9/11 Scholars Forum

Exposing Falsehoods and Revealing Truths

Fake attack on David Ray Griffin's studies of the fake phone calls . . .



More proof that 911blogger has gone over to the dark side. Even the FBI admitted that the alleged phone calls from Barbara Olson to her husband, Ted, had not occurred, even though Ted, our former Solicitor General, had claimed she called him twice and gave three different versions of how it happened, since cell phones don't work at that speed and altitude and Boeing 757s were not equipped with air phones.  If the Solicitor General, who represents the administration before the Supreme Court, will lie about 9/11, we know that no one associated with the government can be trusted.  Nor can 911Blogger.com, alas!



Submitted by loose nuke on Thu, 02/10/2011 - 9:55pm


Beginning with his book New Pearl Harbor  (2004) David Ray Griffin  raised questions concerning the veracity of reports of phone calls from the 9/11 hijacked airliners, specifically, Ted Olson’s account. Since at least 2006, he has promoted a theory that the 9/11 plane passenger phone calls were faked, and has speculated this was done with ‘voice-morphing’ technology. He’s done this in many different articles, in books, in speaking appearances, in interviews on radio and television, and in a debate with Matt Taibbi of Rolling Stone magazine. In his 1/12/10 essay, Phone Calls from the 9/11 Airliners: Response to Questions Evoked b..., David Ray Griffin gives the most comprehensive overview of this theory to date, as well as a response to critics, which include people who support a new 9/11 investigation. A Professor Emeritus and skilled rhetorician, Griffin makes a case that is seemingly compelling. However, as I show in this essay, there is no actual evidence the phone calls were faked, while there is a substantial body of evidence demonstrating the calls were not only possible, but did happen. There are many credible reasons to doubt the official 9/11 story and support a full investigation, but the cause of compelling a new 9/11 investigation is undermined by the promotion of theories that are flawed, and not based on hard evidence. In addition, the claim that the phone calls were faked is obviously offensive to those family members who spoke with passengers before ..., and it has the potential to drive a wedge between truth and justice activists and potential allies among the family members, many of whom support a full investigation.


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Comment by jane doe on February 15, 2011 at 4:40pm

continued from The WTC was hollow, gutted before 9/11: no debris


Post #230 Photos of World Views art students. In 2004, LMCC published Site Matters: The Lower Manhattan Cultural Council’s World Trade Center Artists Residency, 1997-2001.

Post #232 Gelitin evidence, The B-Thing photos & dropped dummy (no blood)

Post #236 Cardboard cutouts of people dropped from 90+ floors. Watch the videos.

Post #239 NO HOLE, no infernos in WTC2

Post #245 Gulf oil spill is same as Ixtoc oil spill in 1979 Rachel Maddow reports story.

Post #283 Augmented Reality videos. Thomas Caudell, employee of Boeing, coined the phrase "Augmented Reality."

Under david icke's official forums>main forums>9/11

911 pentagon jesse ventura


911 vacant towers/Silverstein Lowy Eisenberg



Comment by jane doe on February 15, 2011 at 4:21pm

I have been sidetracked. Here are links which will give you important information about the 911 Illusion & lies of the perps. NB, there are many paid poster distracting posts in between important info as is usual from paid perps. One guy wrongly identifies Niels Harrit, Univ. of Copenhagen, as Nilson Harris, Univ of Denmark. claiming he is a liar :

http://www.davidicke.com/forum/showthread.php?t=133535  Jim Fetzer's show is on this link

David Icke's Official Forums > Main Forums > Political Manipulation / Cover-Ups / False Flags

Post #30: WTC1 had only 7 tenants before 1980. Two were below floor 39. One was below grade. One was on floor 82. Two floors (104 and 105) were occupied in June 1979. So empty floors in 1978 is not out of the question. Bad business model? Hell yes.
WTC2 had no tenants added between 1972 and 1980. In 1972 WTC2 had only 11 tenants, ALL below floor 13. In 1980 10 floors above 79 got tenants. Six floors were occupied by Raytheon, the folks that bring us directed energy weapons. And they were concentrated right in the kill zone 79-91.

Post #230 Pictures of World Views art students. In 2004, LMCC published

Comment by jane doe on February 15, 2011 at 2:43pm

Ben Collet, I don't know who Eric Larson is. Is he someone who has something to do with 911Blogger? To be honest, the only reason I have ever been to 911Blogger was to read what Kevin Ryan is doing of late. It seems Ryan uncovers the best information and for that I am grateful. 


Vincent Bugliosi at one point was adamant about prosecuting Bush. I last heard that his passion fizzled out. I suspect that one of the witches in the Bush Cheney administration or their underlings has threatened him, his family or friends. FYI, many of the master occultists have either had their evil power taken away or are seriously weakened as of 2007. I know that Ann Cappelletti (Bush's witch aunt) runs the groups of paid posters. She knows all the witches in the world through personal knowledge or through other powerful witches.


What people fail to realize is that since there were no planes, it is impossible to have any phone calls from planes. Since there were no remains from the "alleged" flight 93, the point of phone calls is MOOT. Gerard Holmgren of 911 investigation fame obtained when flight 11, 77, 93 & 175 were decommissioned. None were put out of service in 2001.


It is the purpose of the paid posters to derail any truth. Best thing to do is just ignore them.

Comment by Ben Collet on February 15, 2011 at 2:06pm
Notice how Larson himself first twice employs the phrase, "public position", and then in the next sentence puts that phrase in quotes thus implying that it originated with DRG - which it did not.

This is one small example of the deceptive techniques used by Larson in this hit piece that is aimed not only at 'phone fakery', but also at DRG himself.
Comment by Ben Collet on February 15, 2011 at 1:55pm

  Eric Larson's essay is the latest installment in what appears to be an orchestrated attempt to roll back the evidence amassed by the critics of the official story of 9/11.  This essay appeared in 911blogger, the same site that has banned discussion of "no-planes at the WTC" theory.  It is instructive to recall that after this initial banning, the 911blogger site extended its ban to discussion of "no plane at the Pentagon" theory.  They are now attempting to take the next step and declare the "passenger calls were faked" hypothesis to also be off limits.  And in the comments the supporters of this effort make clear their next target: the whole idea of "controlled demolition".  If they were to succeed in that what would be left of the 9/11 truth movement?

  Larson employs a variety of deceptive techniques in his essay.  Here is an example from near the beginning.

Larson writes:

In a subsection of Part 1 titled, “The FBI’s Revised Public Position,” Griffin alleges that at one time the FBI took the position that a greater number of cell phone calls had been made, and that this changed. Griffin states , “Previously, the FBI had supported the idea – at least by not contradicting press reports spreading it – that there were over ten cell phone calls from Flight 93.” But, the FBI’s failure to state a public position or correct press reports is not the same as the FBI having a public position on an issue. The FBI is not in the business of correcting misinformation circulated by the media or general public, and commonly refuses to comment publicly on investigations in progress. If the FBI has a “public position” on an issue, it is made known through a spokesperson, their website, and/or at a trial or some other legal proceeding.

Notice how Larson himself first twice employs the phrase, "public position", and then i

Comment by jane doe on February 15, 2011 at 12:04pm

Jim, how do I know how many characters I can type before I have reached the max characters? Is there a place that should tell me.


I did notice where it was cut off and made sure I started from the beginning of the sentence. I am new to posting here. I really think you are giving these guys a lot of slack. I know that many were hired to put out the story on 911. I just think that it is very convenient that a Brit comes to America in 1997, when the false flag of 911 was being put into gear and you don't find that odd. What about PNAC? What about the release of information on Operation Northwoods in 2001. What about all the 911 preconditioning that had been taking place for years in movies and TV shows.


Witches have to tell you what they are going to do before they do it. That is one thing I learned. The numbers 911 eliminate God, the Father who is represented by 10. The use of 911 eliminates 10. Its a satanic thing.


I spelled a few words incorrectly. I hope that I have made sense or that you at least figured it out. Sorry about that.


Comment by Thoth II on February 15, 2011 at 10:55am

I like to give my two cents even when I don't really master stuff, because I like to at least think about it.  I've heard this kind of talk about satanism, etc. being involved with this elite groups who are running the world, and since I've always been middle class, I never met these movers and shakers , and I have no doubt they live in rareified air compared to the rest of us.  But I certainly think it's possible weird cult stuff is involved in a lot of the stuff occuring in the world today.


The other day I was getting frisked at a TSA checkpoint and the announcement from homeland security were blaring and I saw one of those signs that reminded me of the amber alert signs except this one said look for suspicious activity and call 911.  Of course, people might just say of course call 911 for all emergencies, but I don't believe that, I think the perps behind 911 and homeland security are like the chesire cat in alice in wonderland, and you can still see the grin on their faces long after their faces have vanished.  I do believe at least they are some weird type of numberologists playing games with 911 and other number combos.

Comment by jane doe on February 15, 2011 at 9:47am

"9/11/2001: A Space Odyssey" WHY of the 911 Mega Ritual.


h t t p[colon][forward-slash][forward-slash]anonym(dot)to/h t t p[colon]//vids(dot)rationalveracity(dot)com/uploads/5uXbSNWMDL55lzepqO4T(dot)flv 

Lose the spaces

I posted it again because it was truncated.

Comment by jane doe on February 15, 2011 at 9:43am

Ordo Ab Chao was what 911 was all about. I have tons of research on the occult, as well as Aleister Crowley. I even posted you picks or Crowley, next to pics of John Cappelletti so that you can see the resemblance on davidicke. I have looked into Bohemian Grove, occult box of Phillip LeMarchand. I hear that Prince Charles and Giuliani each own an occult box. So much info is out there once you accept that they are all satanists/occultists/kabbalists/masons and witches. I am not the only one who knows the occult angle of 911. There are posts of the occult & 911 in many places on the Internet. Why do you think the perps want to shut down the Internet.

Have you seen
"9/11/2001: A Space Odyssey" WHY of the 911 Mega Ritual.

direct link

Save this to watch it when you have an hour.

This is a 15 min download, but once you see it, it will make more sense.


Comment by James H. Fetzer on February 15, 2011 at 9:16am
If you are right, then there was not even a hologram for the "witnesses to see" and even those who come across as serious and sincere and truthful, such as Scott Forbes, are either suffering from false memory syndrome or are otherwise mistaken or else simply fabricating, because there was actually nothing there.  (Some of your commentaries are being cut off, presumably because of their length.  So you might want to check to make sure you are not inadvertently omitting key aspects of your presentation.  I appreciate your time and effort on this.)

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