9/11 Scholars Forum

Exposing Falsehoods and Revealing Truths

Sandy has suggested that we have a space for open discussion of topics that may be off-topic. That's fine with me. Let's see if the "Discussion" option will serve that purpose. Please give it a shot. Jim

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hi Thoth II,

     yeah, i've never thought that bash was anywhere near smart enough

to pull off 9/11, but since he was in the big boy chair at the time, he

has to be included in the bad boy (and girl) list.    it was also at his

hand (and then ohbombya) that so many Iraqis, Afghans, etc. and 'allied'

troops lost their lives over a bunch of lies.  he'll ALWAYS be guilty to me.

     for any of the criminals involved in 9/11 to go to the ceremony,

well, they got a heck of a nerve.  i hope it does not go pleasantly for them.

and what gets me still is that they KNOW that many of us around the

world KNOW, yet they still try to play the innocent caring game.  pshaw.  uggg.


Sorry if this is a post in the wrong place, but I received an email from Sandy saying all members who wanted to continue needed to respond in the forum and give a reason why. Well, I'd like to stay on, primarily because I'd like to jail every member of the Bush Administration. I've also been working on proliferating this truth for the past six months, writing letters, making phone calls (to family, friends, neighbors and congressman), I'm drafting letters to the local police department and I've utilized social media, only to have the Secret Service visit me several months ago. I've confronted Representative Das Williams in a televised townhall meeting about this issue and have also begun plans to get a doctoral thesis in physics dedicated to this project, to definitively lay down in scientific history this FACT: that 9/11 was most certainly a demolition. I'm a physicist and philosopher, I'm a talented writer and networked young man in the Santa Barbara community, I'm a singer/songwriter with extensive connections in media, television and promotional recording venues, I'm a competitive boxer who is currently ranked as the #1 welterweight in SB county - all of these skills I lay down here for the use of the 9/11 movement. I submitted a volunteer application quite some time ago and have received no reply. I can seriously help make this truth a reality in every American household, and all over the world, for that matter. But it is difficult to do this alone. I still won't believe this organization (ae911) is legitimate until I can make a person to person connection with real people that walk the walk and want to get down to business. I know sergeants and captains personally in the military that are willing to testify. I know presidents of peace and veterans organizations I. Local universities. I've got filmmakers ready to go. Let's do this people; I only need five good men (women) but will certainly not turn down more. So many people are afraid; I agree with Sandy that we need to put real names and faces to our movement. I am working to put a picture up soon, myself. I can outline every equation myself, by the way, but could certainly appreciate help in scientific fashion. I've devised my own arguments, from the Blackbox-Passport Argument to the Pentagon Argument to the Free-Fall Kinematics Argument (which I've seen others outline throughout the internet) we need to stop fooling around and start getting serious. Let's make professional grade, quality videos of the utmost scientific integrity and start promoting the heaven out of them. Get back @ me if you'd like to shut down the New World Order. Thank you for your time. - Ahmad Smadi *please excuse typographical errors; this has been sent from my mobile phone. Ty, AS
I am going to voluntarily offer my space to others.
I wish I was three or four people or that there were 72 plus hours in a day, but, I am not and there isn’t.
I have found much information related here that I have found very interesting, much I have agreed with and some that I didn’t. I have learned, however, that developing opinions based upon preconceived paradigms is foolish.
I have been, for the past two years been involved in the Ron Paul movement and for the next 15 months will focus this involvement more intently.
Keep up the fight!

I would like to stay with this group, for information and because I have researched and studied Governments evil hand history.  I might have some relevent input.  Ruby Ridge and Waco opened my eyes, I have been watching ever since. I want the bad guys held accountable. 


I would be glad to support this forum by being a paying subscriber as suggested.  I greatly appreciate the breadth of thinking and the collegial tone of the posters here.

But I gotta say I don't find the organizational layout of this site to be very intuitive.  Not sure why - maybe it's just me.  

thanks, Ahmad, this is exactly what we need more of.....both the

many efforts that you have been busy with, and the sharing of info

and thoughts on this group.  i don't remember hearing from you here

before and am glad to get a glimpse of your thoughts on 9/11!!!@

ps ooh i bet that was fun getting a secret service visit.  

sounds great about the folks you know who will testify, etc.  good work,

there are some really great folks here to work with.  don't be a stranger!!


fullpotential said:

Sorry if this is a post in the wrong place, but I received an email from Sandy saying all members who wanted to continue needed to respond in the forum and give a reason why. Well, I'd like to stay on, primarily because I'd like to jail every member of the Bush Administration. I've also been working on proliferating this truth for the past six months, writing letters, making phone calls (to family, friends, neighbors and congressman), I'm drafting letters to the local police department and I've utilized social media, only to have the Secret Service visit me several months ago. I've confronted Representative Das Williams in a televised townhall meeting about this issue and have also begun plans to get a doctoral thesis in physics dedicated to this project, to definitively lay down in scientific history this FACT: that 9/11 was most certainly a demolition. I'm a physicist and philosopher, I'm a talented writer and networked young man in the Santa Barbara community, I'm a singer/songwriter with extensive connections in media, television and promotional recording venues, I'm a competitive boxer who is currently ranked as the #1 welterweight in SB county - all of these skills I lay down here for the use of the 9/11 movement. I submitted a volunteer application quite some time ago and have received no reply. I can seriously help make this truth a reality in every American household, and all over the world, for that matter. But it is difficult to do this alone. I still won't believe this organization (ae911) is legitimate until I can make a person to person connection with real people that walk the walk and want to get down to business. I know sergeants and captains personally in the military that are willing to testify. I know presidents of peace and veterans organizations I. Local universities. I've got filmmakers ready to go. Let's do this people; I only need five good men (women) but will certainly not turn down more. So many people are afraid; I agree with Sandy that we need to put real names and faces to our movement. I am working to put a picture up soon, myself. I can outline every equation myself, by the way, but could certainly appreciate help in scientific fashion. I've devised my own arguments, from the Blackbox-Passport Argument to the Pentagon Argument to the Free-Fall Kinematics Argument (which I've seen others outline throughout the internet) we need to stop fooling around and start getting serious. Let's make professional grade, quality videos of the utmost scientific integrity and start promoting the heaven out of them. Get back @ me if you'd like to shut down the New World Order. Thank you for your time. - Ahmad Smadi *please excuse typographical errors; this has been sent from my mobile phone. Ty, AS

thanks, Ted, but i would hate to see you go, please don/t!   we don't

want to get rid of the good ones, just the ones who are taking up

valuable space that don't wish to be here.  please stick around, love, sandy

Ted Varney said:

I am going to voluntarily offer my space to others.
I wish I was three or four people or that there were 72 plus hours in a day, but, I am not and there isn’t.
I have found much information related here that I have found very interesting, much I have agreed with and some that I didn’t. I have learned, however, that developing opinions based upon preconceived paradigms is foolish.
I have been, for the past two years been involved in the Ron Paul movement and for the next 15 months will focus this involvement more intently.
Keep up the fight!

Shallel, your input here and other places has been great, and for

me personally your sense of humor is priceless.   always good to

have you with us.   hey, this is good, hearing peoples' thoughts.  lovies!

Shallel Octavia said:

I will continue to support this site, as it is a valuable resource for those who graduate beyond the "9/11 truth" herd mentality. The search for truth in a rigorous scientific method is a skill which I have honed to a degree which I may never have without the process of studying the implications of this most horrific False Flag Program and Coverup which has steamrolled a less than perfect Democratic Republic so as to be nearly unrecognizable from the state in which it existed on 9/10/2001.

I give thanks for the enlightening discussions with the courageous researchers and truth-seekers here.

Thank-you all for these great comments.

Special regards to Ted Varney, I honor you following your truth, and wish you the best with your important work in the Ron Paul movement. Please stop back and visit when you can!


Blessings, Shallel*Octavia Sananda

Thank you, Sandy. I already feel a bit more confident working with this group. You are right, in that I am a first time poster. I will do my best to continue to engage the discussions and share more stories with you and everyone here.

The two men from the Secret Service were upstanding gentlemen, and I was actually quite relieved to know that people such as themselves are serving our nation. They know 9/11 was a demolition (admitted nonverbally with their eyes and general silence on the issue), but they are afraid, and they told me to be careful three times throughout our conversation. My feeling is that when s*** hits the fan, they will turn their guns the other way; just a bit of my personal sense of optimism on the issue.



sandy rose said:

thanks, Ahmad, this is exactly what we need more of.....both the

many efforts that you have been busy with, and the sharing of info

and thoughts on this group.  i don't remember hearing from you here

before and am glad to get a glimpse of your thoughts on 9/11!!!@

ps ooh i bet that was fun getting a secret service visit.  

sounds great about the folks you know who will testify, etc.  good work,

there are some really great folks here to work with.  don't be a stranger!!


fullpotential said:

Sorry if this is a post in the wrong place, but I received an email from Sandy saying all members who wanted to continue needed to respond in the forum and give a reason why. Well, I'd like to stay on, primarily because I'd like to jail every member of the Bush Administration. I've also been working on proliferating this truth for the past six months, writing letters, making phone calls (to family, friends, neighbors and congressman), I'm drafting letters to the local police department and I've utilized social media, only to have the Secret Service visit me several months ago. I've confronted Representative Das Williams in a televised townhall meeting about this issue and have also begun plans to get a doctoral thesis in physics dedicated to this project, to definitively lay down in scientific history this FACT: that 9/11 was most certainly a demolition. I'm a physicist and philosopher, I'm a talented writer and networked young man in the Santa Barbara community, I'm a singer/songwriter with extensive connections in media, television and promotional recording venues, I'm a competitive boxer who is currently ranked as the #1 welterweight in SB county - all of these skills I lay down here for the use of the 9/11 movement. I submitted a volunteer application quite some time ago and have received no reply. I can seriously help make this truth a reality in every American household, and all over the world, for that matter. But it is difficult to do this alone. I still won't believe this organization (ae911) is legitimate until I can make a person to person connection with real people that walk the walk and want to get down to business. I know sergeants and captains personally in the military that are willing to testify. I know presidents of peace and veterans organizations I. Local universities. I've got filmmakers ready to go. Let's do this people; I only need five good men (women) but will certainly not turn down more. So many people are afraid; I agree with Sandy that we need to put real names and faces to our movement. I am working to put a picture up soon, myself. I can outline every equation myself, by the way, but could certainly appreciate help in scientific fashion. I've devised my own arguments, from the Blackbox-Passport Argument to the Pentagon Argument to the Free-Fall Kinematics Argument (which I've seen others outline throughout the internet) we need to stop fooling around and start getting serious. Let's make professional grade, quality videos of the utmost scientific integrity and start promoting the heaven out of them. Get back @ me if you'd like to shut down the New World Order. Thank you for your time. - Ahmad Smadi *please excuse typographical errors; this has been sent from my mobile phone. Ty, AS



watch out this federal govt. has failed to protect wild horses , wolves, and other endangered species, what is next, will they open the precious national parks to developers. 


But, but, but it was Sarah Palin who was going to kill wolves and other endangered species. That's why Democrats held their noses about his plans for bigger bailouts and more wars, and voted for Obama. I mean what's a few million innocent kids drone bombed if you can save a polar bear? And come to find out, he drone bombed the kids and didn't bother to save the polar bears. Darn. Fooled again, huh? I had an interesting discussion with a voter recently: http://fubarandgrill.org/node/1172


I'm beginning to think that people who vote really aren't capable of logical thinking, or at least aren't capable of acting rationally even if they can think rationally.


Voted for Bush cause he said he would end abortion.  We got war and continued abortion.  Decided no one was going to do anything to stop abortion anyway, so voted for Obama because he said he would end the wars and bring the troops home.  We got more war and more abortions.


Have decided not to vote for president again.  If everyone would just not vote in that race, whoever won would not be able to claim legitimacy.


Would love to see Holder kicked out and an honest A.G. put in to prosecute and imprison about the top one thousand Wall Street banker criminals.  I think that would do a lot for the country right now.

Mark E. Smith said:


But, but, but it was Sarah Palin who was going to kill wolves and other endangered species. That's why Democrats held their noses about his plans for bigger bailouts and more wars, and voted for Obama. I mean what's a few million innocent kids drone bombed if you can save a polar bear? And come to find out, he drone bombed the kids and didn't bother to save the polar bears. Darn. Fooled again, huh? I had an interesting discussion with a voter recently: http://fubarandgrill.org/node/1172


I'm beginning to think that people who vote really aren't capable of logical thinking, or at least aren't capable of acting rationally even if they can think rationally.


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