Texas 9-11 truth update. February 25, 2010
Jeannon Kralj
Austin, Texas _________________________________
"Should have done better on that"
Dear Ms. Medina,
It is fine if you want to describe yourself as "absolutely not a truther", but it is not fine when you agree with identifying the "9-11 truther movement" as a "despicable paranoid cult" full of people who have a horrible hateful belief in their heads and that that belief is that 9-11 was an inside job.
It is also not fine, not OK at all, that you want to be on record as choosing to condemn "someone" who is walking around with a certain "belief" in their head.
It is not fine and it is not O K that you agree to a description of that belief that some have in their head as the belief that America would do this despicable thing to its own people and that President Bush and the people around him would slaughter our own citizens in order to justify war.
Ms. Medina, you knew Mark Davis had already shown that he was going to do everything he could to get you to condemn the 9-11 truth movement, because he seized upon your interview with Glen Beckfor that purpose. So you knew he probably would make a strong effort to get you on the record as condemning the 9-11 truth movement in your February 18 interview with him.
He predictably set you up and you fell right into his trap. I got the clear impression that you really do feel exactly the way Mr. Davis feels about the thoughts and beliefs of an ever growing segment of the population.
I feel very sad that you do not care about truth and justice for a heinous despicable terrorist act committed against Americans on American soil. We do not know who committed the act but it simply is not possible for the official story to be true. We could prove in a court of law that the 9-11 Commission Report is a pack of lies, and I pray to God the "9-11 truth movement" people are able to obtain truth and justice some day.
It is despicable not to believe in one's heart that 9-11 truth and justice are possible, despicable not to seek 9-11 truth and justice, and despicable not to pray for 9-11 truth and justice.
Shame on you, Ms. Medina.
Ms. Jeannon Kralj
Austin, Texas

--- On Thu, 2/25/10, Archie wrote:
From: Archie Subject: Fw: "Should have done that better" - yep, much better! To: Date: Thursday, February 25, 2010, 8:14 AM
The partial transcript was taken from the audio of the interview of Debra Medina by radio show hose Mark Davis on February 18, 2010. The audio may be found at several places on the web including...
--- On Wed, 2/24/10, Archie wrote:
From: Archie Subject: "Should have done that better" - yep, much better! To: "Randal Mach" <free2handee@yahoo.com> Date: Wednesday, February 24, 2010, 1:36 PM
From Jeannon Kralj, Austin, Texas
February 24, 2010
Partial transcript
Interview of Debra Medina radio show host, Mark Davis*, took place on Thursday, February 18, 2010, at 8:30 a.m. Central Time.
Mark Davis: My assertion is it would have been over by now. It would have been over in a day if after the Beck thing, you would have said “Boy, I’m sorry. I messed up. I should have identified this 9-11 truther movement as the despicable paranoid cult that they are.’ What a horrible hateful belief to have in your head that 9-11 was an inside job. Why didn’t you do that?
Debra Medina: Yeah, I uh… I agree with you Mark. I laughed it off whenever he said that I was a truther because I thought it was so absurd. And I should have just said ‘No, absolutely I’m not a truther. I think it’s abundantly clear I’m not a truther.” Uhm… you know… those, those things happen to us, and we pick up…say…should have done that better – move on, and that’s what we’ve done.
Mark Davis: Then there’s just one other thing’s that’s left cause not being a truther is great. Of course you’re not. Of course you’re not. But sometimes the wisdom is defined by knowing whom to praise and whom to, quite frankly, condemn. Someone walkin around with the belief that America would do this to its own people, that President Bush and the people around him, would slaughter our own citizens in order to justify war is a despicable thing to …
Debra Medina: Agreed.
Mark Davis: And you want to be on record as agreeing with that?
Debra Medina: Agreed. Yeah. I’m …
Mark Davis is heard weekdays from 8:30 to 11 a.m. on WBAP-AM, News/Talk 820, Dallas Texas. His e-mail address is mdavis@wbap.com.
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