9/11 Scholars Forum

Exposing Falsehoods and Revealing Truths

Dead Men Talking


Dead Men Talking

We collect the most relevant evidence of government participation in the events of 9/11. Bring evidence here and discuss its truth and relevance!

Website: http://www.deanhartwell.com
Members: 7
Latest Activity: Jun 14, 2010

Read Dead Men Talking

This is the book that presents my case about 9/11

I would like to hear your thoughts.

The point of the book is to identify the best evidence of government conspiracy. I mention the Standard Operating Procedures of air defense and how they were not followed; I mention "blips" appearing on the screens of FAA employees and who had the authority and the power to put them there to confuse them; I mention warnings given to Bush Administration officials that were not followed. And a lot more.

I avoided the more controversial evidence such as what happened at the Pentagon. I feared that my thoughts on this subject and others like it would distract from the proof beyond a reasonable doubt that government agents acted on 9/11 to commit murder. If you tell a skeptic several ideas, it is a cinch they will attack the ideas with the least factual support and ignore the rest of what you say.

If you have thoughts about what hit the WTC 1 and 2 and the Pentagon and about cell phones, etc. please tell me.

Discussion Forum

Future Petitions to Ask People to Support New Investigation on 9/11

This group will collect the most relevant facts on the culprits of 9/11 to make it easy to put together new petitions and fact sheets.  It will also serve as the basis for essays which are especially…Continue

Tags: article, essay, investigation, facts, petition

Started by Dean Apr 11, 2010.

Comment Wall


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Comment by sandy rose on June 14, 2010 at 6:23am
your talking about planes and cleveland made me flash
back to an odd thing that i remember in the couple of days
after actual 9/11. i don't know what it means and it's not
a great clue or anything i guess.. but i live like 45 minutes south
eastish of cleveland, and when i went to food shop probably
4 days after 9/11 at a store at hudson drive and graham rd,
at the checkout i overheard the cashiers talking about 9/11
and they were describing hearing a VERY low flying plane
going overhead. that would be out of the ordinary, anything
flying that low in this area.
the store no longer exists and i have no idea who the
people were who said that, it just stuck in my head, especially
after i crossed over to no planes.
makes me wonder how many other people in my area may
have heard/seen the same thing. i thought they were sincere
talking about it and not just making stuff up, you know. i
wonder if anyone would pipe up about it if i put a short letter
about it in the local paper. hmm.
Comment by Dean on June 13, 2010 at 9:44pm
I have integrated previous essays on passengers into a larger one on 9/11:

Comment by Dean on June 13, 2010 at 12:45pm
Thanks, Sandy!

The reason for giving "no planes" a chance is because I could never conclude that planes were used. In my book, I stipulated the issue (assumed for the sake of argument) to get to issues I felt more confident about.

The key fact I discovered was the Bureau of Transportation Statistics, which shows that only two planes flew out from where the official story said. The mystery of the passengers and planes goes from there and winds up in Cleveland, where more facts stand in the way of the official theory.
Comment by sandy rose on June 13, 2010 at 11:57am
wow, still impressed, Dean. as for any passengers
that might have been on actual planes that went other
than where the offishal story said they went, it might be
rather likely that all of those people were killed.

i don't know that, it just goes along with what a bunch
of mass murderers would do with in the way people.

if Webby is listening, or someone else who remembers
this stuff, some people somewhere (Thomas Potter possibly)
have info on 'passengers' never listed as dead, too.

Dean, you're a real asset in all of this. awesome work!

i keep wondering what it was that made you change
your thinking about planes or no planes, and why can't a
lot of others go there.
you certainly have done your homework. A+!
Comment by Dean on June 12, 2010 at 10:42pm
This article focuses on the planes and passengers of 9/11:

Comment by Dean on June 9, 2010 at 11:02pm

People need to hear what happened in the form of a story. My draft of the no planes hypothesis continues with this story.
Comment by Dean on June 7, 2010 at 11:24pm
Comment by Whathappened Tothewtc on June 7, 2010 at 5:28am
Dean, I like it. It's simple. I question #2, though. You presume that either the videos were faked (hard to do) or that something else hit the towers. Also, Fetzer's comment presumes a plane (that it flew impossibly fast). What I'm saying is that nothing hit the building. The reason why the plane flew "impossibly fast" and the fact that there was no plane debris at the south face of WTC 2 is because it was a projected image of a plane. It really explains everything and wipes out a wide conspiracy. Keep it up, Dean!
Comment by Dean on June 6, 2010 at 11:51pm
Dear Members of Dead Men Talking:

Here is my hypothesis on a no-plane theory. See if I have adequately tested it:
Comment by Dean on June 4, 2010 at 1:06pm
Thanks, Jim! There appears to be no reason why the media could not have done as it ordinarily does in a plane disaster: go right to the federal agencies (FBI, FAA) which are the best sources.
Here is where I am at: the videos of WTC, the passenger lists, the proof of two planes listed as in operation long after 9/11, etc. make me want to form a hypothesis about what happened to the passengers and planes. I think it would help to have a story to present to skeptics, who always ask, "OK, so what happened to the passengers?" I will present the hypothesis soon.

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