Exposing Falsehoods and Revealing Truths
One of the most commanding sections of Where Did the Towers Go? is its seventeenth chapter, “The Tesla-Hutchison Effect.” The thoroughness and clarity of that chapter, the immense detail of it, not to mention its close analysis of enormous numbers of pieces of evidence—these characteristics, along with the historical background that the chapter provides, make it the foundation stone for every other part of Where Did the Towers Go?
I won’t duplicate the entire argument of the Tesla-Hutchison chapter, or summarize it, or even try to. The case is there for all who are interested—for everyone—to see. The observable evidence is there, examples both of the curious results achieved by the Canadian experimenter and researcher himself—John Hutchison, for whom the effect is named—and examples of the great number of parallel results that are observable in materials left behind after the destruction of 9/11. Dr. Wood assembles and organizes these examples, and then she guides the reader through descriptive explanations of what her eye saw but that the reader’s eye may have missed: The close detail, for example, of fissured metal, peeled beams, or materials ruptured from the inside.
In Table 15, on page 349, Dr. Wood provides a list of “Characteristics of the Hutchison Effect and the WTC remains.” I won’t re-create the whole list, but, among others, it contains the following:
Slow Bending of Metals, Shredded Metal Structures, Fractured Metal Structures, Peeling appearance, Fusion of Dissimilar Materials, Thinning and Rapid Aging, Lift or Disruption, Toasted-Looking Metal, Circular holes in material, Rounded Holes in Glass, Lather, Fuming, Transmutation, Weird Fires, Melting Without Heat, Metal Luminance Without Heat
For reasons doubtless best known to them, those who have placed themselves in opposition to Dr. Wood’s research and work—and now in some cases in opposition to the unmolested public circulation of Where Did the Towers Go?—have often chosen this segment aspect of her studies as a target for smear and calumniation. John Hutchison, perhaps because he holds no academic affiliation, has been attacked as a quack and showman, although if such were really the case I find it curious why the military both of Canada and the U.S. would have shown such interest in his work as they have or why researchers would have attempted—sometimes successfully—to repeat his experiments.
The suppression of breakthroughs in the exploration and mastery of free energy has a long history, beginning with Nikola Tesla himself, whose transmitting tower in Shoreham, New York, built (1901-1905) with financial support from J. P. Morgan, “was planned to be the first broadcast system, transmitting both signals and power without wires to any point on the globe” (http://www.teslasociety.com/biography.htm). The effort ended poorly. “Because of a dispute between Morgan and Tesla as to the final use of the tower. . . Morgan withdrew his funds. The financier’s classic comment was, ‘If anyone can draw on the power, where do we put the meter?’” (same source)
Near the same time as the construction of Tesla’s Wardenclyffe Laboratory and transmitting tower on Long Island, George Piggott, in his own laboratory, achieved the levitation of small silver balls (Where Did the Towers Go? p. 352), while Edward Leedskalnin, “a Latvian emigrant. . . known for his unusual understanding of the interaction between magnetism and gravity,”
single-handedly built the home he called Coral Castle, in Florida City, cutting and moving limestone pieces weighing up to 35 tons using simple tools and a chain hoist that could not in “real” terms support such a load. (Where Did the Towers Go? .p. 352)
In 1953, another inventor and experimenter, Thomas Townsend Brown (1905-1985), proposed that a consortium of major universities and research institutes join together in what was to be called “Project Winterhaven,” the purpose being to continue “Research on the Control of Gravitation.” “In exploring the ‘electro-gravitic couple,’ Brown had already brought about the levitation of materials in his own experimentation, but he was convinced there was much more to be learned about the process he had begun to control,” a process that he “felt certain. . . would make possible enormous advances not only in communication but also and more notably in propulsion.” In his proposal for the project, he wrote:
It is believed by the sponsors of Project WINTERHAVEN that the technical development of the electrogravitic reaction would usher in a new age of speed and power and of revolutionary new methods of transportation and communication. Theoretical considerations would predict that. . . top limits of speed may be raised far beyond those of jet propulsion or rocket drive, with possibilities eventually of approaching the speed of light in “free space.” The motor which may be forthcoming will be essentially soundless, vibrationless and heatless. (Where Did the Towers Go?, pp. 355-356)
It is impossible for any reader today, especially one who was also alive in 1953, in the time of the newly-accelerating and ever-accelerating corporatizing of America, to be surprised that so promising an exploration of a non-polluting and renewable energy source as Project Winterhaven represented would in fact have come to no fruition, or that Thomas Townsend Brown would have ended his life in relative obscurity.
Oil-for-profit interests ruled and reigned in 1953, just as we all know they still do—providing reason for scientists, writers, and researchers like Dr. Judy Wood and John Hutchison to be maligned, sidelined, and made ignorable by smokescreen, trickery, and deceit. And yet at the same time as the Earth-rapists’ do all they can to kill off public awareness of free energy and to smear and tamp down socially-conscious research into it, there are others who are ever so eager to find out everything they can about it and to carry on secret programs of research into it. Who? Well, the militaries of the world, for one.
And so we have the schizoid situation of seeing, on the one hand, organized calumniation and programs of deceit aimed at figures like Dr. Judy Wood and John Hutchison for exploring the free-energy tradition of Nikola Tesla, while, on the other hand, we have the demonstration, on 9/11, for all the world to see, of just exactly how horrendously destructive weaponized forms of directed free-energy can be.
The inescapable conclusion is that those who are dictators and controllers of the world have galloped ahead in their work of weaponizing free energy while those seeking, in the tradition of Tesla, to explore the benefits of free energy for humanity are ridiculed, silenced, and persecuted.
It is time to bring this piece of writing to an end. It is time for a conclusion. And I conclude that any intelligent, interested, and open-minded reader of Where Did the Towers Go? will come away from the experience of that reading with something of extraordinary value. Another passage from my Foreword:
Those who read Dr. Wood’s book fairly, openly, and thoroughly will take away with them the gift of knowing once and for all what happened on 9/11. They will take away the gift of knowing that they have at last been shown the truth clearly and plainly, no matter how different this truth may be from what they have been told for many years by supposedly higher authorities, from the government itself on through newspapers, journalists, progressive radio programs and commentators, even figures from the “9/11 truth movement.” Dr. Wood’s book will give all those who read it carefully a solid foundation for the courage to believe not what they may have been told by one authority or another on any level and for many years, but to believe instead what their own minds, their own eyes, and their own reason tell them: That is, scientific truth as revealed through close forensic study of all of the evidence that has been left behind. As Dr. Wood says again and again, she arrives at truth through the study of evidence. The truth is not what anyone, no matter who they are, might say it is. To the place where the evidence leads, and to that place alone—that is where the truth is.
Readers of Dr. Wood’s book will see for themselves evidence of levitation (overturned firetrucks and automobiles, testimony from people again and again that they were lifted up, transported thirty feet or sixty feet, then let down again); will see for themselves evidence of the absence of heat on 9/11 (unburned paper; the EMS worker whose coat, sneakers, and hair caught on fire as she ran but who had no injuries beyond bumps and bruises the next morning); evidence of molecular dissociation (automobile engine blocks simply missing); evidence of the alteration, including the liquification, of materials without the heating of materials (writes Dr. Wood: “Things that are hot glow, but not everything that glows is hot”); and evidence again and again that the weight of the WTC buildings never did hit the ground (the reinforced cement “bathtub” that ringed the below-water-level WTC complex remained almost entirely unharmed—and yet after 9/11 the mere rolling over it of heavy machinery endangered the integrity of the cement ring, this while the unimaginable “weight” of all the great towers had not harmed it).
The examples are immense in number and in impact, as readers will find. Again, from my Foreword:
Let us make a list of the things that Dr. Wood proves in Where Did the Towers Go?—proves not just beyond reasonable doubt, but beyond any doubt whatsoever:
1) That the “official” or “government” explanation for the destruction of the World Trade Center on 9/11 is, scientifically, false through and through.
2) That the WTC buildings were not destroyed by heat generated from burning jet fuel or from the conventional “burning” of any other substance or substances.
3) That the WTC buildings were not destroyed by mini-nuclear weaponry.
4) That the WTC buildings were not destroyed by conventional explosives of any kind, be they TNT, C4 or RDX, nor were they destroyed by welding materials such as thermite, thermate, or “nano-thermite.”
5) That there was in fact no high heat at all involved either in bringing about the destruction of the buildings or generated by the destruction of them.
And yet once more:
And now let us turn to what Dr. Wood proves beyond any reasonable doubt.
She proves that the kinds of evidence left behind after the destruction—including “fires” that emit no heat and have no apparent source (“Weird Fires”); glowing steel beams and molten metal, neither of them emitting high heat; the levitation and flipping of extremely heavy objects, including automobiles and other vehicles; patterns of scorching that cannot have been caused by conventional “fire” (“Toasted Cars”); the sudden exploding of objects, people, vehicles, and steel tanks; the near-complete absence of rubble after the towers’ destruction, but instead the presence of entire buildings’-worth of dust, both airborne and heavier-than-air (“Dustification”)—Dr. Wood proves that these and other kinds of evidence cannot have been created by conventional oxygen-fed fire, by conventional explosives, or by nuclear fission. At the same time, however, she shows that all of them are in keeping with the patterns and traits of directed-energy power, of force-fields directed into interference with one another in ways following the scientific logic of Nikola Tesla’s thought and experimentation—and in ways also paralleling the work of contemporary Canadian scientist and experimenter John Hutchison, who, following Tesla’s lead, has for many years produced again and again and again “the Hutchison effect,” creating results that include weird fires (having no apparent fuel); the bending, splintering, or fissuring of bars and rods of heavy metal; the coring-out, from inside, of thick metal rods; and the repeated levitation of objects.
There are important things that I haven’t mentioned—the presence and bizarre behavior of Hurricane Erin offshore in the Atlantic Ocean in the days preceding 9/11 and on the day itself (why didn’t news and weather reports so much as mention the presence of this massive, Category 3 hurricane just offshore?); the recording of thunder at all three of the major NYC airports on 9/11, a clear-blue-skied day of “perfect” weather; the presence of an enormous high-pressure cell approaching the New York City area from the west; the dramatic fluctuations in the earth’s magnetic field at key moments in the destruction of the WTC buildings, as recorded by six Alaskan magnetometer data sites.
Dr. Wood’s book is of an almost indescribable importance. Her research has been denigrated and accused as incomplete, and now her book is being denigrated and accused as incomplete, for failure to identify (and, as Dr. Wood says, “give the serial number of”) the precise, specific, exact “weapon” that was used on 9/11 “as well as the social security numbers of all who were involved.” But as Dr. Wood writes,
Empirical evidence is the truth that theory must mimic. I have repeated this statement several times in this book because its importance cannot be over emphasized. In today’s culture of over simplification and standardized multiple-choice testing, many have an impulse to name a known technology (e.g. thermite, TNT, RDX, nukes, progressive collapse, HAARP, scalar weapons, torsion physics, Nazi Bell, etc.) instead of looking at the evidence that the use of one technology or another has left behind. …
Some people feel they are being more scientific when they use the name of a known technology to describe unknown phenomena, but the opposite is true. Such an approach omits evidence that does not fit any known technology. For some people, the term “HAARP” or the term “scalar weapons” or the term “Nazi Bell” is used as a catch-all weapon that can be blamed for whatever evidence needs to be explained, like the ultimate “boogieman,” and without their even knowing what these weapons can do. Furthermore, if the full capabilities are classified information, they would not be publicly known. And a weapon that could produce all of the effects we saw on 9/11 would certainly not be in the public domain, no matter whose weapon it was. For these reasons, I have tried to focus on the phenomena, not on a trendy name of a particular technology. The evidence must come before the theory. It is understanding what the technology can do that matters, not the name of it. For these reasons, I have resisted the impulse to name a known technology and instead have focused on the physical evidence. There will likely be those who will not be as successful in resisting the impulse to put a name of a known technology on the producer of this evidence. This naming, however, will only serve to pull a veil of mystery over it.
Clearly, we have been lied to for an entire decade in regard to the truth of 9/11. Just as clearly, the “9/11 truth movement” has revealed itself to be as much a part of the cover-up as it is of anything else. At the same time, knowing what really did happen on 9/11 is the only way—is the essential first step—toward any significant taking of positions or any significant political action.
9/11 was an enormity—an event greater in its importance and in the vastness of its result than was the sinking of the Maine, than were the manipulations that brought about Pearl Harbor, or than were the falsifications that led to the Tonkin Bay Resolution. 9/11 was the faked “attack” that “justified” the “Global War on Terror,” that “justified” the demonization of Islam, that “justified” war in Afghanistan, Pakistan, Iraq, Somalia, and elsewhere, and that “justified” the reduction of the United States from a free republic into a police state, albeit, perhaps, not yet an entirely realized one.
I wrote that “Where Did the Towers Go? is a work, assuming that its content and message are properly and fairly heeded, that offers a starting point from which those who genuinely want to do it can begin, first, to rein in and then, perhaps, even end the wanton criminality and destructiveness of a set of American policies that took as their justification and starting point the horrific events of September 11, 2001.”
In our world, science and politics may be inextricable from one another. Dr. Judy Wood has shown us, scientifically, the full extent and the obscene measure of the enormous lie that was 9/11. It is now up to all of us to study the lesson she has offered us, since without having learned that lesson, it will not be possible to know how to take the next steps toward the freeing of humanity from the half-visible tyranny that now marches it toward its destruction.
Emeritus professor at John Jay College of Criminal Justice, CUNY, Eric Larsen is founding Publisher and Editor of The Oliver Arts & Open Press. His most recent book is The Skull of Yorick: The Emptiness of American Thinking at a Time o...
[1] “Consider where we’ve come. Torture is legal. The stripping of habeas corpus is legal, not just for outlanders but for citizens. With the Bushiscti’s change of the Insurrection Act, and with that change’s attendant weakening of Posse Comitatus—Treblinka would now be legal in America. Treblinka is now legal in America.” From my book, The Skull of Yorick, chapter 4, “The Aftermath of the Great Crime of 9/11: America Aids in the Staging of its Own Murder,” page 24 (from The Oliver Arts & Open Press).
Views: 132
"The Tesla-Hutchison Effect" oh my goodness this must be some type of logical fallacy of associating Hutch's name (who I think is a fraud) with a true electrical engineering genius Tesla. How come standard books on electromagnetism don't recognize the Hutch effect?
"There are important things that I haven’t mentioned—the presence and bizarre behavior of Hurricane Erin offshore in the Atlantic Ocean in the days preceding 9/11 and on the day itself (why didn’t news and weather reports so much as mention the presence of this massive, Category 3 hurricane just offshore?); the recording of thunder at all three of the major NYC airports on 9/11, a clear-blue-skied day of “perfect” weather; the presence of an enormous high-pressure cell approaching the New York City area from the west; the dramatic fluctuations in the earth’s magnetic field at key moments in the destruction of the WTC buildings, as recorded by six Alaskan magnetometer data sites."
sounds like junk science to me.
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