9/11 Scholars Forum

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I was once a non believer of the truthers 911.


After listening and reading Ace Baker i am now a believer. No airplane hit the WTC!.


What really convinced me was the TV showing the (aluminum) airplane(ha ha) going thru

six to eight inch steel beams.

With no immediate breakeage.


Then i thought what if you shot lets say ten bullets into the same steel beams what would happen?

Well well then the light went on in my head.


Even bullets would bounce off the beams.


Well if a bullet wont penetrate how could an aluminum airplane penetrate:


Any thoughts please.



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Excellent points.

If you look carefully at those videos of the Boeing hitting the south tower, I think you'll agree it's a cartoon in a few different ways: (a) the plane really does look like a computer graphic, Webfairy, a smart lady, thinks it's actually a computer program of some sort which generates images of planes, Ace believes something similar, but not identical, that it's a composite they made in real time which I believe means a combo of real video footage with computer graphics, maybe something like the first down marker in football , I'm not a computer vid expert so read their websites for details,
(b) one thing I do know well is physics, and those videos are cartoon physics: the plane goes through the tower effortlessly without slowing down, violates Newtons 2nd law of motion, for a force there would be a substantial deceleration. Then mysteriously the plane disappears in the building, except for that unrealistic nose cone punch out, a flub up of course.

There is no doubt a Boeing did not hit that tower. The media was probably in collusion with the intelligence agencies in fabricating these videos, and we know that BBC reporter announced building 7 falling before it fell , so this event was coordinated between the perps and their media stooges/servants. Ever since JFK was taken out, this sinister arrangement between the secret govt. and the media has existed.
Thoth II said:
Excellent points.

If you look carefully at those videos of the Boeing hitting the south tower, I think you'll agree it's a cartoon in a few different ways: (a) the plane really does look like a computer graphic, Webfairy, a smart lady, thinks it's actually a computer program of some sort which generates images of planes, Ace believes something similar, but not identical, that it's a composite they made in real time which I believe means a combo of real video footage with computer graphics, maybe something like the first down marker in football , I'm not a computer vid expert so read their websites for details,
(b) one thing I do know well is physics, and those videos are cartoon physics: the plane goes through the tower effortlessly without slowing down, violates Newtons 2nd law of motion, for a force there would be a substantial deceleration. Then mysteriously the plane disappears in the building, except for that unrealistic nose cone punch out, a flub up of course.

There is no doubt a Boeing did not hit that tower. The media was probably in collusion with the intelligence agencies in fabricating these videos, and we know that BBC reporter announced building 7 falling before it fell , so this event was coordinated between the perps and their media stooges/servants. Ever since JFK was taken out, this sinister arrangement between the secret govt. and the media has existed.
All good points of course. BUT! there is so much more in the way of smoking guns. Media hype has doomed the movement.
What to do?
I have shot a jacketed bullet at a steel beam. It looked like a quarter glued to the beam. It didnl't go through.
"What to do?"

You are so right on asking this question. Bob Groden once said recently that he could envision a scenario whereby David Rockefeller himself could go on TV and say : "yes, our ruling class killed the president JFK, what are you all going to do about it". And I've thought about that. Even if they revealed their ugly faces, our society no longer has an opposition with muscle. Look back to the 1960s for example, the labor unions had real clout and exercised that through the democratic party, which enabled a real guy like JFK to emerge victorous. He even publically chastised the steel barons for raising prices. Now that WAS MUSCLE!! That is what our society lacks, a muscular opposition . I am of the opinion that this situation was designed by the ruling classes. Once the clique that took out JFK got away with it, it emboldened the elite to take more and more , and now they totally rule. Like anything, it needs to be nipped in the bud, and it needed to be nipped at JFK's day. For example, Jesse Ventura laments that he heard about a fanciful story that Allen Dulles met JFK in heaven, and he said, "but Mr. Prez, we only just killed you". Jesse's deep insight here is that nobody resigned in protest after JFK was taken out. "Life just went on", and the elite took full advantage of that.
Thoth II said:
"What to do?"

You are so right on asking this question. Bob Groden once said recently that he could envision a scenario whereby David Rockefeller himself could go on TV and say : "yes, our ruling class killed the president JFK, what are you all going to do about it". And I've thought about that. Even if they revealed their ugly faces, our society no longer has an opposition with muscle. Look back to the 1960s for example, the labor unions had real clout and exercised that through the democratic party, which enabled a real guy like JFK to emerge victorous. He even publically chastised the steel barons for raising prices. Now that WAS MUSCLE!! That is what our society lacks, a muscular opposition . I am of the opinion that this situation was designed by the ruling classes. Once the clique that took out JFK got away with it, it emboldened the elite to take more and more , and now they totally rule. Like anything, it needs to be nipped in the bud, and it needed to be nipped at JFK's day. For example, Jesse Ventura laments that he heard about a fanciful story that Allen Dulles met JFK in heaven, and he said, "but Mr. Prez, we only just killed you". Jesse's deep insight here is that nobody resigned in protest after JFK was taken out. "Life just went on", and the elite took full advantage of that.
So right. As long as the (elite) controls both candidates, America is doomed.
It is almost laughable how many sheep there are in America, as we goes thru the middle east like a bunch of (Cowboys)
America as we once knew it is GONE!!!
One of my favorite websites exposing the lies we were told about 911 (and I realize this is preaching to the choir, here) is German Engineers Help the USA at: http://home.debitel.net/user/andreas.bunkahle/defaulte.htm

The photos of the eerily similar 'plane' damage to both towers clearly show that planes could not have passed through these holes. Nothing left to argue about. Something conclusive to show airplane conspiracy buffs.
Thanks 4 the tip Eileen

Elaine O'Grady Moore said:
One of my favorite websites exposing the lies we were told about 911 (and I realize this is preaching to the choir, here) is German Engineers Help the USA at: http://home.debitel.net/user/andreas.bunkahle/defaulte.htm

The photos of the eerily similar 'plane' damage to both towers clearly show that planes could not have passed through these holes. Nothing left to argue about. Something conclusive to show airplane conspiracy buffs.
Nice deduction, but the evidence for no planes(if you did your homework) impresses me more(see AceBaker.com)
An airplane(767) cannot go 500 miles an hour at 1000 ft.. The surface drag alone would cause a crash. You cannot go that speed at that height! Period. Wake up.

Jay Esbe said:
You're really mixed up.

First, yes, a bullet fired from a high powered rifle definitely will go through steel, up to about 3/8ths of an inch thick. A 50 caliber will go through an inch of steel at point blank.

You're confusing hardness, penetration, and mass.

Which is harder, an egg, or aluminum? Aluminum obviously. But you can throw an egg right through a sheet of aluminum foil.....? A: Kinetic energy.

Will a basketball dent your car? Yes. And if we shoot it out of a cannon, I assure you, it'll destroy your car door and might even go through the outer sheet metal.

The depleted uranium copper clad projectiles shot from tanks, go through 5 inches of high strength steel. Uranium is as soft as lead, and copper is nowhere near as hard as steel. But that's penetration via extremely high kinetic energy, not bending or shearing, which requires far less kinetic energy.

Parts of the planes which hit the WTC could have sheared a core column or three; the engines, and landing gear, are all made largely of titanium, but more importantly, had the concentration of mass to easily go through box sections with 1/4 inch wall thickness, and very easily at 500 mph.
Mass of the airplane x velocity of airplane = airplane momentum

Mass of bullet x velocity of bullet = bullet momentum

In the movies, bullets always seem to make a rechocheting noise when hitting rocks or metal, not going through them...

unless you are using armour piercing ammo, which an airplane is not.

The outer surface of a Twin tower was more than 50% steel beams and 4 inches of concrete floors every 3.8 meters covering the entire 63.4 square meters. It would seem that the airplanes should have accordian collapsed and bounced off of the steel & concrete wall of a WTC and even exploded outside of the wall, not penetrate totally to the inside, with no visible airplane damage, and then explode. The explosion inside was a preplaced bomb with fuel going off and the plane was video faked. Some Charges must have been set onto the inside surface of the collision wall to mimick the holes that would be made by an airplane.
Very, very clever of the Zionists, which must have required some practice and experimentation with models like the wall of a WTC TT. Were the metal pieces at the collision site bent inwards or outwards? This needs to be checked out...

Check out my Poster Graphics and comment on what you think, if your Physics & Math are fresh...

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