9/11 Scholars Forum

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Some Disturbing Information (some of which may be mistaken) from Nico Haupt

Date: Wed, 25 Nov 2009 10:29:11 -0800 [12:29:11 PM CST]
From: "Nico Haupt"
To: "Nico Haupt" ,
Subject: New Truthling Hero, Utzon son, linked to scandal-ridden, INTERPOL observed, school centre cult "Tvind"

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New Truthling Hero, Utzon son, linked to scandal-ridden, INTERPOL observed, school centre cult "Tvind"


Ex-Bechtel Richard Gage adds Utzon's Architect son (Sydney Opera) into "9/11 Euro-SpacePerp protection list" - http://www.smh.com.au/world...

Ex-Bechtel Richard Gage adds Utzon's Architect son (Sydney Opera) into "9/11 Euro-SpacePerp protection list"
3 minutes ago from Bookmarklet -
http://www.smh.com.au/world... November 25, 2009 "....a lead figure in the self-described ''9/11 truth movement'', an American architect, Richard Gage, has revealed one of its most high-profile adherents to date: Jan Utzon, son of the world-famous designer of the Sydney Opera House, Joern Utzon. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki... In a video posted on YouTube during his current visit to Sydney, Mr Utzon is interviewed by Mr Gage and endorses his call for a new inquiry into the September 11, 2001, attacks...Utzon said he had become interested in exploring theories about the attacks after staying at a Manly hotel whose owner introduced him to some websites. The hotel owner encouraged him to sign Mr Gage's online petition, which he did. However, he had not read any of the official reports and therefore did not regard himself as well informed..." - You from Bookmarklet (edit | delete)
...would be nice to figure, which 'hotel' this was. ---

How 9/11Truthling spooker" -leaders have *direct links* to space satellite defense: http://ff.im/b7i5Q Archbishop Bob Bowman was formerly with General Dynamics, which is also building Directed Energy Weapon Devices; Alex "Scientology" Jones is broadcasting from a Lockheed/now PanAMSAT transponder http://ff.im/332nh; Jim Hoffman's family is directly linked with Neil "Raytheon Apollo Fakery" Armstrong....Neil received, among many other privatized Military- and Intelligence Contractors, NSA - and NRO contracts for his company Veridian [General Dynamics acquired Veridian in 2003. Veridian has historical space defense ties with Cornell Aeronautical Laboratory, Inc., Calspan SRL/Houston Space, ERIM International ....Richard Gage "worked" for Bechtel, which also runs Kwajalein Range Services, LLC, a Lockheed Martin-Bechtel space defense collaboration .... ; see also French Bed Fellows in Re-Arrangement: Lagardere SCA, 9/11 Profiteer Perp EADS and 9/11 Truth "Channel" VIVENDI http://ff.im/bJfFK ; new 9/11 Truthling Parliament Hero Egon Frid -and how his main promoter tabloid, "Aftonbladet" [Schibsted] , is directly linked to Alenia Space http://ff.im/bgqV3 ; plus the THOR satellite-series owned by Telenor are using launch vehicles built by Khrunichev Space Center, which is yet another Thales Alenia link ; more at http://nicohistory.webnode.com/ ; http://tinyurl.com/eurospa... ; TOP 70 Most Interesting 'Power Structure' Companies and Institutions [ewing2001 ; compiled August 2009] http://ff.im/6Y1ZP ; - You (edit | delete)
Utzon website seems to be down and relocating: http://www.linkedin.com/redirec... ; http://www.avalonia.dk/hosteta...

UPDATE: Utzon son linked to scandal-ridden, INTERPOL observed, school centre cult "Tvind": http://www.rickross.com/referen... March 26, 2000 "...Over the past seven years the young Dane, Simon Lichtenberg, has built up a business conglomerate in China...and most recently, a new Jan Utzon-designed furniture factory located outside Shanghai...The factory blueprints were drawn by Jan Utzon, which has a supply contract with Swedish furniture giant IKEA. ...But Lichtenberg has a secret. Behind his successful Danish company we find a holding company based on the Isle of Man, a British tax shelter. And behind that company, we find [ties to]Tvind... Tvind's economic elite is represented in Trayton Holdings Ltd... Jan Utzon had previously done work for Tvind...Effective June of 1997 the Danish parliament removed all government funding for Tvind schools in Denmark..."

+++ "... Tvind is the name of an international school centre in the small town of Ulfborg in Denmark, founded in 1970. It is very controversial, with accusations of tax evasion and fraud, court cases, and questions about how its funds have been used by its leaders, as well as accusations of it being a cult. Some of the senior leaders are wanted by Interpol...The Tvind schools were and still are run by the Teachers Group... the founder of Tvind Mogens Amdi Petersen disappeared from the public eye. Amdi Petersen was not seen until 2003 when he was arrested in the USA for charges of tax evasion presented by the Danish government...As of January 2009 Petersen, Larsen and three senior Tvind members were wanted by Interpol, and their locations unknown...." http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki...


Other 9/11Untruth Perps:

Dr. Niels Harrit, is member of the University of Copenhagen, which law departments broke off from the Faculty of Social Sciences already in 1993, to form a separate Faculty of Law. In January 2007, Harrit's University merged with the Royal Veterinary and Agricultural University and the Danish University of Pharmaceutical Science.
They support biopharmacy products like In vivo Pharmacology for clients like GlaxoSmithKline [SSRI-antidepressants] which recently profitted from the SwineFlu Threataganda, together with their Satellite Contractor Dutch SES Skies http://friendfeed.com/search?q=niels+harrit&from=ewing2001 ; http://friendfeed.com/search?q=glaxo+SES&from=ewing2001

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Comment by Thoth II on November 25, 2009 at 9:15pm
"They support biopharmacy products like In vivo Pharmacology for clients like GlaxoSmithKline [SSRI-antidepressants] which recently profitted from the SwineFlu Threataganda, together with their Satellite Contractor Dutch SES Skies"

threataganda? I think so. Recently TV commercials have been popping up with this H1N1 (or is it N1S1?) what I would contend is an "icon" or flash card to implant in people's pysch. Then subtly they permeate the society's thinking. Very clever use of propaganda, using, TV of course, for one. Since humans seem to respond to these icons, they obviously know what they're doing .

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