9/11 Scholars Forum

Exposing Falsehoods and Revealing Truths

Was 9/11 a "simulation" from beginning to end?


"....I am not so sure that the claim is so outlandish.I first smelled a
turd when the Feds established a huge 911 Victims
Fund, up to a MILLION DOLLARS for primary relatives (wife, children)
THEIR RELATIVES. My nostrils rebelled right then at the smell of this.
The few who turned down the bribe were roundly persecuted.

I checked the website making the claims, and there is considerable
evidence that passenger names and some ground names were
computer generated, using a common simulation program, which
can reverse engineer the names. It is worth taking seriously enough
to pursue."
- Jack White


*Derek James Statkevikus comments on his own memorial:



[user posted image] [user posted image]



The "Vicsim Report" conclusively spells the end of the 9/11 hoax. It has
been a long, 8-year-long obstacle-ridden journey for researchers all
over the world. We can now comfortably establish that 9/11 was but a
massive simulation designed to dispose with the WTC complex and blame
its destruction on 'foreign terrorists'.

It is a victory for the many hard-working, independent individuals
around the globe who have invested untold (and unpaid) working hours to
dismantle this intricate scam. It is a victory of the people - against
the arrogance of the devious and deranged potato-head-potentates of this

However devious and criminal, their psy-operation was not intended to
cause mass casualties : with the evidence now at hand, it is extremely
likely that not one single person was killed on September 11, 2001. The
purported "2700+ victims" were but fictitious identities, spat out by a
computer and assembled in a pathetically contrived database.
Paradoxically, this 'outrageous' revelation constitutes a most
comforting and hopeful finale to the entire investigation. It also opens
a wide, new door to reach the many skeptics who rejected the disturbing
thought that "the US government would murder its own people". That
paradigm is now definitively out of the picture - paving a way for
everyone to process and comprehend what really happened on 9/11.

The name of the game or, if you will, the master code of 9/11 was
"s-i-m-u-l-a-t-i-o-n". It was carried out with the full complicity of
the news media corporations which obey blindly and unconditionally to
the above-mentioned potato-heads. Their 'game' is now over - and the
time has come for change. Don't count on Mr. Barack Hussein Obama or on
any current 'world leader' for that to arrive; it will bloom from a
renewed awareness of average citizens - and their willingness to think."

If you are really honest about your quest for truth, please assign ONE
DAY of your life to analyze the contents of the "CNN 9/11 VICTIMS
MEMORIAL". Note the sequential similarity between many of the proposed
faces. Note the numerous improbable names/surnames. Pay particular
attention to the 'tributes' posted beneath each 'victim's' photo. Note
that most 'victims', after 8 years, have none. Note that many have only
1 tribute - but most importantly note the atrociously contrived and
stereotyped nature of the tributes - as if ALL were written by the same,
unimaginative person :

- Simon Shack, creator of 'September Clues'

911 Passengers Could be Fictitious


911movement thread - The Vicsim Report: The 9/11 Victims are Simulated
(Pages 1


For your amusement - a related London 7/7 sim photo phony

[user posted image]

[user posted image]


"Occam's Razor suggests that the constable just sat down in some molten
steel for the new guardrail before it hardened and it got stuck to his
derriere and caused his legs to walk in the wrong direction before he
could notice. After all, he was probably in a hurry to get to the
terrorist attack.

Which one of us hasn't had one of those pesky guardrails stuck to the
rear-end like that on a busy day? It's no different from having toilet
paper stuck to your shoe at a press conference.

Or maybe it's just Police body armor. Nobody wants to take a bullet from
behind. Better safe than sorry. I don't blame him for trying to cover
his ass!

The simplest explanation is usually the best. What is this "cutting and
pasting" you talk about? Is that even possible?

There were hundreds of thousands of witnesses who saw the railing on the
man's behind. After all, the media was there, there were thousands of
eyewitnesses and surveillance cameras and this was probably the most
photographed event in British history.

How dare you mock this man's suffering? Imagine having your legs on the
wrong way and having to carry around a heavy guardrail for the rest of
your life. Where's the compassion?

And for those of you who claim that aluminum airplanes can't cut through
steel girders like butter, tell that to this policeman! He's a real

- Fred aka BSRegistration


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Comment by Thoth II on September 29, 2009 at 4:34pm
some of it was like a game: the plane hitting the south tower was likely a microsoft simulation program broadcast over CNN. The phony air drills that confounded air controllers that day were simulations. No planes likely ever took off. Reality and computer sims morphed into one big confused mess "Is it simulated or real world?" an appropriate metaphor for these times. Easy to confound a people who regularly watch football games with the phony first down marker computer generated onto the set.

Some of it was real. For the real estate scam, they actually had to demolish the towers with likely thousands of people in them for big effect. They probably did bomb the pentagon to kill certain people they needed taken out. In PA they just planted dynamite into the earth and blew it out.

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