9/11 Scholars Forum

Exposing Falsehoods and Revealing Truths

sandy rose
  • Female
  • Stow, OH
  • United States

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At 7:14am on August 22, 2012, James H. Fetzer said…
Sandy, I think you just did! Thanks for your excellent work.
Keep me posted on your views about how things are going.
I have great confidence in you and Shallel. Many thanks!
At 6:06pm on August 21, 2012, Jeannon Kralj said…

Great to hear from you Sandy.  I saved your address.  Not sure I know how to delete part of your comment so hope you can do that.  I'll email you and give you my email address that way.

Hope the drought did not mess up your agricultural efforts this year and that you will have a decent harvent.

I will look in to what you think is the whatzit.  Sounds interesting.  I can't seem to click on a ning video here and even some still photos posted without crashing out of my lousy Internet Explorer browser but will try.

Take care


At 5:20pm on August 2, 2012, Jeannon Kralj said…

CORRECTION 2 -- oh, forget it.  my entire first post did not even post anyway.

At 5:13pm on August 2, 2012, Jeannon Kralj said…

Correction, my entire last post here was referring to the NORTH WTC Tower.

At 1:43pm on April 23, 2012, Jeannon Kralj said…



Glad to learn I was not the only one offended by "Morgie's" behavior.  I do not know but I imagine he kind of dropped out of the group soon after joining.  I only read his first response to Chuck Boldwyn and was appalled at some of the things he wrote.  He called Chuck or maybe his ideas ass...something -- can't remember the full word.  I have never seen that way of communicating anywhere on this forum.  That was a first.


Then he lit in to me and my welcome note to him.  I read about the first paragraph and was appalled again.  His tone was I am a Ph.d. economist so only I can comment on finance / capital issues and that I was way out of my depth in telling about corporate raider Romney.  He told me I should stick to 9-11.


I managed to jot off a response and told him off as best I could without losing my composure.  I dropped out of the forum at that point and never read anything else ont he forum though I am still a member.

Dr. Morgan has done the best work up until recently with Dr. Fetzer and his co-authors' work on the no-planes issue.  But Dr. Morgan seems to just parrot whatever Judy Wood says on aspects of 9-11 WTC causes.  For example, he says the rubble pile of Bldg. 7 is really just mud, which is what Wood says but never bothers to support.  I have seen several pictures of the WTC 7 rubble pile and it does not look like mud - it looks like the aftermath of a regular controlled demolition.   I have seen firemen spraying lots of water on the rubble pile and the pile itself looks quite a bit like broken up "pancakes."


Those dachsie pictures are not my pups.  Wish they were.  I just found a cute picture to use as my avatar since I am a big dachshund lover, though I do not even own a dog right now.


What with the draught last summer and my failed tomato experiment, I am just growing two tomato plants in pots this year and am not going exert much effort with them.

Good luck with your garden.  It sounds like it will be really great.







At 11:04am on April 20, 2012, Jeannon Kralj said…

Hi Sandy,


I became quite vexed ( P  O 'd) with Dr. Morgan Reynolds' first couple on comments when he joined the forum.  He is a person I always admired so I was disappointed in his agressive, name calling, style.


You are kind to inquire of me.  I would say you too are an important part of the right kind of tone to this forum.

We are watching the total meltdown of our country. 


I think it is wonderful that you are involved in farming and growing and did not know that before.  I do not know but I kind of have the idea that you live in one of the great midwest states like maybe Missouri or Tennessee or Kentucky that have the great soil for farming.

I have always loved growing things and was always amazed at the great soil and vegetables my grandparents near Sallisaw Oklahoma were able to grow.  I live in central Texas and the soil is horrible, mainly rocks.  It is so difficult and labor intensive to grow vegetables here.  I tried valliantly last year to grow some tomatoes and used the non-hybrid heirloom seeds and all.  I almost ruined (further) my back babying those tomato plants.  Would you believe in October, I finally saw some good sized green tomatoes and was hoping for them to turn red.  Well, there was a light freeze one night and all my greed tomatoes were ruined. 


Take care and God bless you.





At 7:35pm on March 8, 2012, William J. WAGENER said…

Yeah,  very interesting.  Eventually, it will be found that a agent for E. Rothschild

was behind the 911 set up.  O. Bin Laden, a fall guy, was not any part of it.  Even Bush the puppet did NOT know who exactly was behind it.   I have not said much, for a reason, and if I live long enough to finish my research and publish a book... it will be clear to all then.

At 11:10am on February 20, 2012, Jeff said…

Oh, that's a nuclear detonation, not an edible mushroom. :)

At 11:09am on February 20, 2012, Jeff said…

Jim recently invited me to speak in Vancouver. I don't think I'll accept. Personal reasons. But Jim and others have produced volumes of respectable work and numerous valid questions. I'm pleased to be able to post here.

At 10:26am on February 20, 2012, Jeff said…

I won't be a stranger. I've studied this event as much as anyone else and have published almost a dozen books analyzing the data. From a forensic financial investigation to a physics and chemistry analysis of the USGS dust samples. I joined specifically to provide some new data, or at least some data that's not been discussed in public.



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