9/11 Scholars Forum

Exposing Falsehoods and Revealing Truths

"The Thermite Gang", the Mormon Connection, the ClearChannel Connection

Just some random mental associations I am making about the 9-11 truth movement and current state of our nation. 


I was thinking back to my original posting on this forum where actually Dr. Fetzer posted a transcript I did of Debra Medina, former Texas gubernatorial candidate, on a Clear Channel (Romeny Bain Capital owned) Fort Worth TX, radio station, denyimg that she ever entertained ideas of 9-11 truth from her supporters. 



I just see that mormon Dr. Steven Jones, as the orginal "thermite gang:" leader, was very much a part of the Romney Clear Channel gang.  Also, many of Alex Jones Infowars broadcasts are syndicated on Clear Channel stations and that is why, I think, Alex Jones so carefully adhered to the thermite gang's message for so many years.  It is all connected with the media outlets for his show and his sponsors.



Remember what Dr. Morgan Reynolds wrote to describe them


Date: Wed, 28 Oct 2009 11:21:47 -0500 [11:21:47 AM CDT]
From: "Morgan Reynolds"


""I am widely accused of discrediting the 9/11 truth movement but it is Gage/Jones/and the rest of their gang that does so. There is no substantive case for thermite or its variants playing a significant role in turning the WTC (mostly) to fine dust. Theirs is a distraction, a limited hangout, a fall back story for the perps who, once the 9/11official version I fairy tale lies in ruins, trot out version II: muslim terrorists used internally-placed explosives to bring down the WTC—ridiculous version II. ""





 want everyone to remember that for many years, from approximately late 2004 through early 2010, Dr. Jones and the thermite gang TOTALLY AVOIDED the idea of "inside job" and totally avoided the part of the official story regarding hijackers and planes.  The thermite gang really did, in a most dishonest way, want to maintain the idea of Islamic hijackers planting the thermite.


I just have a feeling that the entire Mormon, right wing, right wing "patirot movement", and thermite gang and Clear Channel media may be a very sophisticated insider CIA operation. 


I do not recall the Thermite Gang ever much mentioning Building 7 or the term "controlled demolition" until early 2010.  It is only then, after about 5 or 6 years of their very limited [hangout]  thermite narrative, that the Thermite Gang moved on to the "inside job" narrative and still they did not use the Inside Job term, with the possible exception of Dr. Neils Harritt using it once at the Toronto Conference.

Dr. Steven Jones has moved off the scence, and really since Mr. Hightower's exposure of thermite being falsely presented as an explosive, even Dr. Harritt and all of the main body of the original Thermite Gang's material has faded from the stage. 

I cannot help but think that the "Building What?" campaign is just the latest scene in the play by the same Thermite Gang.


There entire 9-11 truth information was controlled from the beginning by what I now see as this covert operation and alliance between Clear Channel, Mormons, "conservatives" and right wing, and most of the main first 9-11 truth websites and spokespersons. and the "thermite" meme, are all one big CIA psy op. 


I want to point out that Mitt Romney has recently been exposed as a vulture capitalist as Bain Capital's modus operandi.


When Mitt Romney Came to Town
Ron Paul says he is fully supportive of Romney and his vulture capitalism ways...

Paul backs Romney’s record at Bain Capital

By Seth McLaughlin


The Washington Times

Tuesday, January 10, 2012



So here we have Ron Paul being joined to supporting all of these Mormon - Bain Capital finanacial terrorism operations    Ron Paul, like Debra Medina, betrayed everyone regarding 9-11 truth. (Actually I am beginning to think of capitalism as state-sponsored usury.   Do not know of solutions but know  usury is destructive with a capital D and it has nothing whatsoever to do with the common good or the moral law.)





Friday, January 13, 2012

Bain Capital Owns Clear Channel (Rush Limbaugh, Sean Hannity, Glenn...

Michael Snyder, Contributing Writer
Activist Post

Wouldn't it be great if a Republican presidential candidate could just buy the support of just about every major conservative talk show host in America?  Well, it may not be as far-fetched as you may think.

Clear Channel owns more radio stations (850) than anyone else in the United States.  They also own Premiere Radio Networks, the company that syndicates the radio shows of Rush Limbaugh, Sean Hannity, and Glenn Beck, among others.

Needless to say, Clear Channel basically owns conservative talk radio in the United States.  So who owns Clear Channel?

Well, it turns out that Bain Capital is one of the primary owners of Clear Channel.  Yes, you read that correctly.  The company that Mitt Romney ran for so long is one of the "big bosses" over virtually all conservative talk radio in America.

Of course Mitt Romney is not running Bain Capital anymore.  He is a "retired partner", but he still has a huge financial stake in Bain Capital.  We're talking about millions upon millions of dollars.  If you doubt this, just check out page 34 of this public financial disclosure report.  So if you have been wondering why so many conservative talk show hosts are being so incredibly kind to Mitt Romney, this just might be the answer.

In the media world, there is a clear understanding that you simply do not bite the hand that feeds you.  Some of the most prominent conservative talk radio hosts are earning tens of millions of dollars a year.

If you were making tens of millions of dollars a year, wouldn't you be very careful to avoid offending your boss?

The deal in which Bain Capital became one of the owners of Clear Channel was initiated just a short time before Mitt Romney's first run for president.  The following comes from Wikipedia....
On November 16, 2006, Clear Channel announced plans to go private, being bought out by two private-equity firms, Thomas H. Lee Partners and Bain Capital Partners for $18.7 billion, which is just under a 10 percent premium above its closing price of $35.36 a share on November 16 (the deal values Clear Channel at $37.60 per share).
The deal was finalized in 2008.  Today, Bain Capital is still one of the primary owners of Clear Channel.

One of the subsidiaries of Clear Channel is Premiere Radio Networks.

Premiere Radio Networks distributes a whole host of conservative talk radio shows.  Everyone in the conservative world knows names such as Rush Limbaugh, Sean Hannity and Glenn Beck.  Clear Channel also controls some other conservative talk radio hosts (such as Michael Savage and Mark Levin) that are not part of the Premiere Radio family.

The power that Premiere Radio Networks has is absolutely staggering.  The following is directly from the official Clear Channel website....
Premiere Radio Networks Inc., a subsidiary of Clear Channel Communications, syndicates 90 radio programs and services to more than 5,000 radio affiliations and reaches over 190 million listeners weekly.  Premiere Radio is the number one radio network in the country and features the following personalities:  Rush Limbaugh, Jim Rome, Casey Kasem, Ryan Seacrest, Glenn Beck, Bob (Kevoian) & Tom (Griswold), Delilah, Steve Harvey, Blair Garner, George Noory, John Boy and Billy, Big Tigger, Dr. Dean Edell, Bob Costas, Sean Hannity and others. Premiere is based in Sherman Oaks, California, with 13 offices nationwide.
So do you think that any of those hosts is going to risk viciously attacking Mitt Romney and Bain Capital during this election season?

Not likely.

One of the controversies that has plagued Premiere Radio Networks in recent years has been the uproar over their use of paid actors to call in to their radio shows.

The following comes from Wikipedia....
Clear Channel, through its subsidiary, Premiere Radio Networks, auditions and hires actors to call in to talk radio shows and pose as listeners in order to provide shows, carried by Clear Channel and other broadcasters, with planned content in the form of stories and opinions. The custom caller service provided by Premiere Radio ensures its clients they won't hear the same actor's voice for at least two months in order to appear authentic to listeners who might otherwise catch on.
So perhaps that explains where some of the "Romney callers" come from.

There is nothing illegal about what Romney and Bain Capital have done, but it sure does not pass the "smell test".

Conservative talk radio has the potential to sway millions of conservative voters in one direction or another, and it is just not proper for Bain Capital and Romney to have such an overpowering financial interest in conservative talk radio.

And, yes, Mitt Romney is still bringing in lots of money from Bain Capital.  The following comes from a Wikipedia article about Mitt Romney....
At the time of his departure, Romney negotiated an agreement with Bain Capital that allowed him to receive a passive profit share as a retired partner in some Bain Capital entities, including buyout and investment funds.[62][57] With the private equity business continuing to thrive, this deal would bring him millions of dollars in income each year.[57] As a result of his business career, by 2007 Romney and his wife had a net worth of between $190 and $250 million, most of it held in blind trusts.[62] An additional blind trust existed in the name of the Romneys' children and grandchildren that was valued at between $70 and $100 million as of 2007.[63] The couple's net worth remained in the same range as of 2011, and was still held in blind trusts.
In addition, Bain Capital and Bain & Company continue to pour huge amounts of money into Romney's campaign coffers.

Just check out the following list of the biggest donors to the Romney campaign.  These numbers come from opensecrets.org....

Goldman Sachs $367,200
Credit Suisse Group $203,750
Morgan Stanley $199,800
HIG Capital $186,500
Barclays $157,750
Kirkland & Ellis $132,100
Bank of America $126,500
PriceWaterhouseCoopers $118,250
EMC Corp $117,300
JPMorgan Chase & Co $112,250
The Villages $97,500
Vivint Inc $80,750
Marriott International $79,837
Sullivan & Cromwell $79,250
Bain Capital $74,500
UBS AG $73,750
Wells Fargo $61,500
Blackstone Group $59,800
Citigroup Inc $57,050
Bain & Co $52,500

As with anything, whenever you want to get to the real truth you just need to follow the money.

Earlier this week, Sean Hannity told Rick Perry that his attacks on Mitt Romney's time at Bain Capital sounded like something that "Occupy Wall Street" would say.

Just the other day, Rush Limbaugh compared Rick Perry to Fidel Castro and rabidly defended Mitt Romney on his radio program....
'There’s no way you can try to dress that up,' Limbaugh fumed. 'I don’t understand it. Well, politically I understand it, but that’s just absurd. It’s sad. ‘Cause I really, really, really like Rick Perry! I really do. I had such hopes! I did. I’ll tell you, I did, but all of this talk about “corporate raiders,” and as I listen to politicians start talking about capitalism, lights are going off in my head. Maybe they don’t really know what it is. Maybe they’re under some misconception about what capitalism is, because this characterization of it? A distinction with venture capitalism and vulture capitalism? This bite from Perry doesn’t compute.'
So why are these conservative talk show hosts defending Mitt Romney so furiously?

I think now we know.

It is all about the money.

When you have enough money, you can get conservative talk show hosts to promote an extremely liberal candidate.

Yes, of course Bain Capital does not "control" what these talk show hosts say.

Yes, of course some of the talk show hosts toss some light criticism at Romney from time to time.

But they simply do not go after Romney like they should.

The truth is that Mitt Romney is really a Democrat that is masquerading as a Republican.  When you closely examine his record, he is very similar to Obama.

There is no way in the world that any self-respecting conservative should ever cast a single vote for him.

But right now Mitt Romney is running away with the race for the Republican nomination.

If Republicans can be fooled this badly, is there any hope for the future of the Republican Party?
This article first appeared here at the American Dream.  Michael Snyder is a writer, speaker and activist who writes and edits his own blogs The American Dream and Economic Collapse Blog.


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Best thing to do, Morgan, is to check out my research work in light of your credentials & scientific knowledge instead of labeling me with your personalized derogatory terms, check it out sometime within our lifetimes, after which we might pursue an intelligent discussion or debate... Maybe Jim Fetzer would agree to have a debate between me and you, with Judy and her whole crew of DEW groupies, on the "Real Deal" sometime in the near future. But I would advise that you familiarize yourself, at long last, with the details of my vast research, that is, get knowledgeable of your prey, me.....Chuck Boldwyn, career scientist...
I am very knowledgeable of Judy's DEWs Thesis.

By the way, please name even five, no, even one real scientist who whole-heatedly supports Judy' DEWs Thesis.
If there is more than one, please name them...
I know of none

Peace to you, and welcome to our 911 site which could use a lot more viewers form the steeple public.

Morgan Reynolds said:

Toth, you're way off base here.  The credentials of the messenger don't matter to me, it's about the message, i.e., its truth or falsity.  Keen examples: Gerard Holmgren and Rosalee Grable were short on credentials but long on truth, Steven Earl Jones the reverse. 

Thoth II said:

"I see nothing but bluster, credentialism and appeal to authority in your statement.  No specifics, period.  Years ago my Ph.D. seminar economics professors (U. Wisconsin) told the Ph.D. students: "If you can't explain what your dissertation is about in 25 words or less, you don't know what you're talking about."  Still a sound advice. "


I usually don't side with people, but I feel you are way off base here.  Chuck does have the credentials and has devoted a long study to this.  In my opinion, he is one of the most authoritative voices in 911 truth, and the Vancouver conference will be lucky to have his contribution.

I feel the same way about you, by the way, you have been a powerful and intelligent voice in 911 truth forever.  

Stop stalling Chuck.  This is the same tactic Steve Jones employed once or twice on me, who would reply, in effect, go to the library and study up and you'll see I'm right.  No Chuck, this tactic is empty.  It is unresponsive, evasive and insulting even.  Defend the propositions I quoted in which you point to thermite/thermate and possibly mini-nukes as the methods used to destroy the twin towers rather that DEW.  I've already stated a half-dozen reasons why your named causes do not work.

I'll make it simple for you: just start, if you wish, by copying key passages from your own work.  You know, just snippets of key evidence you've uncovered which clearly point to your named non-explosives and explosives that destroyed the towers by largely turning them to dust.  You know, lead with your best, your blockbuster stuff.  If I've misstated your contention, please state it precisely.  Twenty-five words or less will suffice for your thesis if you know what you're talking about.

Chuck Boldwyn said:

Best thing to do, Morgan, is to check out my research work in light of your credentials & scientific knowledge instead of labeling me with your personalized derogatory terms, check it out sometime within our lifetimes, after which we might pursue an intelligent discussion or debate... Maybe Jim Fetzer would agree to have a debate between me and you, with Judy and her whole crew of DEW groupies, on the "Real Deal" sometime in the near future. But I would advise that you familiarize yourself, at long last, with the details of my vast research, that is, get knowledgeable of your prey, me.....Chuck Boldwyn, career scientist...
I am very knowledgeable of Judy's DEWs Thesis.

By the way, please name even five, no, even one real scientist who whole-heatedly supports Judy' DEWs Thesis.
If there is more than one, please name them...
I know of none

Peace to you, and welcome to our 911 site which could use a lot more viewers form the steeple public.

Morgan Reynolds said:

Toth, you're way off base here.  The credentials of the messenger don't matter to me, it's about the message, i.e., its truth or falsity.  Keen examples: Gerard Holmgren and Rosalee Grable were short on credentials but long on truth, Steven Earl Jones the reverse. 

Thoth II said:

"I see nothing but bluster, credentialism and appeal to authority in your statement.  No specifics, period.  Years ago my Ph.D. seminar economics professors (U. Wisconsin) told the Ph.D. students: "If you can't explain what your dissertation is about in 25 words or less, you don't know what you're talking about."  Still a sound advice. "


I usually don't side with people, but I feel you are way off base here.  Chuck does have the credentials and has devoted a long study to this.  In my opinion, he is one of the most authoritative voices in 911 truth, and the Vancouver conference will be lucky to have his contribution.

I feel the same way about you, by the way, you have been a powerful and intelligent voice in 911 truth forever.  

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