9/11 Scholars Forum

Exposing Falsehoods and Revealing Truths

When you consider that New York City has been, for more than sixty years(!), the most competitive TV-news market in the world, with both network and local-station camera crews scouring the city (and the high-profile borough of Manhattan in particular) at all hours, searching for "scoops" via fresh/new "action" footage of "breaking" events -- their coverage of the WTC "plane" crashes and resultant fires was so uncharacteristically LETHARGIC as to be HIGHLY SUSPICIOUS from the get-go!

Yet long before 2001, literally EVERY TV-news operation in the city had become well-equipped with what constituted, collectively, an entire FLEET of live-remote capable minivans, lorries, and SUV's, always filled with petrol and ready to speed to the site of any calamatous event as soon as its location could be determined from chatter first monitored on emergency-services' two-way radio traffic.

But on the morning of 9/11, as can be plainly seen in the archived video of the real-time program streams, there is NO on-the-scene, street-level television reporting for a painfully long time. Instead, all the viewer is presented with is a narrow selection of alternating studio shots of chatting morning-show hosts, some alleged telephoto long shots of the towers as seen from the air, and telephone-patched audio of various big-time media employees who just happened to be "off duty" but were nevertheless quite well situated to recite verbal desecriptions of the morning's ghastly, "terrorist-caused" events.

As Simon Shack and others have documented, what the viewing public was initially presented with that morning (at least until the "impromptu" presidential response from Florida aired) was not genuine, live TV-news coverage at all, but rather a prefabricated, 103-minute, CGI-crafted, psyop-MOVIE, designed to implant in the nation's collective consciousness a strategically falsified version of how the towers were destroyed.

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Comment by Andy Tyme on August 27, 2013 at 11:30am

Chuck, have you actually studied "September Clues"?  And have you read the extensive research the "fakery theorists" have done into the provable identities and professional backgrounds of the handful of "civilian videographers" and the provenance/chain-of-possession of their imagery?  Things are not as simple as the mass media would have us believe in this respect as well.

Comment by Chuck Boldwyn on August 27, 2013 at 4:27am
Were all of the videos collected from local civilians also faked, dozens of them, the demolitions parts?
The many videos seem to beck each other up, the demolitions sequences. Inserting airplanes is another story.

We're all of the YouTube videos demolitions faked?
Backgrounds could be inserted, so could airplanes be inserted and make collisions timed with the demolitions, but could all of the demolitions videos be faked?

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