9/11 Scholars Forum

Exposing Falsehoods and Revealing Truths

9/11 Debate Will Air Saturday Aug. 21 on Coast to Coast AM

9/11 Debate Will Air Saturday Aug. 21 on
Coast to Coast AM

A highly anticipated debate between two members of
Architects and Engineers for 9-11 Truth and two physicists
is scheduled for August 21, 2010. The debate will air on
the popular late night talk show Coast to Coast AM with
host Ian Punnett between 10pm - 2am Pacific time

Coast to Coast AM

Ian Punnett Coast To Coast

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Comment by James H. Fetzer on August 16, 2010 at 12:20am
My understanding is that this claim is false: "According to DEBKAfile's military sources, the Bushehr reactor billed as a peaceful project is in fact integral to Iran's military program because the fuel rods powering it can also produce weapons-grade plutonium. Attached to the main plant too are a number of smaller facilities connected to the weapons program." The fuel rods are low grade and will be in the custody of Russian supervisors and could not be used for the purpose of constructing nuclear weapons. That is poppycock.
Comment by James H. Fetzer on August 15, 2010 at 4:59pm
Is this simply a co-incidence? If so, it is remarkable. 9/11 on Coast-to-Coast and an Israeli attack on Iran???

John Bolton: Russia's Loading of Nuke Fuel Into Iran Plant Means Aug. 21 Deadline for Israeli Attack Friday, 13 Aug 2010 By: David A. Patten

News that Russia will load nuclear fuel rods into an Iranian reactor has touched off a countdown to a point of no return, a deadline by which Israel would have to launch an attack on Iran's Bushehr reactor before it becomes effectively "immune" to any assault, says former Bush administration U.N. Ambassador John R. Bolton.

Once the fuel rods are loaded, Bolton told Fox News on Friday afternoon, "it makes it essentially immune from attack by Israel. Because once the rods are in the reactor an attack on the reactor risks spreading radiation in the air, and perhaps into the water of the Persian Gulf."
Comment by Thoth II on August 15, 2010 at 1:45pm
Excellent, I'll have to stay up that night and tune in. It concerns me a little that Ian Punnett is moderating. I wonder if he'll stay objective. He doesn't seem to be up to speed about what is going on in this world as much , as say, Noory, is. Noory does seem to get it .

As for these two physicists who'll debate the A&E911 people, that should really be rich. I mean, this should be as much of a slam dunk as a true JFK researcher debating Vince Bugliosi. This whole 911 thing is so patently , obviously, a total sham from top to bottom that there is no case to be made for the official story. And I do not for one nanosecond think that the choice of the date 911 was an accident: those evil SOBs chose that date of all dates because of the obvious link with the 911 emergency number; and they are smirking at us (at least the dummies who still believe the official line) from behind the scenes.

And let me take this opportunity to take a swipe at Obama. He absolutely is disgusting to , I believe, knowingly carry this monstrous charade on and on ; he has NONE of the guts exhibited by a much greater man, JFK.

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