9/11 Scholars Forum

Exposing Falsehoods and Revealing Truths

Dave Thomas, M.S. Physics Teacher at New Mexico Mining & Technology Institute, defender of the Government's 911 WTC TTs plane crashes, fires, and gravity collapse "Hollywood-like fantasy" theories...

This is Physicist Dave Thomas, one of the featured debaters who defended the USA Government's 911 WTC TTs "Gravity Collapse Theories", who was on "Coast to Coast", Ian Punnitt's nationwide radio show.
Kim Johnson, also of the same New Mexico Institute as Dave Thomas and Van Romero, assisted in this widely publicized debate, supporting Dave Thomas' hypotheses or "physics fantacies", backing him up 100%, while adding his own input to the debate in support of the "Original Government or NIST Theory"
Opposing Thomas, Johnson, and seemingly biased Punnitt were the famous 911 Truthers, Richard Gage of AE911Truth and Neils Harritt, Nano Thermite expose publisher from Copenhagen, who in my opinion won the debate, while Thomas made himself come off as an "incompetent Physics fool".
Thomas and Johnson and Punnitt were not completely prepared and were unable to answer or respond to certain critical questions and circumstances, and were highly suprised and caught off guard at the shocking information that Gage & Harritt put forth.

The "Coast to Coast" show was last Sunday, 8-21-10, and can be heard at the following youtube address:


Below is Dave thomas's PDF describing his Physics Momentum calculations, defending the gravity collapses, but applying his Physics erroneously and apparantly intentionally in a most deceptive manner. Physics does not work the way he is proposing, and any physics and engineering student or professional should be able to catch the errors of his ways, easily, like I have.


I will be doing an expose article to show Dave Thomas as a 911 Physics Fraud and with widespread circulation of my expose, he, his cohorts, and his theories will be destroyed, ie, with the support of other competent Physicists and Engineers. Why others have not seen the "errors of his ways" to this date is beyond me. All of the 911 Truther Physicists and Engineers need to have a critical look at his work and then speak out as to its "falseness" and "deceptive corruptness"...

Here is a youtube movie he made in support of his Momentum Physics Equations and calculation, phony as they are:


by: Chuck Boldwyn

  • Currently 5/5 stars.

Views: 103


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