Exposing Falsehoods and Revealing Truths
[4/6/12 12:25:41 PM] David Cole: Do you have any members who want to do follow-up requests for NIST records? I just received some very promising records from NIST about past requests and records provided. I cannot handle all of these myself. All types of records, from imagery to specific drawings, model inputs, etc
Views: 131
Do you think what you have would be valuable to law enforcement? Being a victim of terrorism, I have people that can sort this out and plug it into the bigger picture, (local and federal).
If you want to do something positive with what you have, my suggestion is to send it to the Los Angeles California Police Department through their terrorism reporting mechanism called iwatch. If you reference my name, it should go to the same expert way cool and smart terrorism detective who knows who my other way cool rock star Homeland Security Special Agents, (many).
I got these new people because I made websites with the political work I have done. I made reports and I got phone calls back actually saying "thanks." I was like WOW, really? These terrorism law enforcement guys totally lap this up.
How did you get your FOIA request? I ask because I was granted a request from the National Security Agency but I can't get these 100 pages. I was actually looking for a letter sent to Senator Harry Reid and they "interpreted my request to be for information." Correct. Here:
http://igeometricmediagroup.prosite.com ( www.baitlifeoutsidethefederalwitnessprotectionprogram.net )
While much of 9-11 is a conspiracy, I'm finding out that their are real people in our government who actually want to take these guys down....their just really hard to find. .......
Note: Never make a report to the Las Vegas Nevada FBI. They are dumb-asses to the max. They know I hate them.
What is the point of seeking records from NIST? If all the "follow-up requests" are responded to by NIST, what will be done with the information obtained? To what end will all of this acrue, and how could it provide a major plank in the road to 9-11 truth?
Most of us already know what a joke the entire NIST efforts regarding 9-11 were. I transcribed two NIST meetings. It was clear that Dr. Sham & Shame Shyam Sunder did not intend to do a full professional study of how the WTC buildings were destroyed and did everything he could to block and control true scientific inquiry.
Take it from a expert Victim of Terrorism, (VOT) good help is hard to find. Read my post above, I actually have law enforcement nationwide (new ones) who would be very grateful for any information related to terrorism and 9-11.
The following police departments have terrorism experts and the online reporting mechanism is called "iwatch."
Los Angeles Police Department
Houston Texas Police Department
Dallas Texas Police Department
(there is more but those units already know me as a VOT)
In this iwatch reporting online system, you can upload photos/documents etc. It's really cool. Let the experts place it into the bigger picture with everything else they have. Better than having it rot on a shelf or in a book.
The first time I made a iwatch report, I got a phone call back, "Thanks for contacting iwatch!" I was like WOW, someone actually CARES? Prior to that, I really didn't think anyone gave a rats tail, including the counterterrorism director of the FBI!
"We want to assure you that the FBI takes all matters to National Security very seriously." Whatever, MARK G, --the FBI knows they have to prove themselves to me before I will actually believe that... like keep the guy in the letter in prison and find my son.....and so forth.....
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