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INCREDIBLE MODERN WEAPONS - Some of which Judy Wood could be research-interested in to help her Hypotheses along...

By Dr. Michael E. Todd

from: http://www.1timothy4-13.com/files/prophecy/incredweapons.html


In this article you will discover weapons that would only have been in the science fiction movies and books of past years. Yet, now on the scene are terrible, scary and frightening weapons that show that we are truly in the last days.

The material in this article is taken from web sites, books, and magazines. As a matter of fact there are so many sources that this article cannot fully do justice to this subject. However we will do our best to at least give you some idea of just how far man has come in this area of making and inventing the INCREDIBLE MODERN WEAPONS of today.

ELECTRONIC SPY FLY - SMALL MACHINE FLY that can literally fly and look like a bug, yet lets the controller know what is happening. Also there are COCKROACHES that can be used as spies. Scientists are developing a remote-controlled cockroach that can carry a tiny camera and microphone for spying missions with a microchip surgically implanted in its back and electrodes connected to its brain, scientists can make the cockroach turn left, right, crawl forward or leap backwards.

CONCRETE SUBMARINES - C-subs will fight differently. Conventional submarines prowl the seas. On a typical patrol, a C-sub will sink offshore, waiting for enemy ships to pass overhead. Then it will fire vertical-launch torpedoes. Because concrete is strong in compression, C-subs could sink well below the 1800-ft. "crush depth" for steel, according to the British Ministry of Defense (MOD). And on sonar displays, the concrete will be hard to distinguish from a sandy sea bottom.

DAISY CUTTER BOMB - The 15,000-pound BLU-82 - nicknamed "daisy-cutter" because of the shape of its tremendous impact - is believed to be the world's largest non-nuclear bomb. Filled with a slurry of ammonium nitrate and aluminum powder to ignite a blast, the bomb incinerates everything within up to 600 yards, costs about $27,000 and is about the size of a Volkswagen Beetle.

ELECTRONIC BOMB - Tested in Sweden. This devise literally melts and disables any electronic circuitry within its range. The bomb can activate and no one knows that it is there. A very devastating kind of weapon.

ELECTRO MAGNETIC RAIL GUN - travels at the speed of 6 kilometers per second) (can travel a total of 250 kilometers) 10 times farther than conventional cannons. Eventually they want to develop this to travel up to the speed of light. They also want to install this weapon in fighter planes.

MIND CONTROL - Artificial telepathy. Machines have been developed that can literally (from a distance) control a person's mind.

NEUTRON BOMB - In a suit case. The United States government has been concerned about these bombs ending up in terrorist's hands. These bombs destroy only living animals (people included).

X-RAY MACHINES - A police officer can aim the hand-held unit into a crowd up to 90 feet away. The device can even be used outside a room to scan individuals inside.

WEATHER CHANGES - HAARP - Electro magnetic weather weapons can cause Earthquakes & volcanoes. (The electronics genius, Dr. Tesla bragged about being able to use his technology to "split the earth in half" and in producing a "death beam" of unimaginable magnitude. This weapon can also cause, Snow-Hail-Tornadoes & Tidal waves. Rainfall that produces flooding. "Climate Changes that could devastate an enemy nation's agriculture" -- one of the devastating actions that a UN Treaty outlaws is damage to the "biota" of a nation. The word, "biota" refers to the "animal and plant life of a particular region considered as a total ecological entity". [Dictionary] In other words, these Weather Control capabilities can wipe out an entire ecological system?! This revelation is astounding! If the goal of the scientists wielding these weather weapons, is to totally annihilate a civilization, they can easily do so, it appears!

The June 5, 1977, New York Times described the great earthquake which destroyed Tangshan, China on July 28, 1976, and killed over 650,000 people.

"Just before the first tremor at 3:42 am, the sky lit up like daylight. The multi-hued lights, mainly white and red, were seen up to 200 miles away. Leaves on many trees were burned to a crisp and growing vegetables were scorched on one side, as if by a fireball."

SMART - Criminal justice is really going high-tech these days. A new satellite system will enable authorities to monitor and track lawbreakers continuously and constantly.

ACOUSTIC PSYCHO-CORRECTION - The Russians claimed that this device involves "the transmission of specific commands via static or white noise bands into the human subconscious without upsetting other intellectual functions." Experts said that demonstrations of this equipment have shown "encouraging" results "after exposure of less than one minute," and has produced "the ability to alter behavior on willing and unwilling subjects."

UNMANNED GLOBAL REACH - Recently an unmanned autonomous aircraft, the Global Hawk, flew 8,600 miles from Edwards Air Force base in California to Australia. This flight was not remotely controlled. It was autonomous. The aircraft taxied out, took off, flew its proper course and landed unassisted by a human operator. A few weeks later it returned the same way. Now it's operating over Afghanistan.

FIREPOWER! - One B2 bomber can presently hit 16 independent targets on a single mission. That's nothing short of amazing. Soon, due to smaller munitions, that figure will be 80. Yet even smaller, more accurate bombs will soon follow those, allowing a single B2 to carry 324 bombs. The operational fleet of 18 B2's will be able to carry 5,824 individually targeted weapons!

MICROWAVE BEAM - Tests of a controversial weapon that is designed to heat people's skin with a microwave beam have shown that it can disperse crowds. The 3-millimetre wavelength radiation penetrates only 0.3 millimetres into the skin, rapidly heating the surface above the 45 øC pain threshold. At 50 øC, they say the pain reflex makes people pull away automatically in less than a second - it's said to feel like fleetingly touching a hot light bulb. Someone would have to stay in the beam for 250 seconds before it burnt the skin, the lab says, giving "ample margin between intolerable pain and causing a burn".

ROBOTS - Coming to a military theater near you: the "robo lobster." The eight-legged underwater robot, loaded with sensors that can see and even smell, will be used to find landmines buried along potentially dangerous coasts. Also on deck is a sister system, dubbed the robo crab, an electronic crustacean that will climb up on the beach and beam back images of what soldiers would encounter when they venture onshore. On dry land, the Army is making strides with vehicles that could provide surveillance or supply troops with ammunition. Some could even put up a smoke screen and throw a net over the approaching enemy. Military planners see such vehicles, which vary in size from slightly smaller than a Volkswagen Beetle to as big as a tank, as a critical part of efforts to transform the Army into a fleet-footed force that can quickly be deployed to a battle zone.

ROBOT SUBS - Already, smart unmanned subs are set to replace dolphins as undersea mine sniffers. Next tech: mine detonation, remote sleuthing and robotic combat. Nearly undetectable - they operate fully submerged and have low acoustic and magnetic signatures -- they could be sent ahead to conduct surveillance or prepare for an invasion without tipping off enemy forces. They can be small enough to be launched from almost any ship, sub or aircraft -- some are even light enough to be Fed Exed -- and thus can conduct missions in water too shallow for conventional craft. They can be produced relatively inexpensively, so they wouldn't need to be recovered in dangerous or inconvenient circumstances. They would act as "force multipliers", taking care of programmable tasks and freeing up manned warships to take on more complex ones. And they could be sent on the riskiest missions.

MILITARY ROBOTS PREPARE TO MARCH INTO BATTLE - The Army has been in contract for years to develop robots that will be able to make the military a stronger, faster, more efficient fighting force. Sentinel robots that would be stationed inside or outside buildings. Equipped with heat, motion, chemical, biological, or sound sensors, or a combination thereof, they could make the dozing guard a relic of the past.

DEATH RAY - The background to the development of anti-personnel ELECTROMAGNETIC WEAPONS can be traced by to the early-middle 1940's and possibly earlier. The earliest extant reference was contained in the U.S. Strategic Bombing Survey (Pacific Survey, Military Analysis Division, Volume 63) which reviewed Japanese research and development efforts on a "Death Ray." Whilst not reaching the stage of practical application, research was considered sufficiently promising to warrant the expenditure of Yen 2 million during the years 1940-1945. Summarizing the Japanese efforts, allied scientists concluded that a ray apparatus might be developed that could kill unshielded human beings at a distance of 5 to 10 miles. Studies demonstrated that, for example, automobile engines could be stopped by tuned waves as early as 1943.

PHASERS ON STUN - if snipers are in a building, they have a radar system that can look through walls and spot them. And the laser rifle with its dual power setting -- one for "stun" and the other for kill.

AIRCRAFT - High-power lasers disorient enemy pilots and disable cockpit displays. The ABL weapon system will use a high-energy, chemical oxygen iodine laser (COIL) mounted on a modified 747-400F (freighter) aircraft to shoot down theater ballistic missiles in their boost phase. A crew of four, including pilot and copilot, will operate the airborne laser, which will patrol in pairs at high altitude, about 40,000 feet. The jets will fly in orbits over friendly territory, scanning the horizon for the plumes of rising missiles.

TROOPS - Sound generator produces noise to the pain level. Red and blue strobe lights nauseate unfriendly crowds. Hideously awful smells immobilize troops.

TANKS - High-powered microwaves fuse radios and destroy electronic guidance systems of artillery shells. Electromagnetic pulse zaps radios, computers and lighting circuits.

TRUCKS - Microbes eat engine hoses, belts, electrical insulation. "Pyrophoric" particles burn out engines when drawn into air intakes; "slick'em" and "stick'em" sprays make roads impassable. Compounds turn diesel fuel and gasoline into jelly.

EAR-BLASTING ANTI-HIJACK GUN - "It shoots out a pulse of sound that's almost like a bullet," "It's over 140 decibels for a second or two." Sounds become painful between 120 to 130 decibels. Knocked down. To test the system, a man created a cut-down version and turned it on himself. "It almost knocked me on my butt. I wasn't interested in anything for quite a while afterwards," he says. "You could virtually knock a cow on its back with this." "This would be extremely painful and uncomfortable and you would probably lose your hearing for a few hours."

DEVASTATING ELECTRONIC BOMBS - The high-power microwave (HPM) bomb is stored in a briefcase and emits short, high-energy pulses reaching 10 gigawatts -- equal to 10 nuclear reactors. It has a range of a dozen meters, and larger models stored in vans can reach as far as a few hundred meters. The target can be destroyed without alerting anyone. This silent weapon -- which does not explode -- can have disastrous effects, especially if it falls into the hands of terrorists. The bomb presents a threat to jet fighters. It can also knock out the electronic systems of nuclear or electric power plants, banks, trains, or even a simple telephone switchboard. The bomb has also been developed into a pistol which can be used to knock out a single computer or vehicle.

BUNKER BUSTER BOMB - is a special weapon developed for penetrating hardened command centers located deep underground. The GBU-28 is a 5,000-pound laser-guided conventional munition that uses a 4,400-pound penetrating warhead. The bombs are modified Army artillery tubes, weigh 4,637 pounds, and contain 630 pounds of high explosives.

GENETIC BIOWEAPONS - Unlike conventional biological weapons that kill by disabling the nervous system, The genetic weapons would work subtly, and for this reason could strike undetected. Genetically, target agents could affect the birthrates of a population, infant mortality rates, disease proclivity or even crop production." "It might take decades to realize an attack has even occurred. By that point, a population of people might be seriously diminished.

GERM WARFARE - Both private firms and the military have used unknowing human populations to test various theories. During the last 30 years, Cuba has been subjected to an enormous number of outbreaks of human and crop diseases which are difficult to attribute purely natural causes.

LASER OF DEATH - Laser gun zaps missile. During the test of the Tactical High Energy Laser (THEL), it tracked a Katyusha rocket with its radar and then destroyed it with its high-powered laser beam. THEL's defensive capabilities proves that directed energy weapon systems have the potential to play a significant role in defending US national security interests world-wide," said Lieutenant General John Costello. The laser is a potentially potent weapon as the beam travels literally at the speed of light and can cross great distances with minimal loss of intensity. Such a beam could knock out targets at distances ranging from tens of kilometres to, in theory, thousands of kilometres. Lasers were behind the space-based missile defence shield idea, labelled "Star Wars", first suggested by US President Ronald Reagan in 1983.

ANTI-GRAVITY PROJECT - Secret anti-gravity experiments that could revolutionize the conventional aerospace industry and lead to "free energy" are underway in Seattle. The project at Boeing's Phantom Works advanced research and development facility is now trying to solicit the services of a Russian scientist who claims to have developed anti-gravity devices in Russia and Finland. It has its own code name of "GRASP," for Gravity Research for Advanced Space Propulsion. Boeing says such uses could include space-launch systems, artificial gravity on spacecraft, aircraft propulsion and electricity generation without fuel - so-called "free energy". Additionally, there's a military potential as Podkletnov's work could be engineered into a stunning new weapon, capable of vaporizing objects moving at high speed. A device called an "impulse gravity generator" is capable of producing a beam of gravity-like energy that can exert an instantaneous force of 1,000-G on any object.

MORE WAR, MORE DEAD - Wars and battles, skirmishes and ambushes -- fighting rages day and night through cease-fires and truce talks around the world. It happens on Belfast's streets, along Iran's and Iraq's 1,000-mile front, in Central America's mountainous jungles. And it won't stop just because Pope John Paul II declared "World Peace Day" and called on everyone with a weapon to put it down. "It's going to get worse before it gets better" said Richard Staar, international studies director at the Hoover Institution of War, Revolution and Peace in Pal Alto, Calif. "There are more wars with more people killed all over the world than 10 years ago." True, it's been years since the world's major powers last bombed and shelled each other, but on any day soldiers are firing in 30 to 40 nations. Wars of liberation. Territorial disputes. Religious principles "One man's freedom fighter is another's terrorist," the saying goes, but the common denominator is death. The Center for Defense Information estimates the number killed since the early 1970's...is 7.1 million. "Body counts" vary, but most participants agree peace is unlikely. The bottom line: 1.56 billion -- one in three of the world's 4.84 billion people -- live in lands enduring armed conflict. Ahead? Staar says: "Regional conflict will increase."

My friend, in this world of insecurity where a person never knows what might happen next. Are you ready to die? Are you one hundred percent sure that if you did die you would go to heaven? If not then please look at the link below and make sure.

How to Be Sure of Heaven


  1. COCKROACHES THAT CAN BE USED AS SPIES; By Robert Uhlig, Technology Correspondent (Filed: 26/09/2001)
  2. THE ALL-SEEING EM WAVE by Charles Overbeck; Matrix Editor; EASTERISLE@parascope.com
  3. NEW GUNS RIDE THE RAILS; Texas Co-op Power, August 1998
  4. VIRTUAL PRISON: The Electronic Orbiting Warden; by Patricia Neill; Special Assignments Team;ParaScope@aol.com
  5. VIRTUAL PRISON: by Patricia Neill; ParaScope@aol.com
  6. EAR-BLASTING ANTI-HIJACK GUN; New Scientist.com; 14 November 01
  8. BUNKER BUSTER BOMBS; CBS News Interactive
  9. CONCRETE SUBMARINES; Popular Mechanics; by Jim Wilson
  10. DAISY CUTTER; CBS News Interactive; Sources: Federation of American Scientists; Department of Defense
  11. E-BOMB; Popular Mechanics; by Jim Wilson
  12. GENETIC BIOWEAPONS; Popular Mechanics; by Jim Wilson
  13. GERM WARFARE EXPERIMENTS; Sightings; Email eotl@west.net
  14. LASER GUN ZAPS MISSILE; BBC News; Thursday, 8 June, 2000, 12:04 GMT 13:04 UK
  15. MILITARY WARMS ANEW TO ROBOTS; The Wall Street Journal; By Anne Marie Squeo
  16. HAND-HELD NEUTRON BOMBS; Sightings; By David M. Bresnahan
  17. MILITARY ROBOTS PREPARE TO MARCH INTO BATTLE; Fox News; Friday, January 11, 2002; By Michael Y. Park
  18. ANTI-GRAVITY PROJECT TO MEAN FREE ENERGY; World New Daily; Posted: July 31, 2002

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I was never able to discern that Dr. Wood was moving toward an hypothesis.  I became frustrated in reading her material because she would never say what she thought the data could mean.  Whenever someone would ask her to give us an idea as to what hypothesis she was working on, she became defensive and, at best, would only deny parts of the questions and say "no, that is not what I am saying."


One time she indicated on a radio show something like ...

'Can't we kind of imagine or "see" that a hurricane is kind of like a Tesla coil?'

She did seem to consistently point out the "field effects" phenomena that were measured as far away as the state of Washington or Oregon, but she never indicated what caused the "field effects" nor connected them to the hurricane nor which came first, the hurricane or the field effects.

So, all I could sift out of all her information is that the hurricane and field effects are two essestial ingredients to the "weapon" that effected the destruction of the Twin Towers. 


But really, I do not see how any  9-11 truth researcher could ever have a viable hypothesis.  To a large extent, the "evidence", the data, is unverifiable.  We live in a world of incomplete information, misinformation and disinformation.


Jeannon Kralj,


Most or all of Judy Wood's evidence, data, photos, videos, field effects, etc. etc. can be most easily explained as I am presently working of a full powerpoint presentation, now, using only her exact same "evidence".


At this point, I think she has been used to deploy "disinformation" to distract the real scientific researchers, and most especially non-scientists, who need total guidance, but can be easily mis-directed.

Either that or she is plain "loco" or is an "LSD-like hallucinating scientist". Nobody has been able to pin her down on exactly her alleged DEWs were and exactly how they work, in any detail. All she has to offer is "generealities".


The only person who has tried to show her up or to debunk her is PHD Physicist Gregg Jenkins, which you can find on the internet. He made her look like a "fool" and an "incompetent" interpreter of data and evidence........


She has misinterpreted her data and evidence and somehow built up this "wild" & " unbelievable" and most "unprovable" story-line, which I plan to expose when I present my much more valid interpretation of her exact same data and evidence.

I will be presenting it soon on Jim Fetzer's Real Deal show and some of my work on this is now on this site and is a "work in progress"


It is all understandable, if you are a trained and classical thinking scientist...



"Either that or she is plain "loco" or is an "LSD-like hallucinating scientist". Nobody has been able to pin her down on exactly her alleged DEWs were and exactly how they work, in any detail. All she has to offer is "generealities"."


On one interview I heard her mention something like the toasted cars being a ways from the towers, reminded her of some research she had done on the reflection of light.  I think that "hunch" was what inspired her to go down the DEW line.  Sometimes people mix prior experiences in their life together with a current phenomenon, and then it becomes a total obsessive binge for them.  I think that is what happened in her case.  But to go for a DEW Hypothesis when some other demolition sequence could be invoked more naturally never made sense to me.  

I have listened to many archived Real Deal shows, but listened to my first one yesterday with Chuck Boldwyn, the March 25 show.  Very interesting.


I have just seen for a very long time that what NIST was doing was just a big lie and total joke.  I transcribed a 2007 NIST meeting for Dr. Wood and saw then that NIST's whole 9-11 "investigation" was a criminal operation run by tthe disgusting Shyam Sunder (aka ShamShame Sunder)..


I worked for state government for almost my entire career and I would never participate in stupid lie evil projects like NIST people did. 


What I am most interested in hearing from Chuck B. is his take on Richard Gage and Judy Wood's book and work. 


Please let me know what date show I should futher listen to if you have covered Gage on one of your  or 8 shows so far with Dr. Fetzer..

I have not really discussed Richard Gage am far as analyzing his work, but most of it appears to be ok, although he does not demonstrate Physics calculations and is not very quantitative, most qualitative, like most reseachers, who do not seen capable of grasping on to original quantitative concepts, just like Judy Wood.


I hope to do a show on Dr. Wood's book on 4-14-11 and hope I will be ready for it, with all of the destractions I have going on here at home.



Also, I did a show covering the big debate between R. Gage and N. Haritt against Dave Thomas & his partner. It was a review and analysis of the Coast to Coast Show where Jim Fetzer and I discussed their takes on 911.


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