From The Anonymous PhysicistHaving to spend the time looking into the alleged new "molecular dissociation cloud theory" of Judy Wood, PhD, was the last straw for me. As I have already written before, I have nothing against the theoretical knowledge of Directed Energy Weapons (DEW), and have little doubt that our regime has such things, far beyond what is in the public domain--though I am virtually certain they are not in space. But I have been waiting for a shred of evidence, or proof, of DEW use on 9/11. We will see that the virtual entirety of Wood's "evidence" which is almost entirely photos (and their "interpretations"), proves the case instead for nuclear weapons use on 9/11. In fact, much of her "DEW evidence" DISPROVES the use of DEW. Now DEW could have been used in a subsidiary capacity, to confuse and confound, and to have the subsequent psyops of bogus feuding between the three bogus "collapse" mechanisms: the regime's pancaking theory, the thermite theory, and DEW--all with the purpose of hiding the actual mechanism of WTC destruction--mini-nuclear bombs. The three most popular theories are called "limited hangouts" in spy lingo.
Wood's new
"Molecular Dissociation Clouds" theory is NOT being used as claimed. On her recent interview with "former" Army/Marine Intel agent, James Fetzer, PhD, Wood clouds the issue of her "molecular dissociation clouds" by only using them for "explaining" the pyroclastic clouds, "fuming ground", and toasted cars, etc. that occurred AFTER the towers' destructions--and NOT as a mechanism for their destruction as promised! And what she does say about her "molecular dissociation" clouds is far better explained by normal diffusion and turbulence phenomena, with one exception. She cites steaming/fuming ground as part of her "molecular dissociation clouds" theory. I have already written extensively on the hot surface temperatures that began on 9/11 and continued for at least six months. This arose from what was there and underneath--the China Syndrome of nuclear reacting criticalities. This is one of the many giveaways for her Psyop/Limited Hangout: To provide a bogus theory and understanding of all the phenomena that actually arose from nuclear weapons use, and the subsequent China Syndrome of nuclear criticalities underground!
Her "molecular dissociation clouds" theory appears to be nothing more than the same photos with some different captions, along with some new terms, such as "AlkaSeltzer"ing, "shaving cream", fuming, and such. It is fascinating to see how the PTB have immediately promoted her new "theory" all over the net, when there is nothing there except the same photos, maybe with some new captions and some new terms. They are claiming a recent radio interview with Fetzer (now on mp3) has some relevant info, and they make one waste one's time, but there is nothing there. (Just Fetzer dotingly praising all of Wood's inane photo interpretations.) Her previous website which had mostly photos and captions--which clearly, to me, proved the case for nukes--always had the proviso that it was "under construction." Many have waited for some real, mechanism-detailed articles proving DEW to no avail. Now there is a new website with the same proviso. So again, it is mostly photos of phenomena that can all be explained either by conventional forces, or only with nuclear demolition, and resultant China Syndrome. It also appears that Wood pulled
the Finnish military expert's nuke website and photo from her new website--at least I can no longer find it. Just compare the top two photos at that Finnish website: an underground Nevada test nuke and one of the twin towers being destroyed. Case pretty much closed.
The vaporization (or her term "dustification"--giving the appearance of being a new DEW phenomena) of the WTC buildings' interior contents including people, furniture, many steel beams, etc. is completely explained by nukes. See my articles at where the Hiroshima nuke was known to completely vaporize people and buildings, such as the complete vanishing of the Shima Hospital, and all its patients. Or see the vanishing of the 100 foot steel tower at the Trinity site. The "toasting" of cars and not people and paper, is far better explained by nuclear bombs, and their concomitant EMPs (Electromagnetic Pulses).
In fact, I have already DISPROVED DEW in my previous nuke articles where I explained exactly what EMT, Patricia Ondrovic' two interviews reveal (
here and
here). For completeness here, I go over this aspect. Ondrovic saw and heard popping lights at the WTC6 lobby ceiling, and simultaneously cars near her--for no apparent reason--burst into flames. One car's door then exploded off it and hit her, knocking her down. All this happened as the first tower was being destroyed somewhat further away from her, AND as WTC 5 and 6 were being exploded. As before, this must mean a nuke or nukes were exploded underground near her (WTC 5 and 6). As the nuke(s)' concomitant EMP(s) (Electromagnetic Pulse) passed through her immediate vicinity, it intercepted the cars near her. The intense electromagnetic wave induces a great current in metal--not people or paper. The current becomes great heat, resulting in rapid expansion of said metal. A given car door can only expand so much before its boundary is reached and there is nowhere for the heat or expansion to go, which results in doors or handles, etc. exploding off. You see this is why you will see some cars with only their paint vaporized (intercepted only low level EMP due to distance, angle, shielding etc.), and other cars will show a burnt front, but the back half is virtually "normal." See
this photo. The Electromagnetic Field and subsequent current is stopped at the boundaries of the doors. But a crucial point is the following. If a laser or maser (microwave laser) were beamed at that area where Ondrovic was, it would have "fried" her too. The first thing that a maser does is boil a person's eyeballs. Similarly a laser would have "toasted" Ondrovic as well. Only an EMP-and NOT DEW--will affect metal and not paper or people. DEW is disproven by Ondrovic' eyewitness accounts--and her survival!--and the toasted cars and not paper or people. And you won't see this proper EMP analysis from the 911 Commission shills, or Jones, or Wood because they know that only a nuke's EMP can cause this! Please promulgate this important fact about nukes and EMPs!
Other, and differently, toasted cars that are on Wood's websites that are completely toasted brown can be explained by the hot pyroclastic flows, or resulting fires and explosions related to the destruction of the towers. No DEW needed. Cars towed away cannot be cited definitively in any way. Let us now examine some other DEW "evidence" by Wood that again, is really from nukes.
The creation of ultrafine particles, like the vaporization/"dustification" of much tower contents is a known nuclear explosion phenomenon. Wood cites the trucking in of large amounts of dirt, and the covering of the WTC grounds with it; and the continual water hosing of the ground--and some say the responders as well--and the "frequent street scrubbing to get rid of the fuzzballs and nano-dust." But these, of course, are standard nuclear industry methods used to lower the level of nuclear radiation at "hotspots." Radioactive dust-- not "fuzzballs" etc.-- is what the DEW theory apparently was created to steer you away from.
In fact, Wood's new evidence leads me to realize just how much the PTB acted to hide the nuking of the WTC! Wood cites Mayor Guiliani's strange acts of apparently trucking dirt in and out of the WTC beginning that night! Here is my interpretation: Guiliani, in cahoots with the Feds/perps, know that the UCal Berkeley scientists, and others, will soon arrive and will measure radioactivity at theWTC. They must lower the radioactivity resulting from the nukes they knew they had used! So trucking dirt in and out commenced immediately followed by washing down the area. So from my very first perusing of Wood's websites, I have used her "DEW evidence" to see just what was done by the perps to cover up their nuking of the WTC on 9/11!
One could go on with responding to some of Wood's caption comments. Under a photo of "fuming" WTC grounds, some time after the towers' destructions, she writes, "Boiling a pot of water on the stove doesn't fill a kitchen with steam." Answer: Unless your kitchen has the China Syndrome underneath it. No DEWs needed, thank you. And if DEWs were used there, as many have asked: where is the beam weapon, and its power source? Then she asks, "If Dr. Wood didn't have anything credible to say, why would folks be attacking her so vehemently?" The "vehement" part is likely part of the legend. I am not attacking her vehemently. I would actually be "professionally happy" to see some proof of DEW use, and not its use to hide the proof that the WTC was nuked! And the reason knowledgeable, intelligent people attack her theory is because one is left with no other logical conclusion than all it ever was, was a devoid-of-proof, Limited Hangout to steer people away from the actual nuclear destruction mechanism, including EMPs, and later China Syndrome. And I will have a separate article on what it means when some say they don't care what did it--DEW, thermite, or nukes. For now, think about this: the people dying of radiation-induced cancers, and their families care about what caused their cancer! Obviously some people don't care what happened to these innocent, brave responders--many of who were firefighters. But some of us do. And then there's the huge number of (irradiated) people living in that area.
Note that I did not need to use bogus arguments to debunk DEW, as a certain disinfo physicist did. He used all sorts of fallacious, generic arguments like "Earth's worth of power" and "perpetual motion machine." Why? Because he could not use some of the real arguments against DEW, because that would give away all the evidence that Nukes, EMPs, and the subsequent China Syndrome occurred at the WTC! So this article not only debunks DEW, it debunks other bogus debunkers.
Now Wood and her followers cite that the Directed Energy Directorate at Kirtland Air Force Base (where DEW is "researched") endorsed her theory. Let us examine this. It turns out that a Director of Public Affairs [not a scientist or engineer] at that Directorate said that on a "personal level," s/he finds Wood's theory to be "interesting and worthy of further consideration." A moment's reflection should lead one to realize that this somewhat positive response is a likely indication that the regime supports her putting out this Limited Hangout.
Can you find an example where any other govt/military person, or agency, says they support the use of some other "ExoWeapon" on 9/11? Can you imagine what would happen if someone sent the following letter to the Dept. of Defense, say their Bureau of Nuking Innocent Human Beings: "Dear Bureau Director, please examine the enclosed set of photos, etc. indicating that the WTC, and its human inhabitants were nuked on 9/11. By the way, isn't this the kind of thing you do? And that the China Syndrome of nuclear reacting criticalities existed there, until all were carted away some 6-8 months later. Please confirm this, or otherwise reply to me." Do you think such an inquiry would get any response? Or that its Public Affairs Director would say that his/her "personal opinion" is that it is "interesting and worthy of further consideration?" It's a clear indication that the regime wants to promote her hangout in a clever, limited way. It's fascinating that her die-hard cadre can't/won't see this. This is in part, because DEW was cleverly tied to another psyop--the use of CGI to simulate planes crashing into the twin towers. This was apparently done to cement bonds between 911 researchers. So that if you accepted the no planes theory (NPT), you should then accept DEW from the same "folks"! The only problem is that DEW is quite unprovable, and ultimately disprovable; while the NPT has been proven. But you see that a good deal of thought and chicanery went into this coupling.
Perhaps the ultimate reason why the PTB created the DEW hangout is the following. They knew that those who are effectively blind, dumb, and desperate not to know the truth about their regime would accept the regime’s “official,” ludicrous, fuel-pancaking scenario. Such people don’t, or won’t, even see the obvious explosions. The PTB knew many would see these explosions, and so they planned to release the disinfo physicist with his Thermite, or super-duper, double top-secret Thermite as needed. This would satisfy people who didn’t look too closely, and only wanted to buy a theory that had explosions in it. But the PTB knew some would see through this not-too clever Thermite Hangout also. These people would need some explanation, or seeming explanation, for all the vaporized contents—including the people—of the towers, as well as other strange phenomena such as toasted cars, “fuming ground,” trucking in and out of dirt, continual hosing down the grounds and responders, vaporized spires, spherical holes in some buildings, ultrafine particle size, etc. They knew they had to come up with an “exotic” Limited Hangout to appear to explain these “exotic” phenomena; and to create the psyops of feuding between the other bogus Hangouts. So Voila—the DEW Hangout was released and promulgated; and cleverly tied to the No Planes Theory proponents—knowing the latter was provable with the bogus cgi fakery everyone had. So this conjunction of Limited Hangouts, and specifically trying to counter-explain the exotic phenomena that are, and can ONLY be, explained with the truth of nuclear explosions, EMPs, and China Syndrome aftermath, is why the PTB put out the Directed Energy Weapons hangout--which never had a shred of evidence behind it.
So we have seen that the DEW Hangout was created to lay claim for all the "exotic" phenomena that arose from the use of nuclear bombs in the WTC, and concomitant EMPs, and subsequent China Syndrome. But now DEW has Dropped into the Dustbin of psyops history; and it is now safe to come over to the actual 9/11 destruction mechanism and aftermath. This is the proven (tritium, EMP, etc.) use of nuclear mini-bombs on 9/11 in the WTC buildings, and the subsequent China Syndrome of high temperatures and molten steel months later from criticality sites. Let us recap. This article has laid to rest the Directed Energy Weapon psyop/Hangout theory. My last article disproved the thermite hangout theory, and numerous people have disproved the ludicrous perps'/regime's theory of planes (CGI)/fuel(too low temp.)/gravity (see massive outward explosions)/pancakes (would take minutes, not seconds)--or just look at any of the videos of the explosions, and all the missing tower contents. So since all the Limited Hangouts have been disproved; it's time to accept the proven truth. The World Trade Center, and its 3000 human inhabitants were nuked on 9/11/01. The China Syndrome of molten steel and high temperatures, and many specific cancers now, and more soon to come, are the aftermath of using nuclear bombs at the WTC on 9/11.
Let me examine one last aspect of the 9/11 [anti?-]truth movement. Some of them say that 911 was an inside job; and they say that the government did it--via planes, or thermite, or DEW--to lead to the wars now waged, and the destruction of Americans' constitutional rights and freedoms. Some of them even dare to say that they can perceive what they call "the next step"--
that the government will want to declare total martial law, and will use a false flag (Al CIA-Duh, Iranians, whoever is next), and will actually dare to explode a nuclear bomb in the heart of a large American city to attain those ends. Well wake up, and stop being so foolish, or shillish--it's now been proven that THEY ALREADY DID THIS--and the city was New York City, and the date was 9/11/01.
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