FEBRUARY 1, 2010 10:32 AM
Jim Fetzer said...
Part II: Conrado Salas Cano
Conrado Salas Cano begins his post by acknowledging that he has not read the blog! How
irrational is that? Not only would it have taken less than 15 minutes to have read it
through, but his hasty and ill-considered comments obfuscate rather than clarify the key
issues that have been raised in the previous exchange. He goes so far as to assert that
"The burden of proof is not on the claimant, sorry", which he describes as a
"misconception floated as a discrediting, intimidating tactic". What could be less
scientific and objective than to simply take someone's word for it when it comes to
extraordinary claims about physics?
If Hutchison has made discoveries, then he should be able to explain their principles.
Conrado earned a degree in physics from CalTech. He has to know better. This is a
stunning example of placing loyalty before logic. Would he say the same thing about
someone who claimed to have invented a perpetual motion machine? And the situation with
Hutchison is even more disturbing, since he actually offered a video presentation to
support his claims that appears to have been faked. No scientist worthy of the name would
do something like that, thereby raising questions about his integrity as well as his
In defense of the group, Conrado even suggests that I am "an agent paid to silence the
free energy implications of 9/11", which is rather stunning. I am no expert on free
energy or cold fusion, but I have been doing what I can to insure the integrity of
"scientific research" on 9/11. I would bet that no one has been a more persistent and
thoroughgoing critic of the work of Steven Jones in the history of the 9/11 movement.
Just visit 911scholars.org and scroll down to "The Science of 9/11" for some of my
critiques of Jones.
Moreover, I have also been among the most active in the 9/11 movement at promoting the
work of Judy Wood. She became a frequent guest on my various radio programs and, of
course, I featured her during the Madison conference. At a time when no one was taking
her seriously, I did everything I could to make her name a household word. Our
relationship was very strong up to the point where she and Hutchison began to
collaborate, when she took exception to questions like those I have raised about his
research and training. Since then, in spite of several invitations to return to the show,
she has shut me out for raising questions she does not like. To her, I appear to be a
Everyone who has followed the movement knows this. Ask Morgan Reynolds or Jerry Leaphart,
who are among her closest associates. It was an important factor in my split with Steven
Jones and his allies, who, in my opinion, also exhibit many cult-like characteristics.
Their belief in the existence of vast pools of molten metal at Ground Zero, for example,
has all the characteristics of a dogma. In common with Judy Wood, I have offered many
critiques of Steve's work on this ground, most recently in Portland on 11 December 2009,
which was recorded and can be found under the title, "Thinking Critically about
Conspiracy Theories", at
http://jamesfetzer.blogspot.com/2009/12/httpdotsub.html under
the title, "Thinking Critically about Conspiracy Theories". And this is far from the only
time I have carried the heavy water against Steven Jones.
It is certainly true, on the other hand, that I have not attacked Steve Jones for his
alleged efforts to derail cold fusion research, even if I have mentioned it
intermittently as an issue worthy of exploration. What I find rather stunning about
Conrado attacking me on this score is that he has a M.S. from Portland State that he
earned with a thesis on cold fusion! If one of us should be pursuing this issue, surely
it is he, not me. Yet I see no indications of that in his sparse record of publications
and other presentations. So why is he attacking me for something he is better positioned
to pursue but has not done?
FEBRUARY 1, 2010 11:21 AM
Jim Fetzer said...
Part III: Cultish Incoherence
This kind of inconsistency in attacking a perceived critic for an alleged failure of
which you yourself are to a higher degree guilty is another manifestation of cultish
conduct. He and Andrew and others insinuate that I am out to damage the 9/11 movement.
But consider some of Conrado's associations and self-identifications. On his web site,
http://conrado.50gigs.net, for example, he lays out his "favorite links" as a "tribute to
people [he] really likes": "David Icke, of course," he tells us, "must be first and
foremost. Let's cut the bullshit and go to the bottom of what's really going on in this
parcel of reality."
For those who may not know, among David Icke's claims to fame is his book, THE REPTILIAN
AGENDA (2003), which contends that there are lizard people living among us. Just to make
sure I understood Icke's position accurately, I have visited the web site,
http://www.stargods.org/ReptilianAgenda.htm, where his work is discussed in considerable
detail. Here is an important paragraph:
"Reptilians according to Icke are creatures that look like humanoid lizards that can take
human form and rule over us through political leadership. Also under the Reptilians we
have the alien grays that take orders from the Reptilians. What is happening is that the
governments of the world have been infiltrated by, and our working with the aliens. The
major lie is that they are from outer space, but in fact they are from interdimensional
areas on earth known as the spirit world. They control us from the forth dimension and
NOT outer space. This outer space lie is pounded into our brains over and over again
through movies and TV."
Now I am not making this up and I am sure that Conrado would not deny that these are
among his beliefs. Indeed, as if to accent the point, at the bottom of his web page is a
photograph of Queen Elizabeth labeled as "El-lizard-birth". Even then, it might not be
worth mentioning were it not the case that other members of the Wood/Hutchison group
appear to share those beliefs, including Andrew Johnson and even Belinda McKenzie, who
has been extremely generous in her support for 9/11 and other activists by sheltering
them in London. If Conrado, Andrew, and Belinda, all of whom are fervent supporters of
Wood and Hutchison, are followers of David Icke, that rasises the prospect that perhaps
Judy and John believe in lizard people, too. It may be a good idea, if it's true, for
them to tell us.
As though to demonstrate the complete incoherence of Conrado's position, he supports
Michael Shermer as the same time he attacks me, describing Shermer as "the Ironman of
renegade Skepticism". Well, perhaps he knows no more about Shermer than he does about me,
but "the Ironman of renegade skepticism" is a dedicated defender of the official account
of the assassination of JFK and of the theory that 19 Islamic fundamentalists hijacked
four commercial carriers on 9/11, outfoxed the most sophisticated air-defense system in
the world, and committed those atrocities. To learn more about his idol, Conrado might
like to listen to a debate between us on the "Free Beer and Hot Wings Show" (11 September
2007), which is archived on the home page of Scholars for 9/11 Truth at
http://911scholars.org [Round 1 (mp3), Round 2 (mp3)].
FEBRUARY 1, 2010 11:29 AM
Jim Fetzer said...
Part IV: Concluding Reflections
Andrew Johnson has now posted a link to a book that he has authored, 9/11: FINDING THE
TRUTH (2009), according to the blurb for which, “Dr. Judy Wood has pieced together the
physical evidence and Andrew Johnson has highlighted who is working to silence or smear
whom, as the powers that be rush to impede or at least contain the dissemination of these
startling findings”. And those "powers", of course, would be Steven Jones and me! I read
this work--which might well be filed under “fiction” for its fantastic depictions of my
relationship to Judy--around a year ago and characterized it as drivel at the time. But
that is precisely what righteous defenders of the faith will do: crucify the opposition,
regardless of the facts! If anyone wants more proof of the cultish aspects of the Judy
Wood group, then they can find it here—in spades!
Another comment has come from someone who identifies herself as “Mrs. Oz”, whom I infer
is also closely related to Judy. She apparently agrees with Conrado—she writes, “I do not
agree that something that exists needs to ‘prove’ its existence”—ignoring thereby that
scientific claims are not articles of faith but empirically testable hypotheses, which
their advocate, John Hutchison, does not even deign to publish. Since I cannot permit
this blog to turn into a falme war by zealots in defense of a cult, this will be the last
post in this exchange, where I would like to believe that Judy Wood will eventually come
to her senses. From all appearances, however, I infer that her messianic complex will not
allow that to happen and her group, alas, will probably endure as a cult whose scientific
standing will remain open to doubt.
Taken collectively, these comments from Andrew Johnson, John Hutchison, and Conrado Salas
Cano exemplify, in relation to the Wood/Hutchison group, their members' excessively
zealous, unquestioning commitment to the identity and leadership of the group, and even
the exploitative manipulation of members of the group by its leaders. What could possibly
have brought Andrew Johnson and Conrado Salas Cano to post comment on a blog they had
either not read or not understood than directives from Judy Wood or John Hutchison
themselves? They are attacking me as a perceived threat to the group, even though--apart
from raising obvious questions about the scientific standing of Hutchison's alleged
"discoveries"--I have in fact been doing more to advance the cause of 9/11 truth than
have these critics. So when I suggest that this group is a cult, it is because it has the
characteristics of a cult where its members act as though they are one. Q.E.D.
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