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One Person's Imaginative Drawing of a Plane Crashing into WTC 1 Tower, 96th Floor, Perfectly Centered on the Core and the plane is unscathed. Was there a "real" Plane Crash at all?

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Comment by Chuck Boldwyn on March 16, 2011 at 10:40pm

To All,


My interview by Jim Fetzer has been rescheduled for the 24th of March, off air taping. I will be reviewing Judy Wood's book and my own new and revised posters, many of which are already poste on the site...



Comment by Thoth II on March 16, 2011 at 4:02pm
I have a few problems also with DEWs outright.  They would maybe be able to beam enough energy to dustify the towers in 10 seconds, but then wouldn't they also ionize the air and look like lightning bolts , at this level of power?  Also, the momentum consideration.  It looks to me like there are 10-15 "foci"  ( or GZ) of energy along the length of the tower from which debris (which isn't totally dustified like steel members) are thrown basically symmetrically outward and upward, and I can't imagine anything which has net momentum of zero after the interaction which also has zero momentum before the interaction, as does explosives, whether mini-nuke or conventional (of course, I think it is mini nuke because, why not?  they are much easier to emplace than tons of conventional explosives).  A DEW would have a net momentum before hitting tower and thus the debris would be ejected assymetrically in the direction of net momentum, after the interaction.
Comment by Chuck Boldwyn on March 16, 2011 at 3:58am

Yes, Shellel,

 There is much to agree with, most of it, probably everything but the DEWs which she needs to convince me of, not maybe not possibly, but conclusively as Thermate and minu-nukes or most massive amounts of explosives can explain it all, even the molten metal and fried, rustified cars as I have espoused on several of Jim's shows.

Her book will save me a lot of research time on the internet.

My only problem with Judy's General Hypothesis is the DEWs, so I better get to reading.

I have about 15 new and revised graphics that I wish to present and discuss on the upcoming show, whenever it will occur.

Some of the math steps, she leaves out, so some people may have trouble following where her math comes from at its simplest level.

I am working on a derivation PP Poster of all of the basic motion equations of classical Newtonian Physics, which I hope to post soon. I am working on about 10 new graphics at the same time.

My basic motion equation Poster should be able to be understood by anyone who can follow elementary algebra as there are many varables to follow. It is basically the same sheet I distributed to my students for solving all motion problems in high school and college physics textbooks.

Comment by Chuck Boldwyn on March 15, 2011 at 1:23pm


Good reply,

I found this highly deceptive graphic on some site which I should have referenced but did not.

I just got Judy Wood's new book yesterday and am not on page 40.

I am scheduled for an interview with Jim Fetzer on the 17th of March, in 2 days, during which I may be able to make some comments on her viewpoints, some of which differ from mine, considerably.

I have picked some good points from her book already, especially on photo of the airplane cookie cut-out of the North Tower. I need to find some more and better close up pics of that cut-out to prove the explosives that produced the cut out were between the steel columns and the aluminum coverings, leaving the aluminum covering pointing away from the Tower instead of into the Tower.

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