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Monday, 25 Jun 2012 10:22 AM

Supreme Court Splits on Arizona Immigration Law

The U.S. Supreme Court upheld a key part of Arizona's crackdown on illegal immigrants on Monday, rejecting the Obama administration's stance that only the U.S. government should enforce immigration laws in the United States.

The nation's highest court, in an opinion by Justice Anthony Kennedy, unanimously upheld the state law's most controversial aspect, requiring police officers to check the immigration status of people they stop.

But in a split decision, the justices also ruled that the three other challenged provisions went too far in intruding on federal law, including one that makes it a crime for illegal immigrants to work and another that requires them to carry their documents.

"Arizona may have understandable frustrations with the problems caused by illegal immigration ... but the state may not pursue policies that undermine federal law," Justice Kennedy wrote in a 25-page opinion.

Kennedy said the mandatory nature of police checks did not interfere with the federal immigration scheme, and found unpersuasive the Obama administration's argument that this portion of the law must be preempted at this stage.

He said it was improper to block that provision before state courts had an opportunity to review it, and without some showing that its enforcement conflicted with federal immigration law. Kennedy also left open the possibility for future constitutional or other challenges to the law once it goes into effect.

Arizona Gov. Jan Brewer hailed the decision as a victory for supporters of tough immigration enforcement.

“Today’s decision by the U.S. Supreme Court is a victory for the rule of law. It is also a victory for the 10th Amendment and all Americans who believe in the inherent right and responsibility of states to defend their citizens," Brewer said in written statement. "After more than two years of legal challenges, the heart of SB 1070 can now be implemented in accordance with the U.S. Constitution." SB 1070 is the official name of the Arizona law.

“While we are grateful for this legal victory, today is an opportunity to reflect on our journey and focus upon the true task ahead: the implementation and enforcement of this law in an even-handed manner that lives up to our highest ideals as American citizens. I know the State of Arizona and its law enforcement officers are up to the task. The case for SB 1070 has always been about our support for the rule of law. That means every law, including those against both illegal immigration and racial profiling. Law enforcement will be held accountable should this statute be misused in a fashion that violates an individual’s civil rights."

U.S. Senators John McCain and Jon Kyl, both of Arizona, also applauded the ruling.

“While we still want to fully review the Supreme Court’s decision, today’s ruling appears to validate a key component of Arizona’s immigration law, SB 1070," read a statement released by the two senators. "The Arizona law was born out of the state’s frustration with the burdens that illegal immigration and continued drug smuggling impose on its schools, hospitals, criminal justice system and fragile desert environment, and an administration that chooses to set enforcement policies based on a political agenda, not the laws as written by Congress. We will continue our efforts on behalf of the citizens of Arizona to secure our southern border. We believe Arizonans are better served when state and federal officials work as partners to protect our citizens rather than as litigants in a courtroom.”

The decision in part was an election-year setback for President Barack Obama. It went to the heart of a fierce national debate between Democrats and Republicans over the 11.5 million illegal immigrants the U.S. government estimates to be in the country.

Obama has vowed to push for comprehensive immigration legislation if re-elected on November 6. Opinion polls show Hispanics, now equal to 16 percent of all Americans, overwhelmingly support Obama.

Republican presidential challenger Mitt Romney opposed the administration's challenge to the law.

Arizona, on the southwest border with Mexico, two years ago became the first of half a dozen U.S. states to adopt laws to drive illegal immigrants out. The high court's ruling cleared the way for other states to adopt similar laws.

About 360,000 of the country's illegal immigrants, or 3 percent, reside in Arizona. Most of the state's nearly 2 million Latinos are in the United States legally.

Obama this month announced an important change in federal immigration policy ahead of the election contest with Romney, who has taken a tough stance against illegal immigration.

Hundreds of thousands of illegal immigrants who were brought into the United States as children could be able to avoid deportation and get work permits under the policy change announced by Obama. Most illegal immigrants in the United States are Hispanics.

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I sent the State of Arizona slam back to the US Department of Justice up to the International Criminal Court (ICC)  in the Hague when I opened my case. Evidence letter here:


The day that the Supreme Court made the Arizona ruling, I got another letter from the ICC putting the case on hold. I had to email them back and say WHOA, are you sure about that? Then Obama starting pulling his tricks......

I'm a big fan of the Roman Statue under the ICC vs American law due to people like Obama, Eric Holder, "Congress," etc......

Obama loves illegal aliens and terrorists. I have a letter in the website below from the U.S. Secret Service. I thought it was strange that White House Counsel didn't give me a ring, based on the letter. Therefore, I called them back for further investigation! 

I know the USSS protects the President, but can they arrest him if he is corrupt? If not I have other people for this, if I can get an attorney to take the case......

Obama has me on the murder weapon, even though I passed the USSS background check and toured the White House when he was in it. Seriously. That's the story. He's quite a asshole that Obama. 


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