9/11 Scholars Forum

Exposing Falsehoods and Revealing Truths

Thanks for the welcome Mr. White.... Are you the one who approved my membership?


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Comment by Danny White on November 24, 2015 at 11:45pm

Hi Emile. You sound like a free thinker with your head in the right place.  I guess maybe I'm almost a minimalist.

I didn't know it had a name. I just call it being broke all the time.  I like your homemade spectacles and your Cole

mechanism.  You are very creative.  Before I get into any of my physics ideas I would like to say I agree with

what you said about WTC7 being a CIA job. How can it be anything else?  The reason many of us believe

nukes were used is because the dust samples collected around the WTC site by the USGS and others  are

full of radionuclides which could only have been produced by nukes.  There is also the probability that thermite

cutter charges and more traditional explosives were used.  The fact that our own Government nuked our own

people is probably against the law.  Well over 1,000 first responders and cleanup workers have died from radiation induced cancers of all kinds.  It was made illegal to carry a geiger counter around ground zero.

The other main fact of 9/11 is that a hollow aluminum beercan can't effortlessly slide through a steel and concrete building at any speed.  Therefore all of the silly plane cartoons are a sick joke on the American people. Once you understand these two fairly simple ideas the rest of the fraud becomes easier to swallow.

9/11 was nothing less than terrorism against the American people to justify the Patriot Act and start another

endless war against a make believe enemy.

As for my physics idea:  My first epiphany was the realization that the image of a fruit tree in the backyard

had to travel in time across the yard at the speed of light.  Therefore I was actually looking at it back in time.

I started playing with a couple of coins and figured out if you turn one coin one way the other coin turns the

opposite direction.  Two year old stuff, right.  I saw right away how the pixels from the tree traveled across the

yard all stuck together in time.  I understood that looking out in to space was looking back in time because of

the finite speed of light. The farther off something is, the farther back in time you are seeing it.  Well I went on

for a few years trying to explain to a few people in bars and such how the images from the beer signs and TV

pictures propagate across the room. It seemed so obvious to me. You can imagine the looks I got.  A few years later I was talking with a fellow TV engineer at his apartment after refreshments, and the talk turned to gravity.

He had a much better education than I did in math and physics. He set me straight on what gravity really means.  If you take two grains of sand in theoretical empty space away from all other outside influence, turn

loose of them theoretically without imparting any momentum to either, move away out of the universe say,

and wait.  The mass of the two pieces of sand will attract each other until they stick together.  The mass of

the sand is equivalent to energy (E=M). All energy attracts all other energy.  To describe how the images

propagate I converted the coin idea into a cubic lattice ball structure which can explain how all of the images

can go back and forth without interfering with each other.  This friend of mine and I cussed and discussed gravity while I doodled on paper drawing circles with arrows and things.  This would be the second epiphany.

Draw four circles on a piece of paper about an inch apart and draw curved arrows to show the direction of

rotation. Remember if one coin goes one way the next one turns opposite.  Adjacent balls attract. Opposite

corners repel.  Energy attracts all energy (gravity) and the opposite corners repel (antigravity). To be continued.

Comment by Emile Cole on November 24, 2015 at 6:19pm

Hello Danny....


Danny wrote - Emile: No, I am not an academic by any means. I am a retired senior electronic tech / TV broadcast engineer.


Emile wrote - Sounds interesting.

Danny wrote - I do have a large collection of physics, math, and medical books I used to read before the internet came along.


Emile wrote - I used to do that too. I didn't actually collect any books though, just haunted various libraries at the University of Washington on and off for eight or nine years.


Danny wrote - I am basically mathematically illiterate, but try to make up for it with logic and critical thinking.


Emile wrote - Right, same here, but though mathematics is an important tool.... it's not the only one.

Danny wrote - I learned basic electronics in the Air Force, studied on my own, and eventually got a 1st class FCC license (back when the FCC meant something).


Emile wrote - So you're a largely self educated and self taught telecomunications expert.... pretty impressive.


Danny wrote - I have a theory I think might explain how physics works without resorting to a bunch of strange looking gobbledegoop normal mortals can't begin to understand.


Emile wrote - Physics, empirical physics anyway, is easy enough to understand, but right, when they start getting into the mile long equations and endlessly go on and on about things like the Big Bang, String Theory or what's going on inside a Black Hole, things which can never be proven or empirically verified.... that's when my eyes just glaze over. I'd like to read more about your approach though if you get a chance to elaborate or have a link to post.


Danny wrote - Einstein was a charismatic looking highly educated Zionist free thinker who completely missed the boat when it came to gravity and the theory of everything. Don't get me wrong, I have great respect for Dr Einstein and anyone who can achieve a PHD in physics.


Emile wrote - Agreed about the PhD (well, until recently) but there's often a price to be paid. Large blocks of time spent aquiring a deep knowledge of a particular narrow area of research sometimes comes at the expense of a broad general knowledge of things. For example.... I remember someone once conducted an experiment on the University of Washington campus. A hundred or so graduate students from a variety of fields were given a flashlight bulb, a battery and a single piece of wire and tasked with getting the bulb to light.... as I recall only about eight or nine percent (physics and engineering students) were actually able to figure it out. I'm thinking a good example of how that sort of thing can become a problem intellectually is well illustrated by remarks Dr. Ben Carson made some years back. For all his genius as a brain surgeon, he actually believed (as recently as 15 years ago) that the Biblical Joseph built the Great Pyramid at Giza for grain storage.... Hah! Very difficult to reconcile that kind of horendous grade school level blunder with his being a groundbreaking genius brain surgeon.... I think I'm going to stick with broad general knowledgability thing.


Comment by Emile Cole on November 24, 2015 at 6:18pm



Danny wrote - To me medicine is easy compared to the math of modern day mixed up theoretical physics. Dr Chris Busby was the first to mention a man named Dayton Miller who performed the experiments done by Michelson and Morley, and proved there is an aether. Dayton Miller used a more sensitive instrument and did thousands of measurements compared to a few hundred by Michelson-Morley. I think the latest theory of everything is string theory. I call mine my "ball theory".


Emile wrote - I looked into that (just briefly), interesting though. Feel free to elaborate if you wish.


Danny wrote - Unfortunately my way of doing theoretical physics doesn't pay too good. ha.


Emile wrote - Hah!

Danny wrote - I am interested in hearing your background Emile. We all bring different ideas to the table. .... thanks ... Danny


Emile wrote - Well, I say I'm a Druid because I seem to fit the general profile. No white hooded robes or solemn midnight rituals at Stonehenge or anything like that, really more just a general philosophical allignment with some (albeit fragmentary) descriptions of them by various ancient chroniclers of history.... I'm self educated, never performed military service, never paid taxes (all legal, as a lifelong minimalist my income simply never rose to a level where I had to), sincere reverence for nature, Pythagorean leanings, that sort of thing.


My mom is a painter and I was a Sign Maker back in the day before computers took over.... design, silk screening, hand lettering on windows, walls, vehicles, gold leaf, etc. and I used to draw a bit. Here's one from a little over 35 years ago. "The Temple".... A Pen and Ink drawing done with a Rapidograph drafting pen that draws a line about the width of a human hair. About 20x24 inches. All freehand (no measurements, ruler or preliminary sketch), loosely modeled on a ruined Roman style temple in Turkey I once saw a picture of. The technique is stippling (dots). It took about three or four hundred hours....




....and I used to like to tinker a bit too. Here's my "Exploratory Research Mechanism".A uniquely balanced mechanical arrangement, its motion is pendulous.... but unlike a simple pendulum which has two possible positions of equilibrium (stable when down and un-stable when up), this pendulum actually has four possible positions of equilibrium.... two un-stable positions alligned with the force of gravity (up or down vertically).... and two stable positions perpendicular to the force of gravity (positioned to either side horizontally)....




More on the mechanism here....




....I even made my own prescription eyeglass frames with customized lenses....




So anyway, that's me, in a nutshell.... thanks for asking.

Comment by Emile Cole on November 22, 2015 at 6:02pm

Hello Shallel....


Shallel wrote - Great to hear about you! Interesting that you mention being a Druid....


Emile wrote - Thanks, it's just a philosophy really.


Shallel wrote - I have often thought in my study of the Twins demise, that this was something alchemical. Steel turning to dust would require unfathomable amounts of high explosives or some kind of nuke.


Emile wrote - Well, in the case of WTC7 anyway we may not know exactly what did it but we do know for a fact (via empirical analysis) that it was done. In other words..... though the composition and placement of the energetic materials employed may be debated, the empirically verifiable fact that they were indeed composed and placed can not.... that's what counts.


Shallel wrote - As for WTC7, you are certainly correct that it had to be prepared before hand and that with that list of tenants, (including Tennet's CIA) they had to be in on the planning. Procuring convictions against these Deep Government Officials is made impossible since they will just claim "National Security Secrets" and walk away.


Emile wrote - Right, they're literally above the Law. Without going into all the various false flags over the last century alone both here and abroad it's clear this sort of thing has been going on for a great many years now (Operation Gladio, Northwoods, etc.). The realization of it is really like a punch in the gut. It's as though I went to sleep one night in the United States of America and woke up the next morning in Nazi Germany! The implications are staggering.


Shallel wrote - I feel the best shot for justice would be to go after the MSM corporations who were obviously also in on the hoax with their damning data and laughable cartoon physics, and obvious actors. The fake plane videos are in the public domain already so they cannot claim secrecy. I have certain people in mind as to who to indict first.


Emile wrote - Well, I focus on WTC7 exclusively because it so clearly points to literally the only ones on the planet that could possibly have done it. It's prima facie. I can't say I completely understand how you've arrived at that conclusion but I am curious though.... Who are these certain people in the MSM that you would indict? What would the charges be? My thinking is that even if elements of the MSM could be indicted, the trail would only lead back to the Depatment of Defense and the Central Intelligence Agency, which in turn would simply claim "National Security Secrets" and walk away, disavowing any responsibility for the actions of the MSM and moving forward with their plans as if nothing happened.... all you'd really end up with at best is some scumbag corporate scapegoats behind bars, it would not end or even slow down the "operation". They really do have it all sewn up.



Comment by Emile Cole on November 22, 2015 at 5:54pm



Shallel wrote - Getting back to WTC7, here is some of what I've found out about tall building demolition:

1. Before 9/11 the tallest building imploded was "Wilson Mendes Caldeira Building" which was 32 stories.

2. The tallest implosion since 9/11 was The Stardust Las Vegas which was also 32 stories.

3. All taller buildings have been manually demolished. (Excluding WTC7) The 39 story Deutsche Bank Building was manually demolished, after repairs had begun and a fire broke out. It was taken down by 2011.

4. The Military doesn't have experience in imploding tall buildings, they just blow shit up. Private Demolition companies are the ones with the expertise in implosion, tho they may have association with the military.

5. WTC7 did resemble an implosion, with charges being heard, and reports of a countdown.. It was certainly precise, with none of the debris crossing adjacent streets.

6. The top of the building was in free-fall for 2.5 seconds, this acceleration is not consistent with implosion, as some of the acceleration is converted to force to break up the building.

I have often pondered the thought that they had excavated a space under the building for part of it to drop into, given its straight downward trajectory - like a peg into a hole.


Emile wrote - Interesting. As far as number 4 goes, right, I'll rephrase.... they were the only tenants who could possibly have defeated the security system of the building in such a way that would have allowed assets in with the required expertise. For example.... we know Larry Silverstein didn't do it because even if he had assets with the required experise he could never have defeated the security system of the building in order to deploy them without the Department of Defense or Central Intelligence Agency being aware of it. The same line of reasoning literally applies to the rest of the planet as well.... there is no group or individual, no foreign terrorist organization or government, that could have defeated the security system of that building in order to arrange for it's destruction. As far as number 6 goes, well, that may be true in conventional controlled demolitions but this was obviously not a coventional demolition. Clearly enough energetic material was used in this case (WTC7) to quickly remove all support from beneath the upper part of the building (either all at once or incrementally in advance of its descent) allowing it to literally fall as a single unit at gravitational acceleration for 105 feet in 2.25 seconds under the exceptionless condition required for gravitational acceleration to occur while still managing to implosively confine the debris pile to an area not much greater than the buildings original footprint.... that's what happened.



Comment by Emile Cole on November 22, 2015 at 5:49pm



Shallel wrote - WTC7 is a great area of study, and you have framed the argument in a way I can find no fault in.


Emile wrote - For me it's really the only area of study as it not only clearly indicates via prima facie empirically verifiable analysis that the building (WTC7) literally had to have been brought down by the intentional introduction of energetic materials, and at the same time, by virtue of the buildings function and high level of security also conclusively establishes beyond any reasonable doubt, even if one ignores the Towers, Shanksville, the Pentagon and all the rest, that the Department of Defense and the Central Intelligence Agency intentionally blew up a skyscraper in Manhatten on 9/11 and lied about it.... I guess that's all I really need to know so that's where it ends for me.


Shallel wrote - I do not agree that that renders the rest of the events of that day irrelevant, and found that I was saying the same thing about the planes!


Right, perhaps irrelevant was a bit much, but it (WTC7) certainly renders the rest of the events that day as academic considerations in that once one element of a crime is conclusively solved and the perpetrators have been clearly exposed, any other remaining unsolved elements simply fall into place.... case closed.


Shallel wrote - While impossible plane behavior and badly faked video are in my opinion the most likely to lead to some long overdue convictions, there are many important areas of investigation...


Emile wrote - Understood but.... Why? Indictments of who? Convictions for what?


Shallel wrote - Looking forward to more discussion,

Shallel, MUS (Master of Understatment) Lol!


Emile wrote - Hah! I think MoU has a more professional look to it, kind of like PhD.

Comment by Shallel Octavia on November 22, 2015 at 12:37pm

Hi Emile - 

Great to hear about you! Interesting that you mention being a Druid, while my good friend Danny mentions the aether. I have often thought in my study of the Twins demise, that this was something alchemical. Steel turning to dust would require unfathomable amounts of high explosives or some kind of nuke. I don't see the heat signature of either. Since I have no military clearance, I cannot know what the breakaway civilization has in their arsenal. Jim is pretty certain it was nuclear. I cannot honestly say.

As for WTC7, you are certainly correct that it had to be prepared before hand and that with that list of tenants, (including Tennet's CIA) they had to be in on the planning. Procuring convictions against these Deep Government Officials is made impossible since they will just claim "National Security Secrets" and walk away.

I feel the best shot for justice would be to go after the MSM corporations who were obviously also in on the hoax with their damning data and laughable cartoon physics, and obvious actors. The fake plane videos are in the public domain already so they cannot claim secrecy. I have certain people in mind as to who to indict first.

Getting back to WTC7, here is some of what I've found out about tall building demolition: 

1. Before 9/11 the tallest building imploded was "Wilson Mendes Caldeira Building" which was 32 stories.

2. The tallest implosion since 9/11 was The Stardust Las Vegas which was also 32 stories.

3. All taller buildings have been manually demolished. (Excluding WTC7) The 39 story Deutsche Bank Building               was manually demolished, after repairs had begun and a fire broke out. It was taken down by 2011.

4. The Military doesn't have experience in imploding tall buildings, they just blow shit up. Private Demolition companies are the ones with the expertise in implosion, tho they may have association with the military.

5. WTC7 did resemble an implosion, with charges being heard, and reports of a countdown.. It was certainly precise, with none of the debris crossing adjacent streets. 

6. The top of the building was in free-fall for 2.5 seconds, this acceleration is not consistent with implosion, as some of the acceleration is converted to force to break up the building.

I have often pondered the thought that they had excavated a space under the building for part of it to drop into, given its straight downward trajectory - like a peg into a hole.

Sensitive data and files stored in that building were obviously targeted for destruction. 

WTC7 is a great area of study, and you have framed the argument in a way I can find no fault in.

I do not agree that that renders the rest of the events of that day irrelevant, and found that I was saying the same thing about the planes! While impossible plane behavior and badly faked video are in my opinion the most likely to lead to some long overdue convictions, there are many important areas of investigation...

Looking forward to more discussion,

Shallel, MUS (Master of Understatment) Lol!

Comment by Emile Cole on November 22, 2015 at 4:44am

Hello Shallel.... nice to meet you.


Shallel wrote - I am an Electrical Engineer, and have studied the story of 9/11 since that day.


Emile wrote - Wow, almost 15 years.... that's a lot of studying! I'm just an old eighth grade dropout, more of a newcomer to all of this really, having only gotten my first computer about five years ago at the age of 52. I really didn't begin to look into the matter seriously though until a couple of years ago.


Shallel wrote - I cannot honestly say I understand how they were reduced to powder....


Emile wrote - Really? After almost 15 years of research? I can, even after only a cursory examination.... perhaps you've been digging in the wrong place. I don't know about the planes, the phone calls, the Pentagon, Shanksville, timelines or any of the rest but.... I can honestly say I do know for a fact (in the empirical sense of the word) that WTC7 was brought down by the use of energetic materials of some sort having been physically transported inside the building some time prior to it's destruction and I can also honestly say that I know for a fact (in the legal sense of the word) by the list of tenants and the high security surrounding the building at the time and for many years prior that the Department of Defense and the Central Intelligence Agency (headed at the time by general Richard Meyers and George Tenet respectively) are literally the only entities on the planet that could possibly have planned and carried out a covert domestic operation of that magnitude in that building essentially rendering the rest of the events that day (including any observed improbable low altitude flight speeds exceeding any particular aircrafts flight envelope) academic or even entirely irrelevant.


Shallel wrote - The B767-200 is not allowed to exceed 250 KIAS below 10,000 feet. This is do to the stress on the airframe from the denser air that can compromise the airframe. So the official narrative that 767s exceeded 400 knots at sea level stops being believable at that point. (See as an example Egypt Air 990, a 767 that broke apart due to overspeed at 22,000 feet.)


Emile wrote - Right, as I hinted at above though the problem  I see with that line of research (not to be hypercritical) is that just like all the other inconclusive minutial lines of research into this matter involving all sorts of questionable aspects of the whole thing currently flooding the internet though it may conceivably become useful at some point in the course of an unfolding criminal investigation it doesn't actually clear the bar or really even get off the ground when it comes to arriving at the kind of empirically verifiable determination of fact that could be used to effect an actual arrest.... the destruction of WTC7 can and does convincingly do all that (though obviously after so many years now it seems very unlikely anything like that will ever occur).


Shallel wrote - I am interested in what you have found in your reflections on this event, and hearing more about you.


Emile wrote - Thanks for asking.... I'm an old agnostic Druid, lifelong minimalist and occasional dabbler in the arts, sciences and philosophy.


Shallel wrote - We have many grave problems facing us, and with the dumbing down of our populace by the Military-Industrial-Media Complex, we are sorely short on solutions.


Emile wrote - Hah! To your electrical engineering degree you may now feel free to add a masters degree in understatement.


Shallel wrote - I see the accumulation of 300,000 tons of nuclear waste, with no viable plan to keep it out of our environment, as our most immediate challenge....


Emile wrote - Right.... happy to be 57 with no children.

Comment by Shallel Octavia on November 21, 2015 at 3:51pm

Greetings Emile, welcome to Scholars Forum! I am Shallel. I am moderating the site for its founder, James Fetzer, who stops in occasionally, but is a very busy guy. I am an Electrical Engineer, and have studied the story of 9/11 since that day. As a native NY'er, I watched the Twins being built. To say these were robust structures would not do their engineers justice. I cannot honestly say I understand how they were reduced to powder, but since my father was an aviator, I have a good grasp of basic aerodynamics.

The B767-200 is not allowed to exceed 250 KIAS below 10,000 feet. This is do to the stress on the airframe from the denser air that can compromise the airframe. So the official narrative that 767s exceeded 400 knots at sea level stops being believable at that point. (See as an example Egypt Air 990, a 767 that broke apart due to overspeed at 22,000 feet.)

I am interested in what you have found in your reflections on this event, and hearing more about you. We have a few members who have persevered in "Exposing Falsehoods and Revealing Truths". There is much, varied and interesting information and a bit of entertaining material for you to check out if you haven't already.

We have many grave problems facing us, and with the dumbing down of our populace by the Military-Industrial-Media Complex, we are sorely short on solutions. 

I see the accumulation of 300,000 tons of nuclear waste, with no viable plan to keep it out of our environment, as our most immediate challenge for the continued existence of 9 million known species on Earth.

Blessings, Shallel

Comment by Danny White on November 21, 2015 at 6:14am

Hi Emile.  Shallel controls the membership and approves videos to be posted.  I'm not sure where he is right now.

I'm just a member and try to check in every few days when I find something useful to post.  Things have been a little slow lately for some reason. We always welcome new information and ideas as to where we go from here. We have pretty much figured out how the operation was pulled off and the perpetrators involved, but pulling the

American people's heads out of their butts is a much harder problem. The conspiracy is huge and has been

going on for years. We had a coupe d'e-tat when they murdered President Kennedy and  were taken over by

the CIA, Zionist neocons in the state department, and Israel who all conspired to pull off 9/11.  All of the so-called news media is controlled by a few Zionist pigs and infiltrated by the CIA. The American people are being fed propaganda and lies, and most are more interested in sports and stupid movies than safeguarding their future freedom.  I'll shut up for now before I get started. ha  ... Shallel should show up soon I imagine,

but if I can answer any questions please ask.  ... Danny

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