Exposing Falsehoods and Revealing Truths
Did LVI Work in the Twin Towers Before 9/11? *PIC*
Posted By: ChristopherBollyn
Date: Sunday, 20-Mar-2005 14:47:57 On September 13, 2001, Engineering News-Record (ENR), a national weekly for the construction industry, reported: "LVI Services Inc., New York City, which has done extensive asbestos abatement work on the towers in the past, is involved in similar work now as well as other cleanup efforts."
AFP asked LVI president Burton T. Fried about the work his company did in the towers prior to 9/11.
"We did not do it," Fried said. "It was a company called AASI but they went out of business."
Asked about the evidence that the towers and WTC 7 were destroyed by demolition charges, Fried replied, "No comment."
By Christopher Bollyn
American Free Press
Rather than face the uncomfortable reality that the World Trade Center was demolished with explosives, the controlled media and investigators have chosen to ignore the evidence and support a demonstrably false collapse scenario.
In the immediate aftermath of 9/11, American Free Press was a lonely voice, as it reported that numerous eyewitnesses had seen and heard explosions in the towers of the World Trade Center before and during their collapses.
AFP reported that Van Romero, an explosives expert at New Mexico Tech, told The Albuquerque Journal on 9/11: "My opinion is – based on the videotapes – that after the airplanes hit the World Trade Center there were some explosive devices inside the buildings that caused the towers to collapse."
The collapse was "too methodical to be a chance result of airplanes colliding with the structures," Romero said.
However, for no apparent reason, the Anti-Defamation League of B'nai B'rith (ADL) attacked AFP for publishing evidence of explosions at the World Trade Center. Why would an organization ostensibly dedicated to defending Jews find fault with an article about explosions at the WTC?
Three months after 9/11, the ADL accused AFP of using the 9/11 attacks "as grist for its mill." Who are they protecting, the people who exploded the twin towers?
"Its October 29 [2001] issue," the ADL wrote about AFP, "includes an article by Christopher Bollyn titled, 'Some Survivors Say Bombs Exploded Inside WTC,' in which Bollyn suggests that the 'mainstream media' is ignoring 'eyewitness accounts of bombs that exploded inside the World Trade Center before the collapse of the Twin Towers."
Yet, in spite of overwhelming evidence that explosives and missiles were employed to demolish the World Trade Center and part of the Pentagon, to this day the controlled press continues to avoid this subject.
During the September 11, 2004 memorial service at St. Paul's Chapel on Church Street across from the WTC, the priest described what he heard as the towers collapsed: "Boom, boom, boom," the priest recalled, "the sound of the floors collapsing."
However, the sounds described by the priest and New York City firefighters are more likely to have been the sounds of explosives demolishing the central support columns than those of 110 concrete floors collapsing at the rate of 10 per second.
Photographs and videos provide ample evidence that explosives in the towers caused the collapse of the three WTC buildings owned or leased by Larry Silverstein: the twin towers and WTC 7.
"Cognitive dissonance," described by Walter Chukwu as "the discomfort felt at a discrepancy between what you already know or believe, and new information," prevents people from accepting "that the U.S. Government carried out the 911 attacks."
Jim Marrs, author of Inside Job: Unmasking the 9/11 Conspiracies, is not affected by such cognitive dissonance. Compiling information from numerous sources, including American Free Press, Marrs contends that 9/11 was an "inside job."
Inside Job also contains an analysis of the U.S. military's failure to intercept the 4 "hijacked" planes, questions the relatives' group wants President George W. Bush to answer, and a draft of widow Ellen Mariani's RICO (Racketeering Influenced Corrupt Organization) lawsuit against President Bush and other high government officials.
While Marrs' book lacks illustrations, his text is sufficient. His concise presentation of Jim Hoffman's research of explosives causing the collapse of the twin towers is compelling.
Marrs presents six arguments which disprove the official version of a fire-induced gravity collapse and indicate that explosives in the towers' cores snipped the 47 central support columns − bringing the towers down.
First, the towers' cores were obliterated. No gravity collapse scenario can explain how the massive central box columns, with 4 inch thick steel walls, were cut.
The powerful explosives required to demolish these central support columns would explain, however, the pulverization of concrete and enormous pressure thrusting debris and girders hundreds of feet from the towers.
The pulverization of concrete is impossible to explain in the gravity collapse scenario. More than 100 times the towers' gravitational potential energy would be required to pulverize the concrete, Hoffman wrote. So, where did that energy come from?
Steel beams were ejected 500 feet sideways. "The downward forces of a gravity collapse cannot account for the energetic lateral ejection of pieces," Hoffman wrote.
Videos and photographs show explosions occurring well below the level of the collapse. As Hoffman observed, "energetic dust ejections are first seen while the top is only slightly tipping, not falling." There is "no known source of the dense powder in these clouds of ejected dust," Marrs says.
The tops of the towers mushroomed into thick dust clouds much larger than the original volumes of the buildings. "Without the addition of large sources of pressure beyond the collapse itself," Hoffman says, "the falling building and its debris should have occupied about the same volume as the intact building."
That is, after all, what was observed when the 47-story WTC 7 collapsed neatly into its basement, with absolutely no lateral projections, at about 5:20 p.m.
That the towers fell at the rate of free fall defies the laws of physics. The cold and undamaged parts of the towers failed to slow the collapses. This indicates that "nearly all resistance to the downward acceleration of the tops had been eliminated ahead of them," Hoffman says.
Evidence that the central support columns were cut prior to the collapse, which AFP reported in October 2001, is seen in videos where powerful bursts of dust are seen being ejected from the towers well below the level of the collapse.
At the time, AFP reported an eyewitness to the collapse seeing "a number of brief light sources being emitted from inside the building between floors 10 and 15" accompanied by "a crackling sound" before the tower fell.
"Even a layman can see that the free-fall scenario based on fires in the building has almost no plausible explanation at this time," Marrs concludes.
During the recent "Confronting the Evidence" conference held in New York City, a person who worked in the North Tower told AFP that prior to 9/11, elevator shafts were guarded by security guards while being "out-of-service" for "weeks and months."
Because explosive charges would have to have been placed near the elevator shafts in the towers' cores, American Free Press is currently investigating contractors that had access to the towers in the year prior to 9/11.
Two demolition companies, both of which have numerous branch companies, have been engaged at the WTC and Pentagon sites: LVI Services, a New York-based asbestos abatement and demolition company headed by Burton T. Fried, and Controlled Demolition, Inc. (CDI) of Phoenix, Md., headed by Mark Loizeaux.
LVI Demolition Services and CDI have cooperated on major demolition projects during the past decade: the Sands Hotel Tower (1996), the Aladdin Hotel & Casino (1998), and the Terrecentre (2002), in Denver.
See http://www.lviservices.com
On September 13, 2001, Engineering News-Record (ENR), a national weekly for the construction industry, reported: "LVI Services Inc., New York City, which has done extensive asbestos abatement work on the towers in the past, is involved in similar work now as well as other cleanup efforts."
AFP asked LVI president Burton T. Fried about the work his company did in the towers prior to 9/11.
"We did not do it," Fried said. "It was a company called AASI but they went out of business."
Asked about the evidence that the towers and WTC 7 were destroyed by demolition charges, Fried replied, "No comment."
Requests to ENR and the Port Authority regarding LVI's alleged work in the towers have yet to be answered.
LVI has worked with the Dept. of Energy and uses an asbestos digesting product developed by the Brookhaven National Laboratory and W.R. Grace & Co.
AFP inquired at the Las Vegas office of LVI Environmental of Nevada Inc. and was told, "We don't speak to the press." LVI's Las Vegas office is headed by Joe Catania, political director of the Nevada Republican Party.
The pulverization of concrete and the extreme pressure seen in this photo indicates that this is not a gravity collapse. So why are the honest scientists in this country not arguing against the official version of 9/11?
Are they all cowards and mercenaries?
Views: 1620
Any comment Chuck?
Do you have a strong evidence proving that Anti-Defamation League of B'nai B'rith attacked AFP? It's important to get strong evidence before accusing any organisation, even if that organisation is a Jew defense organisation and even if the accusation is important.
Yes, we need some strong evidence. And before publish any information, you should check if it's true.
Do you have any evidence for this attack of Anti-Defamation League of B'nai B'rith against AFP?
I found none, except on second hand reporters. But these are not strong enough.
Chuck said: "However, for no apparent reason, the Anti-Defamation League of B'nai B'rith (ADL) attacked AFP for publishing evidence of explosions at the World Trade Center. Why would an organization ostensibly dedicated to defending Jews find fault with an article about explosions at the WTC?"
That was a good post, Chuck. I was not aware about Van Romero.
If it's true, tha attack of Anti-Defamation League of B'nai B'rith (ADL) is as usual very suspect denouncing themselves as part of the strikes.
The placement of explosives, the type of explosives, the sequence of demolition are explained in my power point, the only reliable explanation of the demolitions that fit with all known strong evidences.
Sorry, Chuck, but your theories of mininuke or hydrogen boms are not consistent with the explanation of Van Romero.
"More than 100 times the towers gravitational potential energy would be needed to pulverize the concrete"
If only 300 million americans only had some basic physics and understood this fact alone, they'd see the official story is a bald face lie. People like Dave Thomas are pathetic, arguing for a pancake collapse when that would be 100 times short in energy requirement. .
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