9/11 Scholars Forum

Exposing Falsehoods and Revealing Truths

Face to Phone with Jim Fetzer -- Founder of Scholars for 9/11 Truth

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Comment by Thoth II on April 12, 2012 at 3:30pm

thank you,

I just feel this approach of using specific techniques like critical thinking, avoidance of logical fallacy, scientific method are the key to all truth and even the key to common interactions between people.  I am not a social scientist but from my observations I would estimate 99% of people have no clue about how to reason things out correctly.  That leads to all the ills, if they understood, they could take direct action all their lives.  I am confident with all this world's resources and inventions, the wealth could be spread around to give people happy comfortable lives.  Instead, what do we have, something akin to the middle ages except now on a greatly bigger scale because of the increased population, and this time, the lack of resources can not be used as an excuse.  Meanwhile the kings are still hiding behind moats while the sheeple toil away.  

Comment by sandy rose on April 12, 2012 at 11:43am

yes, Jim Fetzer is right up there in the very tops of folks

who have been brave enough and smart enough to do the 9/11

truth.   he has been and is and will be an immense wealth

of knowledge and courage and stick-with-it-edness.  and a cool dude, also.

       good to hear from you< ThothII,   and thanks fer all you do, too!@

Comment by Thoth II on April 10, 2012 at 3:42pm


without Dr. Fetzer I honestly would feel lost in this world of conspiracy research.  When I first noticed his work, I started studying the philosophy of truth and saw how much was there.  Most 911 and other truth people do not take the time to learn this and so get trapped down every logical fallacy rabbit hole under the sun.  Thank goodness he is here to guide us logically.  Plus he taught us that truth isn't easily won, you must do many, many interviews to get to the truth, it is a process.  People are so quick to join bandwagons and get dinosaur brains down ruts.  

Comment by sandy rose on April 10, 2012 at 12:48pm

hi Jim,

    just listened to this program and must say you did a most excellent

job and are absolutely a great credit to 9/11 truth.  you spoke in such

a calm and unwavering, honest manner, in a way that even us non scholars

can fully grasp, your photos were of course right on, and i have to say i

really liked Jack the Host also, (hafta see if i can forward to a coupla buds..)

     i learned some stuff i didn't know before.  very great case you laid out

there for all to see. 

     hafta give you giant koodohs for all that you do,...your bravery and

courage in the face of, well, you know what,....your knack for saying

things just the way they should be said...


      many thanks, friend Jim, everyone should take a half hour to check it out.


                                                                   lovies always, be safe!



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