9/11 Scholars Forum

Exposing Falsehoods and Revealing Truths

Dead Men Talking


Dead Men Talking

We collect the most relevant evidence of government participation in the events of 9/11. Bring evidence here and discuss its truth and relevance!

Website: http://www.deanhartwell.com
Members: 7
Latest Activity: Jun 14, 2010

Read Dead Men Talking

This is the book that presents my case about 9/11

I would like to hear your thoughts.

The point of the book is to identify the best evidence of government conspiracy. I mention the Standard Operating Procedures of air defense and how they were not followed; I mention "blips" appearing on the screens of FAA employees and who had the authority and the power to put them there to confuse them; I mention warnings given to Bush Administration officials that were not followed. And a lot more.

I avoided the more controversial evidence such as what happened at the Pentagon. I feared that my thoughts on this subject and others like it would distract from the proof beyond a reasonable doubt that government agents acted on 9/11 to commit murder. If you tell a skeptic several ideas, it is a cinch they will attack the ideas with the least factual support and ignore the rest of what you say.

If you have thoughts about what hit the WTC 1 and 2 and the Pentagon and about cell phones, etc. please tell me.

Discussion Forum

Future Petitions to Ask People to Support New Investigation on 9/11

This group will collect the most relevant facts on the culprits of 9/11 to make it easy to put together new petitions and fact sheets.  It will also serve as the basis for essays which are especially…Continue

Tags: article, essay, investigation, facts, petition

Started by Dean Apr 11, 2010.

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Comment by Dean on April 19, 2010 at 6:40pm
You all are probably aware that at least seven of the 19 "hijackers" are still alive. The names of the 19 were checked against people with the same names, birthdays, home cities, etc.! So the idea of fake passenger names/lists is plausible.
Has anyone heard of anyone saying they drove one of the passengers to the airport and saw them off the morning of 9/11? I have not heard anyone say that. In those days, of course, people accompanying passengers could go right to the gate.
Sharon, do you have a link on the Hawaii family?
Comment by sandy rose on April 19, 2010 at 12:49pm
thanks, Sharon, good point. yeh, there have been good studies
of some of the passenger names and they came up with some
good questions. i hope to relay more on that when time allows me!
i think the more people learn the less real those supposed
passengers will seem, and the flights they were supposedly on.
the phone calls have already been deemed impossible.
go ronald mcdonald! just what we want to see in the sky! ;)
Comment by Sharon Smith on April 19, 2010 at 11:09am
I read somewhere that a family living in Hawaii saw their names on one of the plane lists and were not dead. If there is no investigation, who would bother to check each name from the list of plane passengers. If your name was one of them, would you think it was you? probably not. many people may have the same name. Would you come forward? probably not if you didn't know it was you. There wasn't hundreds of names on the plane lists that the media came up with, that I remember.

I am still looking for the article I read about years ago that spoke of projecting pictures in the sky. I remember it because Ronald McDonald wanted to be the first to use it for advertising.
Comment by Whathappened Tothewtc on April 19, 2010 at 9:17am
I don't know exactly how the (3D, not 2D) image was projected into the daytime sky, but I feel pretty confident the technology has to do with subtracting light, not adding more light into the sky.

How could a device subtract light? Heating the air in a very precise way? I don't know.
Comment by sandy rose on April 19, 2010 at 6:55am
one thing i do believe is that 'they' carried out the operation
largely from building 7 and that was why they had to 'pull' that one
i'm trying to remember also who it was years ago who dug
into info on some of the so called passengers and found no death
certificates on some of them or something. i'll check with a couple of
people i think might know about that, it was quite interesting.
possibly Thomas Potter, i'll have to ask him.
also, Dean, i think truthers have found that the supposed
planes weren't even scheduled to fly that day, or are still flying
now, etc. i believe Jim Fetzer knows a bunch about this. any
number of things could have happened to any of those flights
if in fact they actually existed and it's likely that if any of them
did, and if any of the passengers were real people, that only
the perps would know for sure what became of them.
Comment by sandy rose on April 19, 2010 at 6:50am
Tracy, you mean you think that this image was projected outside
onto the sky and that people photographed an image thinking it
was a real plane? how on earth could that have been possible?
wouldn't an image be a 2 dimensional picture? and what would
it have been projected onto? and how would different people
from different positions all see a 2 dimensional plane that looked
like a real one? and the second hit fake plane was shown
from several different angles, how do you account for that?
doesn't a projected image have to be projected onto an actual
surface, like a screen or a wall? i don't think that ya can project
anything onto the sky.
and by the way, i think that Ozzy is a most valuable asset
indeed in all of this, and just because a person has different
opinions does not make them a liar. geeze.
Comment by Whathappened Tothewtc on April 19, 2010 at 3:42am
Hi Dean,

I must say that you have not been unkind for me during your questioning, and I appreciate that. The thing about "authority" to put images on TV screens, you got my idea a little wrong. The machines that I'm talking about are two machines: one that destroyed the World Trade Center and one that projected an image of a plane flying through the daytime sky. Nobody had authority to project this image. The cameras nearby captured images of what looked like a plane but was really an image of a plane.

Do I think that planes were hijacked on 9/11? No. Do I know what happened to the people who are said to have been passengers on these flights? No.
Comment by Dean on April 18, 2010 at 11:28pm
I am going to form a hypothesis based on what has been said so far. I have the idea that planes were not used but instead computers caused the WTC 1 and to come down while images were put on TV screens by those with the authority to put them there.

OK. At some point, the hypothesis will have to address the issue of the planes. Were there any planes? If not, how do we account for the people who were said to go on them? We have hundreds of people said to be passengers on Flights 11, 175, 77 and 93 who have never been heard from.
Comment by Whathappened Tothewtc on April 18, 2010 at 2:00am
The following are a set of illustrations I made describing how I believe 9/11 went down. In a secret room, technicians worked their computers. These computers controlled the machines that destroyed the World Trade Center as well as the machines that creating the impression that it was a plane that did it. Their supervisor probably killed them when it was all done. Poof. Conspiracy gone.
Comment by Whathappened Tothewtc on April 18, 2010 at 1:59am

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