9/11 Scholars Forum

Exposing Falsehoods and Revealing Truths

9/11: The Unofficial Story, Friday, November 27th at 11 PM/ET (a half-way decent CBC production?)


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On September 11, 2001 the world watched in shock and disbelief as planes flew in to New York’s World Trade Center and the Pentagon in Washington, and Americans realized they were under attack. But by whom? What really happened? In The Unofficial Story, the fifth estate’s Bob McKeown introduces us to people who believe the real force behind the attacks was not Osama Bin Laden, but the U.S. government itself.

Emerging from the dust and debris that day was a movement, known these days as 9/11 Truth or “truthers” – people who believe that 9/11 was part of a vast conspiracy and cover-up by a criminal faction within the U.S. government. As the fifth estate reports, public opinion polls now show that the majority of Americans believe the Bush Administration had advance knowledge of those attacks and somehow allowed them to happen and that one-third of Canadians share the same belief.

In The Unofficial Story, Bob McKeown explores why these questions and theories are growing in popularity.

You’ll meet some of the leading proponents of “truther” theories: Richard Gage, an American architect, explains how the WTC twin towers and the lesser known ‘Tower #7’ could only have crumbled as they did due to explosive charges placed inside the buildings. Others, including Canadian professor Kee Dewdney, insist that the story of the brave fight by the passengers of United Airlines Flight 93 must have been a hoax. But, you’ll also hear from others who dispel “truther” theories and try to understand why, from JFK’s assassination to the moon landing to 9/11, a culture of conspiracy springs up around certain historic events.

Despite the difference of opinion between those who blame the hijackers and those who blame their own government, the real importance of the fight over 9/11 truth is that it may have less to do with the past than the future.

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Comment by James H. Fetzer on December 1, 2009 at 1:24pm
Subject: Canadian CBC News: The Fifth Estate The Unofficial Story

On September 11, 2001 the world watched in shock and disbelief as planes
flew in to New Yorks World Trade Center and the Pentagon in Washington,
and Americans realized they were under attack. But by whom? What really
happened? In The Unofficial Story, the fifth estates Bob McKeown
introduces us to people who believe the real force behind the attacks was
not Osama Bin Laden, but the U.S. government itself.

Comment by James H. Fetzer on November 29, 2009 at 5:28pm
Date: Sun, 29 Nov 2009 15:59:10 -0500 [02:59:10 PM CST]
From: "Tree Frog"
To: "James Fetzer, Dr."
Reply-To: treefrog@ix.netcom.com
Subject: FW: "The Unofficial Story" Access Denied.... But,

I am not in a 9-11 mode, but did view this one. For a public broadcast,
Canadian censors are not as harsh as they were here with the History
Channel, Discovery, ABC, CBS, NBC, CNN etc.

There were two points here that were well made. Cell phone
impossibilities and nanothermite, so it should attract some new folks to
research this subject.

They should have given William Rodriguez 2 minutes to talk about the
basement explosions, 7-9 seconds before the plane hit above.


"The Unofficial Story" Access Denied.... But,

Once again disappointment in attempting to view "The Unofficial Story"
at the CBC website. As suspected the video stream is available only in

A friend however forwarded a link from the 9-11 Blogger website, where
it can be watched in five segments totaling 43 minutes of commercial
free viewing.

Here's the link:

At this point, I will not editorialize as to whether or not it is a "hit
piece" on the 9-11 movement or the possibility that it might be
beneficial if it has the potential of awakening just one person who has
never been exposed to the least bit of "9-11 truth".

But it would be interesting to do a study on the time bar of each
segment and analyze just how much REAL TIME is allowed the principal
proponents to speak. For instance during the first segment Richard Gage
speaks for only 3 minutes out of a total almost 10 minutes. Someone may
be willing to analyze the other segments. ...Vin

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