9/11 Scholars Forum

Exposing Falsehoods and Revealing Truths

Elements of deception, collusion, purposeful incompetence, and intricate cover-ups define 9/11.

When there are too many coincidences in a story being told (in this case as part of a cover-up story) one can believe that lies are being spun. Lets examine the following:

(1). Was New York Mayor Gulianni an unwitting or witting co-conspirator in the cover-up that followed 9/11. Why didn't he take himself and his staff to the secure floor in tower-7? Instead, he herded himself and his staff to another location for safety. This, before tower-7 was destroyed by controlled demolition.

(2). The attcks on the WTC towers and the Pentagon building were carried out over varying time frames which actually provided an advantage for the U.S. to take retaliatory measures. Yet, 4 planes, drones, or missles were allowed to have free reign in the skies over America for almost 90 minutes with no retaliatory response made to neutralize them. The answer given by the govt was that NORAD was confused as to which planes were part of an exericise or were actual enemy hi-jackers. Well. this should have been resolved immediately by the very man who had full knowledge of the exercises, one Dick Cheney. 

The fact that 4 U.S. military exercises were going on at the same time as an aerial attack was being made on the WTC is more than just a coincidence. Or. was this purposeful incompetence?

(3). Although military protocol at the time of the 9/11 attacks didn't allow for military field commmanders to respond to hi-jackers of planes, there were 4 people who were authorized to order a shoot down of a commercial or foreign plane(s), including; Secretary of Defense, Donald Rumsfeld, VP Dick Cheney, general in charge at NORAD, and President Bush. Yet they were all missing in action while the 90 minutes of attacks were going on. Was this another suspicious coincidence, passive collusion, or both?       

(4). To date no one has ever been held responsible for any incompetence or indecision. Why? Even if we take a quantum leap and say that their was no conspsiracy involved, their is a blatant case made for managerial ineptitude and indecision at the highest level. It appears that all those that in positions of responsibility were given an investigative pass and not questioned at all.  

 (5). In yet another seeming suspicious coincidence the Pentagon was hit by a plane or other type of projectile in its least vulnerable spot, the records section. The office of DOD Donald Rumsfeld was in another area. In yet another suspicious act of incompetence Mr. Rumsfeld was convenienty not available during the attack to order any retaliatory strike. 

(6). The New York Port Authority conveniently shut down security on the WTC just a weekend(s) prior to the attack, at which time bombs were probably placed on various floors of the building. Is this yet another suspicious coincidence?

(7). On the day before the WTC attacks, Donald Rumsfeld, announced that there was 2 Trillion dollars not accounted for. We never heard another word about this after the attacks. Were the missing funds purposeful incompetence?

(8). Flight 77 that supposedly hit the Pentagon left no passenger luggage behind in its destruction. Was this another element of Deception? 

(9). All four commercial planes were grossly under full capacity. Are we to believe that this was just another coincidence.

(10).The pilots of the 4 commercial were all former military pilots, including one pilot who flew missions in Vietnam, yet we are to believe that these men all passively surrendered to terrorists wielding only paper cutter knives. 

(11). Secretary of State, Condolesa Rice and President Bush both went on national TV saying that no one ever thought about commerical planes being hijacked to ram into  buildings. Yet, there were 4 exercises being undertaken at the time of the attacks on the WTC. Were these outrageous statements purposeful deception?

(12). Did the 757 plane that supposedly hit the Pentagon actually fly over it and/or 

did a drone or perhaps a small Hawk plane that can elude radar by flying under it actually hit the Pentagon? The whole in the Pentagon wall certainly is too small for a huge 757 plane to have hit it. We are told that the 747 merely evaporated. Well, were was the luggage or did that evaporate as well?

(13). President George Bush after being told that a plane had hit the WTC kept his attention riveted on the class room that was reading about a goat. How come ole George didn't ask this person how many lives were lost? What exactly was the role of Iraq war criminal George Bush in the WTC attacks. Was he part of the organized passive collusion?  Or, was George Bush part of the cabal that included Dick Cheney, Paul Wolfowitz, and Donald Rumsfeld that set a plan of passive collusion and/or active participants.

In conclusion; There are many more reasons that can be cited that point to the highest echelons of power in the U.S. govt who participated in a well thought out scheme to get America involved in a war with Iraq. I believe that there is sufficient prima facie evidence to indict at least the aforementioned individuals for acting in collusion against the people of the United States by actively participating in the events of 9/11. Especially, given the knowledge beforehand that terrorists were plotting against the United States and they did nothing to stop it. Instead, aiding and abetting the terrorists. Remember people, it is not un-American to challenge your goverment about the actions it has taken on your behalf.


As someone who voted for Geroge Bush I believe he should be tried as a war criminal for the untold lives and casualties of the Iraq war, that he foisted on America knowing his reasons for doing so wasn't credible.










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Welcome Laurence, as a new member to this 911 Research Site!

Not many members are big contributors, only a very few, perhaps 7 or less...

I am a retired Physics, Chemistry & Engineering Teacher, so I have and have

had lots of time to do research on many of the topics directly and indirectly 

related to 911, OKC, JFK, Chem Trails, Drones, NSA, WACO,GMOs, Vaccines,

Drugs, Govt. Corruption, Israel, Zionism (Jew & Christian), Police State, TSA

Boston Bombing Hoax, Sand Hook Hoax, etc., etc......

If you are really knowledgeable on 911 or some other topic, perhaps, you can get interviewed by

Professor James Fetzer on his "Real Deal" podcast show. He is the originator of this web site and

is also retired and has many scandalous investigations he is ongoing, avidly pursuing.

Your information contribution above was good and consolidated nicely.

I hope you will continue to contribute to this site with original research into any or all

of the ongoing research areas related to 911...

Again, welcome...

Chuck Boldwyn

Thanks for the welcome, Chuck. Pursuant to a previous commentary that I made that suggested a criminal investigation should be made into the actions of Dick Cheney, Donald Rumsfeld, and George Bush during the 9/11 event, I have come by additional information regarding the Shanksville, Pennsylvania so-called crash site of the flight that was supposedly highlighted by a takeover by passengers with one of the passengers giving a 'Lets Roll' command to other male passengers to take control of the plane from supposed terrorist hijackers.      

According to an 8 minute video presented by Forbidden Knowledge there may be a logical explanation for the large hole found there that was attributed to one of the so-called hijacked planes crashing there. It seems quite plausible that a witness to the crash event in Shanksville actually saw a Lockheed Martin AGM-158 Jassm (Joint air-surface missle) that was launched by a high overhead fighter jet. This Jassm missle is a shiny all silver missle that is shaped somewhat like a triangle and was designed to penetrate hard surfaces. Moving at a high rate of speed a person seeing it might conculde that it was a small plane. One can only conclude that this missle was used in Shanksville to help sell the story that the last hijacked commerical plane was flying so fast that it totally desintegrated upon hitting the ground, hence no tail wings or other parts were found.   

The link to this video is: Http://www.ForbiddenKnowledgeTV.com/page/25967.html  

Laurence, welcome and thanks for the excellent commentary.  The Forbidden Knowledge link suggesting one or possibly two

Jassm missiles makes good sense.  There certainly were no jumbo jets landing in that hole.  Ms McElwain's explanation of the size and appearance of the object fits with the photos of the AGM-158 and the video of the Jassm missile test. The lack of any plane parts, luggage, and body parts is also explained. The phony display of sadness by Government officials and their spouses at the memorial was completely disgusting.

With all of the groups that have come out positing that 9/11 was aided by U.S. Govt officials at the highest level, I have wondered why there has been no resultant action having taken place, .e.g, any criminal investigations. I'm given to  believe that govt officials and/or those associated with the planning and/or coverup of 9/11 have infiltrated some of the major groups who are asking for a criminal investigation. While there are countless videos of speeches made that counter the govt version of 9/11, I know of no action committee or group pursuing legal charges against memers of the cabal involved in 9/11 and/or its cover-up. The treasonous actions actions of the 9/11 govt conspirators will not be held accountable unless they are hauled into a courtroom. They can withstand the arrows being slung around them. We need the arrows to hit their targets.           
Laurence Smith said:

Thanks for the welcome, Chuck. Pursuant to a previous commentary that I made that suggested a criminal investigation should be made into the actions of Dick Cheney, Donald Rumsfeld, and George Bush during the 9/11 event, I have come by additional information regarding the Shanksville, Pennsylvania so-called crash site of the flight that was supposedly highlighted by a takeover by passengers with one of the passengers giving a 'Lets Roll' command to other male passengers to take control of the plane from supposed terrorist hijackers.      

According to an 8 minute video presented by Forbidden Knowledge there may be a logical explanation for the large hole found there that was attributed to one of the so-called hijacked planes crashing there. It seems quite plausible that a witness to the crash event in Shanksville actually saw a Lockheed Martin AGM-158 Jassm (Joint air-surface missle) that was launched by a high overhead fighter jet. This Jassm missle is a shiny all silver missle that is shaped somewhat like a triangle and was designed to penetrate hard surfaces. Moving at a high rate of speed a person seeing it might conculde that it was a small plane. One can only conclude that this missle was used in Shanksville to help sell the story that the last hijacked commerical plane was flying so fast that it totally desintegrated upon hitting the ground, hence no tail wings or other parts were found.   

The link to this video is: Http://www.ForbiddenKnowledgeTV.com/page/25967.html  

A New 9/11 video on Netflix ' 9/11 The day that changed the world' was made in 2011 and is just now being released, presenting footage never before available to the public, highlighting the action taken 18 hours after the bombing of the WTC of the various high ranking govt and military officials. The video was prodiuced by the Smothsonian Institute. Although it has no liberal or conservative agenda it clearly points out the absolute incompetence of so many high officials.


Observations presented by this video include the limited following: (1). Over 200 people jumped from the highest floors of Buildings 1 & 2. (2). Despite all the so-called hawks in the Bush administration they all went into strictly survival mode with no pro-active strategy measures taken. (3). After the 2nd missle or plane hit the WTC it should have been obvious that America was under attack and all commercial flights [over 5100) should be immediately grounded. This did not happen until after the 3rd strike at the Pentagon over 30 plus minutes later. The person responsible for this action probably was not part of any conspiracy cabal but was just purely incompetent. (4). After the 2nd attack at the WTC all war game exercises should have been cancelled immediately so Air Traffic Controllers could better sort out the rogue planes in the air. This failure to halt the exercises rests mainly on Cheney or Rumsfeld as part of purposefull incompetence.(5). Cheney and Rumsfeld both state that defensive military strategy was terribly outdated.  The lack of any creative military strategy also falls on Military generals like 4 star wonder General Myers. How do generals get promoted if they are still using and advocating outdated cold war defense strategies. 


(6). 3 high ranking officials who would have a role in taking responsive or defensive actions casually state that they were not able to reach super hawk Donald Rumsfeld for an extended amout of time during the crucial decision making period. (7). Another super hawk, Dick Cheney, tells 4 major media figures that there was no strategy to handle rogue planes hitting any buildings in America, depsite their being at least 4 war games going on at the time of the alleged hijackings. Papa Bush appears to be a sideline player in the 9/11 event given his active connections to various oil interests.

In conclusion, there are more disturbing revelations regarding incompetence, including purposeful and just total ineptitude by major players not part of a cabal. I have accepted the notion that there will never be an investigation into 9/11 even for unwitting incomptence as Republicans fear that if any collusion was ever attributed to any high ranking govt official(s)  there would be such an outroar that no Republican could even dream about becoming president. The leftists democrats don't need an investigation into 9/11 as they are always in pro-active mode addressing current and future issues, e.g., homosexual marriage, drive through abortions clinics, etc. and have no need to go back to past issues.     


May be this video can help ?

Anonymous: Operation Pentagon Debunking

Yes Henry I have seen this video and other similar videos. I recently watched a very good 3 hour discussion by Barbara Honegger who I believe has presented the best all around explanation in all areas for 9/11. She is one of the few 9/11 activists who names those she believed were most responsible.  Specifically, Wolowitz, Chertoff, Rice, Zelikow, Cheney, with Bush set up to mere provide a cover-up. The 9/11 movement will continue to stall if the major players like Ray Griffin and others just concentrate on proving the buildings were taken down by controlled demolition. The public needs a full accounting and picture of the overall scheme that was executed by the 9/11 planners. Just as in a murder case, the public being the jury needs a complete picture of how 9/11 was pulled off which was completely overstaged.

The planners and executors of 9/11 used far too much deadly explosives than were needed to take the buildings down. The biggest flaw was the hitting of the Pentagon which was a totally implausible scenario by a commercial plane. The 9/11 movement needs a District Attorney or anyone else who can establish standing in a Federal courtroom to file papers on the secret service to explain their inaction in moving Bush immediately, then maybe a domino effect can take place as the case goes up the ladder to the White House.            

thank you,

we are also concerned, all because of one photo, that turns out to be real-

 In a search for the possibility this was found-

Given that the 9/11 criminals could have had the planes painted almost anything is possible. The original theory by deep thinkers based on the 'Operation Northwood' scheme that was hatched in 1962 is that a commercial plane was structurally modified and painted and used to fly into the towers via remote control,  I have always liked this theory.   

Theory has seemed to turn into a event- I will show you a hidden video, that we have re-processed.

Thanks for the video I viewed it on a website that had other articles, etc., by you, There is more than overwhelming evidentiary material to haul this case into a courtroom. I think the best strategy would be to attack at the lowest level of the Bush administration, i.e., his press secretary who whispered in his ear at the school in Florida, and then subpoena the Secret Service personnel with Bush in Florida and find out why protocol was not carried out and who countermanded any orders and why. Starting at the lower end of the chain of command will reveal answers involving those higher up until finally it arrives at the White House door of Cheney, Rice, Rumsfeld, and patsy Bush as the active participants, with Zelikow, Chertoff, and Wolfowitz in the roles of active planners and cover-up artists.

I hope before I close my eyes for the last time on this earth that the govt criminals in 9/11 will be brought to justice, especially the aged Rumsfeld and Cheney. .     

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