9/11 Scholars Forum

Exposing Falsehoods and Revealing Truths

Tuesday on Fair and Balanced: Christopher Bollyn speaks out from exile

Tuesday on Fair and Balanced: Christopher Bollyn speaks out from exile

Kevin Barrett interviews 9/11-truth-seeking journalist-author Christopher Bollyn! http://www.bollyn.com Tuesday, September 1st, 9-10 a.m. Pacific (noon-1 pm Eastern), http://www.noliesradio.org
To be archived for on-demand listening at http://noliesradio.org/archives/category/shows/fair-balanced.

Ever noticed how those of us in the 9/11 truth movement who mention the elephant in the living room -- the evidence of Mossad/Zionist involvement, and more generally Zionist political power in the USA -- get slandered, reviled, set up, threatened, verbally and sometimes physically assaulted, kicked off 911blogger, libeled at Wikipedia, and generally mistreated? (Compare the Wikipedia biographies for me and Christopher Bollyn to those of...well, pick any 9/11 truth advocates who ignore the Israeli connection.) I am acquainted with top-tier 9/11 truth leaders who know perfectly well the Zionists did it, but "won't go there" because, they tell me (in one case at least) they are literally afraid for their lives. Ha! As a Muslim, I know that martyrdom is the quickest way to paradise ; ) So here's my message to the Zionist operatives, including the truth movement infiltrators who have been torturing me for several years now: BRING IT ON. And get a load of this explosive interview I just did with Sander Hicks, who is running it on page one of WeDemandTransparency.com--First question: "Do you believe the holocaust happened?" http://wedemandtransparency.com/barrett.html

It garnered some angry "take me off the list you holocaust denier" messages from people who apparently hadn't actually read the interview, in which I don't deny any of the many holocausts...and also some equally angry messages from people who DO deny that the Nazis killed six million Jews in gas chambers, including one calling me a "Jewish punk" and suggesting to somebody who goes by "jewlessworld@live.com" that he should deal with me...

Anyway...Christopher Bollyn, possibly THE seminal 9/11 truth investigative journalist, writes:

Journalists like me, who challenge the official version with evidence and facts are marginalized as "conspiracy nuts." I have been portrayed as an anti-Semitic writer by the leading media networks simply because I dare to investigate the evidence of Israeli involvement in the terror attacks.

The level of the personal attacks against me increased dramatically in August 2006, when a police assault by three unidentified heavily-armed men resulted in my right elbow being fractured and my being unjustifiably shocked with 50,000 volts from a police device known as a TASER. This outrageous and illegal assault occurred at my home in front of my wife and eight-year-old daughter.

I was taken to jail and subsequently charged by the police with resisting arrest and aggravated assault, both misdemeanor charges. In the Chicago system nearly everyone in such a situation is forced to plead guilty and accept the sentence meted out by the judge. I refused to plead guilty, however, and spent nearly one year trying to defend myself against the baseless charges and malicious prosecution. In early June 2007, I was found guilty of both misdemeanors after a seriously flawed four-day-trial in which the police were allowed to destroy the video evidence and then lied on the stand. My expert witness and evidence were not allowed to be presented by the CookCounty judge, Hyman Riebman, a Zionist Jew. Having seen that there was no way to obtain justice in the corrupt court system, I was compelled to leave Chicago with my family before the date of sentencing. It would have been irresponsible for me to allow this criminal system to cause more harm to me and my family than it already had.

Right on, Christopher! My family and I have also been targeted by the same forces...but we're still here in the belly of the beast, and whatever doesn't kill us makes us stronger. Below is a mini-essay inspired by Robin Hordon.


Hacked by Embedded Zionists?

by Kevin Barrett, www.truthjihad.com

In May 2008 I announced I was running for Congress on a 9/11 truth and "end aid to Israel" platform, and that I was calling for the prosecution of DHS chief Michael Chertoff and the whole Israeli lobby as unregistered agents of a foreign power. And all hell broke loose.

Upon announcing my candidacy, I was banned from my main internet outlet, 911blogger.com, ostensibly because the owner of that website did not like ONE of the hundreds of people I had talked to on the radio. All of my posts at 911blogger were removed, and other users at 911blogger were forbidden to mention me or post news of my candidacy upon pain of expulsion. In eliminating my base of communications, fundraising, and support, Alan Giles, the owner of 911blogger, crippled my candidacy on the day it was announced. Though I had more google news hits than anyone else in the 911 truth movement except David Ray Griffin, and regularly brought 9/11 truth into the mainstream media in rhetorically effective ways, my congressional campaign and I had suddenly been erased from the biggest 9/11 truth news site.

In the weeks following the announcement of my congressional run, a tidal wave of slanderous sewage washed over me and my family, much of it facilitated by Alan Giles and a cabal of operatives at 911blogger: the anonymous attack entities "Arabesque" and "Col. Jenny Sparks," the 9/11 truth sex stalker Brian Good, pugnacious Zionist LIHOPper Jon Gold, Jim Hoffman's wife or CIA/Mossad handler or whatever she is Victoria Ashley, and a half-bright jealous rival radio host named Michael Woolsey...more or less the same clique Webster Tarpley had outed as cointelpro operatives or dupes back in mid-2007.

The 9/11 truth infiltrator-wreckers were joined by professional opinion-managers. Zio-Christian Republican party operative James Wigderston (who once garnered the biggest fine ever levied for illegal campaign activities in Wisconsin) contacted the Libertarian national party and fed them a false story, concocted by Zionist propagandist and stalker Mark Rabinowitz, that I supported "Holocaust deniers" whose names I did not even recognize. (Rabinowitz, whose oeuvre is a single-minded attempt to distance Israel and Zionists from 9/11, began cyber-stalking me immediately after I brought 9/11 truth to national TV by producing David Ray Griffin's C-Span talk at the University of Wisconsin in 2005, then fabricated the "Holocaust denier" libel that is still on my Wikipedia entry.) Then-Libertarian Party national coordinator Sean Haugh, who has since been disgraced and fired, bought the false story without any fact-checking and informed the party and the world that I supported "Holocaust deniers" who were in reality unknown to me.

It got worse from there. Stalked, harassed, threatened, libeled, blacked out by 911blogger, my family subjected to psychological attacks, I began wondering what had hit me. Robin Hordon, the wise veteran activist and major source for David Ray Griffin's analysis of the 9/11 air defense stand-down, provided the explanation:

"Kevin, you are supporting BOTH 911 Truth AND operating outside of AIPAC's-Zionism's controls of US politics. You are a colossal pain in the ass and MAJOR threat to them...because you speak the truth on BOTH counts...9/11 Truth and Zionism's hold on this country.

"So, make no mistake about this...you are being hacked by our embedded Zionists...both in politics...and now it should come as being even MORE obvious to you...by 911blogger.

"Also, just as there are Zionists emasculating the peace movements all across this country, along with many, many other allegedly 'progressive' groups like MoveOn.org, they too are deeply entwined in most 9/11 Truth groups.

"The issues of 9/11 truth-seeking are harder for them to stop because its a 'fact thing'...but guys like you who DARE to step into national politics without being under their control, well now, that's REALLY serious stuff to deal with...and they will hammer you as hard as possible and they do not need the facts...they work with public perceptions. They have the ability to knock folks out of politics if they had too many pimples on their face when they were teenagers...and THAT's the truth here."

* * *

Okay, Robin. I'm starting to understand. And I'm going to keep on telling the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth, so help me God.

Kevin Barrett
Author, Questioning the War on Terror: A Primer for Obama Voters: http://www.questioningthewaronterror.com

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