criminal hoaxes as 9-11 and the financial crises and government bail-outs are years of planning and preparation by high-level criminal organizations.

13. Ptech, 9-11, and the Financial Collapse

"P-Tech is the one thread, the one golden thread you pull on, and all of this is unraveled. ... All of this stuff took money to fund. And it was funded through major financial crimes, money laundering, and looting, looting of the S&L’s, looting of the banking system...it’s all being done systematically to keep the slush funds up for the game at play." – Indira R. Singh

14. Game Over: The Discovery of Super-Thermite in the Rubble

The discovery of active super-thermite in the dust of the WorldTradeCenter is crucial to understanding what really happened on 9-11. This scientific discovery reveals that tons of sophisticated explosives were packed into the twin towers long before the planes struck them.

9-11 Articles - 2001

15. Israeli Terror Suspects Captured by FBI, September 18, 2001 (1452)
The first indications of Israeli involvement: Israelis with apparent ties to Israel's intelligence agency, the Mossad, are taken into custody after being seen photographing themselves and celebrating with the burning towers in the background.

16. The Great Game for the Oil & Gas of the Caspian Region, Sept. 26, 2001 (1813)
President Bush's "crusade" against the Taliban of Afghanistan has more to do with control of the immense oil and gas resources of the CaspianBasin than fighting terrorism.

17. The Family Ties Between Bush and Bin Laden, October 3, 2001 (1667)
The bizarre death of Salem bin Laden, Osama's oldest brother, in Texas in 1988, brought to an end a long and intriguing relationship between President Bush and the head of the Bin Laden family fortune.

18. What Does Bin Laden Really Want? October 11, 2001 (1753 words)
"Neither I, nor my organization Al-Qaida is involved in the attacks," Bin Laden told the Karachi daily Ummat. "The attackers could be anybody, people who are part of the American system yet rebel against it, or some group that wants to make this century a century of confrontation between Islam and Christianity."

19. The Profiteers of 9-11, October 17, 2001 (761 words)
9-11 marked a devastating loss for the nation, but shrewd financial speculators with ties to the CIA apparently profited from the disaster, raising questions about prior knowledge of the attacks.

20. Survivors Witnessed Explosions Inside Twin Towers, October 17, 2001 (1278)
Although reporters on the scene heard or saw explosions before the collapse of the WorldTradeCenter, the mass media has been silent about the evidence of explosions.

21. U.S. Lacks Evidence against Taliban, October 24, 2001 (697)
Legal experts say that the Bush administration has not presented evidence to substantiate its claim that the events of 9-11 constituted an act of war.

22. War Is Sell - Washington Elite Benefit from War, October 31, 2001 (1660)
The close connections of the Carlyle Group, a Washington-based private equity investment firm and major war profiteer, to the Bush and Bin Laden families raise unavoidable questions about waging war for profit.

23. Israeli 9-11 Terror Suspects Still Held, October 31, 2001 (487)
Among the suspects being held in connection with the terror attacks of Sept. 11 are a number of Israelis who were seen rejoicing while photographing the burning WorldTradeCenter.

24. A Coup d'Etat against the U.S. Constitution, November 21, 2001 (1082)
"What we've seen, since 9-11…is a coup d'etat against the U.S. Constitution," says Francis A. Boyle, professor of international law at the University of Illinois.

25. German Intelligence Experts: 9-11 is "Hollywood" Deception , December 12, 2001 (1707)
In Germany, where plans to invade Afghanistan were already being discussed in July 2001, intelligence experts say the 9-11 terror attacks could not have been carried out without the support of a state secret service.

26. Bin Laden Video: Smoking Gun or CIA Fake? December 19, 2001 (1182)
A blurry videotape purportedly showing Osama Bin Laden boasting of masterminding the 9-11 terror attacks raises serious doubts about its authenticity.

27. British Chief of Staff Critical of War on Terror, December 19, 2001 (505)
Britain's top military officer warns that the "war on terrorism" will "radicalize" friendly states and lead to increased terrorism.

28. U.S. Knew About 9-11 Terror Plot Since 1995, December 19, 2001 (663)
The terrorist scenario that unfolded 9-11 was not at all unexpected. Both the CIA and the FBI have known of a plan to execute such an act for more than six years.

9-11 Articles - 2002

29. The Spoils of War: The Minerals of Afghanistan, January 7, 2002 (1289)
Afghanistan has an extraordinary abundance of rare and strategic minerals within reach of the global planners who control the puppet government they installed.

30. The Manipulated Bin Laden Tape, January 7, 2002 (476)
German experts say the "smoking gun" videotape of Osama bin Laden is worthless.

31. German Intelligence Expert Refutes Bush Version of 9-11, January 9, 2002 (1493)
Andreas von Bülow, a former German intelligence chief refutes the official version of what happened on Sept. 11 and asks why Congress has not called for a special investigation.

32. U.S. Lies to Sell War on Terror, February 20, 2002 (682)
The Pentagon has a new propaganda office that plants "disinformation" in media outlets in order to sell the "War on Terror."

33. Deceptive PR Firm Joins War Effort, February 20, 2002 (722)
In Washington, the name of the game is public relations. The Bush administration has contracted PR pros to promote the war on terrorism.

34. Israel's Vast Spy Network of Fake Art Students, March 20, 2002 (1924)
An Israeli spy network using agents posing as "art students" has sought access to U.S. government offices, defence companies, and the homes of employees of the Drug Enforcement Agency (DEA). What are they up to?

35. Fire Engineers Refute 9-11 Collapse Theory, May 27, 2002 (994)
Fire Engineering, a trade magazine for fire fighters and engineers, calls the official investigation of the collapse of the WorldTradeTowers a farce and a sham.

36. Mass Media Avoids Questions about 9-11, June 12, 2002 (1163)
The media avoids events organized by 9-11 families and activists in Washington raising questions and demanding an independent investigation of 9-11.

37. The Zionists Who Gained from 9-11, June 19, 2002 (1064)
Larry Silverstein and the former Israeli commando Frank Lowy, lease-holders of the World Trade Center, and Lewis Eisenberg, the man who negotiated the lease, are all devoted supporters of Israel.

38. Israeli Agents Confess to 9-11 Mission, June 28, 2002 (687)
The Israelis caught photographing the attacks on the WorldTradeCenter return to Israel and explain the purpose of their mission on a television program, saying, "Our purpose was to document the event."

39. Video Evidence of 9-11 Explosions Censored, June 28, 2002 (1308)
Video footage and photographs from 9-11 have been suppressed to prevent Americans from seeing evidence of unexplained explosions at the WorldTradeCenter.

40. BBC Reported "Series of Explosions" in TwinTowers on 9-11, June 28, 2002 (604)
The official investigation (NIST) fails to address the most obvious cause of the collapse: the explosions witnessed by survivors from the towers.

41. Video Evidence of Unexplained Explosion in WTC 6, July 2, 2002 (1332)
Images of unidentified aircraft and missiles photographed during the attack on the WTC suggest that 9-11 was a covert and special operation.

42. What Caused the WTC 6 Crater? July 10, 2002 (909)
A mysterious explosion apparently shot debris 550 feet into the air above the U.S. Customs House at WTC 6. This unexplained blast left a huge crater at the Customs House which has neither been investigated nor reported in the mainstream media.

43. What Exploded at WTC 6? July 12, 2002 (343)
A CNN archivist and photos taken by Carmen Taylor confirm the time of the mysterious explosion at WTC 6. It reportedly occurred at 09:03, when the plane struck the SouthTower.

44. 9-11 Terror Suspect Hiding in Israel, July 31, 2002 (1162)
The Israeli owner of the Mossad "front" company fled to Israel after his "movers" were caught filming the attacks. He remains at large in Israel although the FBI has his name on its terror suspect list.

45. Firefighters' Final Words Debunk Fire Collapse Theory, August 7, 2002 (1302)
Evidence debunking the official explanation for the collapse of the WorldTradeCenter is being kept secret by the U.S. Dept. of Justice on a flimsy pretext.

46. Foreign Firms Destroyed Crucial Evidence, August 14, 2002 (1422)
A foreign company, headed by a knight of the British Empire, managed the clean-up of the rubble at the WorldTradeCenter and the Pentagon. No effort was made to preserve the integrity of the crime scenes and crucial evidence was treated like garbage.

47. Open Letter to 9-11 Investigators, August 24, 2002 (452)
"The evidence is now compelling - the twin towers were blown off their feet. The plane crashes and fires were but secondary distractions to the main event."

48. The Seismic Evidence & Molten Iron in the Rubble, August 27, 2002 (1530)
Pools of "molten steel" were discovered beneath the rubble at the base of the three demolished towers weeks after they collapsed. This super-intense residual heat, found in an oxygen starved environment, could explain how these crucial structural supports failed.

49. The Big Lie Banned in America, September 7, 2002 (1166)
The books by the French author Thierry Meyssan, which "challenge the official version of the Sept. 11 attacks," are banned in U.S. bookstores for being "anti-American."

50. El Al Crash Exposes Israel's Chemical Weapons Arsenal, October 9, 2002 (1692)
It is Israel's immense arsenal of weapons of mass destruction, not Iraq's, that poses the most serious threat to peace in the Middle East - and endangers global health.

51. 9-11 Evidence Hidden from Public, October 23, 2002 (1405)
Evidence from 9-11, which has been gathered in secret, may be locked away and permanently sealed.

52. The Death of a Senator and 9-11: The Uncanny Connections, November 1, 2002 (1749)
The untimely death of Minnesota’s anti-war and populist senator in a suspicious plane crash 11 days before elections reveals bizarre and uncanny connections to 9-11.

53. Spy Agency’s 9-11 Drill Exposes Government Lies, November 1, 2002 (1061)
The National Reconnaissance Office (NRO), a key U.S. intelligence agency, was running a drill in which an imaginary plane hit their building on 9-11.

54. Zionist 'Prince of Darkness' Craves War, November 27, 2002 (329)
The Pentagon's top civilian security adviser told British politicians that the U.S. would attack Iraq even if UN inspectors fail to find weapons of mass destruction.

55. Legal Experts: Pre-emptive War Illegal, December 4, 2002 (420)
President Bush's policy of "pre-emptive action" opens the door to global gangsterism.

56. Bin Laden Tape Exposed as Fake, December 10, 2002 (722)
The tape is a fake, according to Swiss voice recognition experts, who are 95 percent sure the voice on the tape is that of an impostor.

57. 9-11: The "New Pearl Harbor" of the Zionist War Plan, December 18, 2002 (1148)
Candidate Bush’s cabal of Zionist war hawks signed a secret Middle East war plan in the summer of 2000 that said America would need a "new Pearl Harbor" in order to realize their plan to reshape U.S. defence policy to suit the Zionist agenda.

9-11 Articles - 2003

58. Iraq: An Illegal War, March 21, 2003 (1457)
By suppressing the fact that the war against Iraq is illegal, the controlled media misrepresents the Anglo-American aggression and why it is opposed by so many around the world.

59. Cover-Up: The 9-11 Commission, July 10, 2003 (2472)
The controlled media and the appointed 9-11 commission are complicit in concealing the truth about 9-11.

60. Skull & Bones, 9-11, and the Bogus "War on Terror," September 14, 2003 (3542)
The Bush administration blocked an independent investigation of 9-11 and exploits the attacks to launch costly and unjust wars of aggression. The obvious question arises: Are they complicit?

61. The Mystery Engine Part in the Pentagon Photo, September 14, 2003 (1011)
Official photographs of the Pentagon crash site show a disc from a small jet engine, but no one seems interested in identifying it.

62. Fox News Tries to Smear Bollyn, September 25, 2003 (477 words)
Fox News smear tactics reveal the controlled media's agenda to marginalize independent 9-11 research. Why would Rupert Murdoch's network attack an honest 9-11 researcher?

63. Did Rupert Murdoch Have Prior Knowledge of 9-11? October 3, 2003 (2526 words)
Eighteen months before 9-11, Rupert Murdoch produced a television program that depicted a passenger aircraft being hijacked by remote control and flown into the World Trade Center. Did Rupert Murdoch have prior knowledge of 9-11?

64. Is the Pentagon Jet Wheel from a Global Hawk? October 12, 2003 (885 words)
An official FEMA photograph reveals a crucial piece of evidence, which if positively identified, could identify the exact aircraft that hit the Pentagon on 9-11.

65. Bush on 9-11: Out of the loop? October 17, 2003 (1918 words)
As 9-11, "the Pearl Harbor of the 21st century," unfolded in New York and Washington the president remained conspicuously "out of the loop" - in Florida.

9-11 Articles - 2004

66. Chief UN Weapons Inspector Calls Iraq War Illegal, March 10, 2004
Hans Blix, the Swedish diplomat who supervised UN inspectors that scoured the country in a search for weapons of mass destruction says the war against Iraq is illegal.

67. Media Admits Failing Public on Iraq War Coverage, March 30, 2004
Senior editors and journalists admit that the mainstream media "failed the American public" for its uncritical acceptance of the administration’s claims about the need to invade Iraq.

68. Is Israeli Intelligence Behind Terrorism in America? May 28, 2004
The "War on Terror" has a blind spot: the suspicious activity of Israeli military agents near sensitive military sites in the United States, which is neither investigated nor reported.

69. Controlled Press Ignores Questions about 9-11, September 17, 2004
Three years after the events of 9-11, half of the residents of New York City believe U.S. leaders had foreknowledge and "consciously failed" to act to prevent the disasters, while two in three want a new investigation of the "still unanswered questions."

70. Was Flight 93 Shot Down? September 18, 2004
Eyewitnesses to the "crash" of Flight 93 report having heard a massive explosion - not a crash of a plane into the soft reclaimed soil of a former strip mine.

71. Was 9-11 an Inside Job? September 29, 2004
The pulverization of the concrete and the free falling towers defy the laws of physics.

72. Did 9-11 Planes Fire Incendiary Missiles? September 30, 2004
The explosions that accompanied the impacts of the planes that 11 hit the twin towers were apparently caused by missiles fired immediately before impact.

73. Video Indicates Planes Were Not Passenger Jets, October 7, 2004
Examination of the videos of the planes striking the twin towers in slow motion suggests that the kamikaze attacks were a military operation.

74. Radiation Danger at Pentagon & Other Crash Sites, October 20, 2004
The recent crash of a Boeing 747 in Halifax, Canada, raises questions about the use of depleted uranium (DU) during the 9-11 attacks.

75. Were DU Missiles Used on 9-11? October 23, 2004
Were DU missiles used to ignite the fuel in the airplanes to create the spectacular explosions that were used to explain the pre-planned demolition of the twin towers?

76. Citizen Grand Jury & Radioactivity at Pentagon, October 29, 2004
The photographic evidence indicates that depleted uranium missiles accompanied the plane impacts.

9-11 Articles - 2005

77. Massive Israeli Spy Ring Uncovered, January 3, 2005
The U.S. media are ignoring the breakup of a major Israeli espionage operation in the U.S. aimed at infiltrating the Justice and Defense departments.

78. The Windsor Tower Inferno and 9-11, February 17, 2005
After burning "like a candle" for nearly 24 hours, Madrid's WindsorTower did not collapse behind billowing clouds of concrete dust. What does this say about the official explanation about 9-11?

79. Controlled Press Hides Chertoff's Israeli Roots, March 4, 2005
Michael Chertoff, the new head of the Department of Homeland Security, was approved in a 98-0 vote in the U.S. Senate without the question of his Israeli nationality even being raised.

80. Chertoff Family Member Wrote 9-11 Propaganda, March 4, 2005
Benjamin Chertoff, the "senior researcher" behind the "Debunking 9-11 Lies" article, is a cousin of Michael Chertoff, the Secretary of the Department of Homeland Security.

81. The Hidden Role of the CIA at Popular Mechanics, March 17, 2005
A purge at Popular Mechanics preceded the publication of its propaganda piece about 9-11. Pulling the strings is the grand dame of Hearst Magazines and her husband – a veteran propaganda expert and former special assistant to the director of the C.I.A.

82. The Rewriting of the History of 9-11, March 24, 2005
The government has confiscated crucial evidence from the terror attacks of 9-11 while news reports that contradict the official version have been removed from public news archives.

83. Is MITRE the Trojan Horse of 9-11? April 1, 2005
Did a central controller with "super user" privileges of the command and control systems of the Department of Defense, NORAD, the Air Force, and the FAA, control the aerial attacks of 9-11?

84. Did Mossad Deceive the U.S. Military on 9-11? April 2, 2005
How Israel's military intelligence infiltrated the most sensitive computer networks in the United States through a little start-up company known as Ptech.

85. The Israeli Connection to 9-11, April 8, 2005
U.S. investigators and the controlled media have ignored a preponderance of evidence that Israeli intelligence was involved in the terror attacks of 9-11.

86. The John Birch Society & 9-11 Disinfo, May 6, 2005
The mouthpiece for the John Birch Society seeks to bolster the official version of 9-11 by ignoring evidence and unfairly attacking independent researchers.

87. The FBI's Role in Hiding Evidence at the Pentagon, May 13, 2005
The report from the damaged Pentagon indicates that federal officials are for hiding crucial evidence and concealing what really happened on 9-11.

88. Morgan Reynolds on WTC Demolition, June 16, 2005
"Only professional demolition" explains the collapses of the three towers on 9-11, a former Bush administration official says. "How can they maintain this giant lie?"

89. The 9-11 European Truth Tour, June 16, 2005
A group of researchers and victims participates in a European 9-11 truth tour.

90. The Censored Eyewitness Testimony of William Rodriguez, June 16, 2005
William Rodriguez, a janitor in the WorldTradeCenter, experienced explosions in the tower before the plane hit.

91. Eyewitnesses Saw Military Aircraft at Scene of Flight 93, July 15, 2005
Eyewitnesses saw military aircraft at the scene before Flight 93 went down but federal agents pressured people not to talk about what they saw.

92. Who is Behind the London Bombings? July 22, 2005
The controlled press blames British Moslems for the terror bombings in London. But were the Pakistanis from Leeds the architects of terror - or merely unwitting patsies?

93. Israeli Security Firms in London: Fortress GB & ICTS, August 16, 2005
ICTS UK Ltd. and Fortress GB Ltd., two Israeli security firms, are co-located in Tavistock House South, exactly where the bus blew up on July 7.

94. A Widow's Quest for 9-11 Truth, August 2, 2005
Ellen Mariani, the widow who filed the first 9-11 lawsuit, explains how her lawyers conspired with the government to thwart her pursuit of the truth.

95. How the Controlled Press Avoids 9-11 Truth, August 25, 2005
The controlled press avoids William Rodriguez, a key eyewitness and survivor of 9-11, because his testimony exposes the lies of the official version.

96. The Zionist Strategy to Balkanize Iraq, October 3, 2005
An Israeli foreign policy advisor articulated the Zionist strategy to Balkanize the Middle East by breaking up the Arab states of Egypt, Syria, Iraq, Saudi Arabia and the Gulf States -- in 1982.

97. Scientist Supports 9-11 Demolition Theory, November 17, 2005
Steven E. Jones of the Department of Physics and Astronomy at BrighamYoungUniversity has presented a paper with scientific evidence to support the thesis that the towers were destroyed by Thermite-type explosives.

9-11 Articles - 2006

98. Is Ariel Sharon the Mastermind of 9-11? January 13, 2006
The controlled media whitewashes Ariel Sharon's long history as a master of Zionist terrorism. Yet, the question remains: Is Sharon behind 9-11?

99. The Ties between Netanyahu and Silverstein, February 23, 2006
A preponderance of evidence supports the thesis that Israeli intelligence was involved in the terror attacks of 9-11.

100. The Judicial Hijacking of the 9-11 Victim Lawsuits, April 14, 2006
Not a single victim's lawsuit has been heard in a trial by jury. Why have the 9-11 families not been allowed to have their cases heard in an open trial?

101. The White Flames of Thermite, April 21, 2006
Something was burning white hot on steel columns at the 81st floor area and creating a large amount of molten iron. What was burning here - if not Thermite?

102. The Censored Evidence of Thermite, April 27, 2006
The Thermite that was evidently used to cut the core columns and pulverize the concrete of the twin towers produced large amounts of molten iron, yet the controlled media refuses to look at the evidence.

103. Why Did Iron Boil beneath the Rubble? May 6, 2006
The bluish smoke that rose from the rubble of the WorldTradeCenter contained unprecedented amounts of ultra-fine particles which are only created when metal boils. What produced such extremely hot fires to burn beneath the rubble for months?

104. The Hollywood Fantasy of Flight 93, May 12, 2006
Eyewitness testimonies describe a very different fate having befallen United Flight 93 than those portrayed in the Hollywood film or the 9-11 Commission report.

105. Controlling the Message of 9-11, May 25, 2006
Rather than presenting the facts, the media message about 9-11 is carefully controlled to suppress evidence of Israeli involvement in the attacks.

106. How the Zionist Media Network Interprets 9-11, May 25, 2006
The question of who controls the media is central to understanding the criminal network behind the cover-up, and by extension – the attack itself.

107. The Suppressed Photos of Thermite Explosions, May 26, 2006
The official 9-11 report (NIST) contains data and evidence to support the thesis that Thermite was used in the destruction of the twin towers on 9-11.

108. Open Letter to NIST Investigators, May 26, 2006
The data about molten metal and pressure pulses in the NIST report raises more questions than it answers.

109. The Israeli Code on U.S. Government Computers, June 16, 2006
The most critical computer networks used by the U.S. government and military are secured by Israeli software written by a "code breaker" tied to an Israeli state-run scientific institution.

110. Ehud Olmert's Ties to 9-11, June 18, 2006
The controlled press overlooks the Israeli leader's crimes, but Ehud Olmert's ties to the convicted Israeli criminal who controlled airport security at Boston airport on 9-11 cannot be ignored.

111. The Forewarning of 9-11 & the Fugitive, August 24, 2006
Jacob "Kobi" Alexander, an Israeli military officer connected to the Odigo instant messaging system which conveyed a warning of the 9-11 attacks hours before they occurred is a fugitive from U.S. justice.

112. Who's to Blame for the Terror in London? August 31, 2006
Blaming Moslems of Pakistani ancestry for the terror attacks of July has inflamed public opinion in Britain. The allegations remain unproven and the evidence suggests the bombing was another "false flag" operation.

113. Who is behind the Attack on Professor Jones? September 17, 2006
Like a modern-day Galileo, the physicist who uses logic and science to explain the "collapses" of the WorldTradeCenter has been banned from teaching.

114. Rahm Emanuel's Dirty Secret, November 17, 2006
The "golden boy" of the Democrat Party, the Israeli-American Rahm Emanuel, is the son of a real-life terrorist.

115. The Zionist Network Behind 9-11, December 7, 2006
Understanding 9-11 requires knowing the key players who controlled the non-investigation and subsequent media-driven "interpretation" of the terror attacks.

9-11 Articles - 2007

116. The Occupation is the War, January 10, 2007
The fundamental fact avoided by the Zionist-controlled press and government spokesmen is that the occupation of Iraq is the war in Iraq.

117. 9-11 Planes Flew into Secure Computer Rooms, January 11, 2007
The two airplanes that struck the WorldTradeCenter flew directly into secure computer rooms. Were the computer rooms equipped to play a role in the crime?

118. Who Put Thermate in the World Trade Center, January 18, 2007
Photographic evidence indicates that impact areas in both towers contained forms of Thermite, pre-placed to destroy evidence and facilitate the demolition while creating a deadly pyrotechnic spectacle.

119. Is This Evidence of Exploding Thermate? January 25, 2007
Video images show an abundance of whitish oxides and light orange flame. Is this evidence of a form of Thermate with barium nitrate added for flame effect?

120. Terror "Mastermind" is a Fake, March 16, 2007
The person said to be Khalid Sheikh Mohammed does not appear to be the person who masterminded the attacks of 9-11. He seems to be a feeble-minded "fall guy" who has been manipulated to make these incredible claims.

121. Was Khalid Sheikh Mohammed Captured? March 16, 2007
If this man is truly the mastermind of the 9-11 attacks, why has so little attention been paid to him?

122. The Denial of Justice for 9-11 Victims, March 20, 2007
Some 6,600 lawsuits were brought against the airlines and the passenger screening companies, but not one victim's case has gone to trial.

123. Why are Honest 9-11 Researchers Targeted? May 15, 2007
Were the attacks on Bollyn and Professor Steven Jones related? Were we attacked for asking too many questions about Thermite and 9-11?

124. Judge Pushes Families to Settle Out of Court, September 9, 2007
The 9-11 relatives who went to court looking for justice and accountability for the terror attacks now realize that Judge Hellerstein is not going to let them go to trial.

125. The Court's Crass Comments about 9-11 Litigation, September 10, 2007
U.S. District Judge Alvin K. Hellerstein is pushing the relatives to settle without going to trial. "Money is the universal lubricant," Hellerstein says. What he means is take the cash and forget about justice.

126. Homeland Security & the Exclusion of Evidence, September 11, 2007
The 9-11 families have been abused by a corrupt judicial process that is more concerned about covering up than delivering justice and accountability through discovery.

127. The Toxic Smoke from the Rubble, September 13, 2007
An article in the Village Voice discusses the effects of the "9-11 toxic cloud" without mentioning the toxic smoke that rose from the burning rubble for nearly four months.

128. 9-11 Judge Nominated for Attorney General, September 17, 2007
Michael [Bernard] Mukasey is appointed to serve as U.S. Attorney General. Mukasey has a long record of presiding over cases of false-flag terrorism, such as Larry Silverstein's claims against the insurers, the Jose Padilla case, and the first WTC bombing case.

129. The Conspirators' Unbreakable Bond, September 20, 2007
The nominee for Attorney General has a long history of obstructing justice, preventing discovery, and covering up the evidence of Israeli involvement in the terror attacks of 9-11.

130. An American Holocaust, September 25, 2007
Dresden, Waco, and the WorldTradeCenter were holocausts in which human lives were intentionally destroyed by fire. Who lit the fires that consumed the twin towers?

131. The Final Phase of the 9-11 Cover-Up, September 27, 2007
Six years after the worst terrorist atrocity in U.S. history, not a single victim lawsuit has gone to trial. With only 21 cases remaining, it appears likely that the book may be closed on the 9-11 litigation without a single case ever being heard in court.

132. The 9-11 Cover-Up: Italian Gangsters and Jewish Bosses, October 1, 2007
Rudolph W. Giuliani was the only child of Harold Giuliani, a man who had long-standing ties to organized crime in Brooklyn from the 1930s.

133. Mayor Giuliani, Senator D'Amato & Israeli Intelligence, October 5, 2007
Senator Alfonse M. D'Amato and the former mayor of New York City, Rudolph W. Giuliani, are on the board of an organization tied to Israeli military intelligence and Henry Kissinger: the America-Israel Friendship League (AIFL).

134. Is 9-11 Judge Working for Israel? October 23, 2007
The judge presiding over the 9-11 tort litigation has a very serious conflict of interest: he is a dedicated Zionist with deep and long-standing family ties with the State of Israel.

135. Michael Chertoff's Childhood in Israel, October 26, 2007
A passenger manifest from an Israeli flight in 1955 proves that Michael Chertoff visited Israel as a 3-year-old with his Israeli mother, a member of the Mossad.

136. Ehud Olmert's Secret Visit to New York on Eve of 9-11, December 2, 2007
Ehud Olmert, the current prime minister of Israel, was in New York on the day before 9-11 with supporters of the Israeli terrorist gang of the Irgun (Betar).

137. Top Secret: Ehud Olmert's 9-11 Visit to NYC, December 4, 2007
Ehud Olmert made a secret visit to New York City on September 10, 2001 - the eve of the worst terror attack in U.S. history. What was this visit about and why has it been kept secret?

138. On Enduring Dictators and Darkness, December 5, 2007

9-11 Articles - 2008

139. Voxeo's Ties to 9-11 and the Israeli Military, January 5, 2008
Voxeo, the mysterious telephone-computer messaging company that tallies the Iowa caucus results is tied to the Israeli military and technology stealing companies known to have had prior knowledge of 9-11.

140. Bollyn Responds to Voxeo, January 7, 2008
Jonathan Taylor, CEO of Voxeo, was a founder of IRdg. Taylor's IRdg was acquired by MediaGate, a subsidiary of Elron Electronic Industries, the parent company of Israeli defense electronics company Elbit.

141. Fire Did Not Collapse WTC - Swedish Structural Engineer, January 8, 2008
A European structural engineer writes about the collapses of the World Trade Center.

142. The Key Players of 9-11 - Who is Jerome Hauer? January 20, 2008
Jerome Hauer is among the key individuals suspected of playing crucial roles in setting the stage for Israeli false-flag terror attacks of 9-11.

143. The Zionist Money Behind 9-11, May 13, 2008
One of the most peculiar things about investigating 9-11 is that a whole slew of Zionist criminals, a group of people which is evidently involved in the terror attacks in one way or another, is completely ignored by the controlled media.

144. 9-11: The Florida Connection, May 21, 2008
Florida was the central networking base and staging area for the "false flag" terror attacks of 9-11. Fifteen of the nineteen Arabs allegedly involved in the hijackings, for example, lived and had their base of operations in South Florida.

9-11 Articles - 2009

145. Super-Thermite Found in World Trade Center Dust, April 5, 2009
"The evidence for active, highly energetic thermitic material in the WTC dust is compelling...All these data suggest that the thermitic material found in the WTC dust is a form of nanothermite, not ordinary (macro-) thermite."

146. Super-Thermite Demolished TwinTowers: Game Over for 9-11 Cover-Up, April 15, 2009

147. An Inconvenient Witness: Sonnenfeld on WTC 6, June 24, 2009

148. Who Put Super-Thermite in the TwinTowers? July 20, 2009

Arrest and Prosecution

149. Christopher Bollyn Arrested, August 15, 2006

150. Timeline of Events Surrounding the Police Assault

151. Was Homeland Security Behind Attack on 9-11 Investigative Journalist? August 31, 2006

152. Bollyn's Speech to the Village Board of Hoffman Estates on Martin Luther King Day, January 15, 2007

153. CNN Tries to Smear Bollyn, January 23, 2007

154. Christopher Bollyn Appears in Court, February 1, 2007

155. Bollyn Fires Attorney Jack Smeeton, February 15, 2007

156. The Bollyn Case and Police Torture in Chicago, February 19, 2007

157. Establishing the Facts of the Police Assault: Police log shows suspicious activity, February 26, 2007

158. New Evidence Emerges of Police Conspiracy to Assault & Taser Bollyn, March 6, 2007

159. Bollyn Hires New Lawyer – Prepares For Trial, March 8, 2007

160. Evidence of a Conspiracy to Assault & Taser an Honest 9-11 Researcher, March 28, 2007

161. Bollyn Trial - Video Evidence Destroyed, March 29, 2007

162. Proof of the Conspiracy to Injure Bollyn, March 29, 2007

163. Malice Exposed: Bollyn Prosecuted for "anti-Israel" Views, April 14, 2007

164. Bollyn Trial: The Destruction and Withholding of Evidence, April 24, 2007

165. Prosecution Influenced by ADL, May 22, 2007

166. Professor Steven Jones steps forward to help Christopher Bollyn, May 23, 2007




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