NOTE: Since there is an acute aversion in the 9/11 research
community to addressing indications of Israeli involvement in
9/11, it may be unsurprising that even Dylan Avery might be
averse to them, too. I have addressed this question in, "Is
9/11 research 'anti-Semitic'?", which is accessible via google
and which I shall post here, if I have not already done so. I
recognize this is a complex issue, but one that needs to be
addressed. I have no reason to think Zan is anti-Semitic.
IN 9/11
-by Zan Overall.
On September 11. 2009, Dylan Avery premiered his latest
edition of “Loose Change” at the Granada Forum in
California. He is known for being averse to the idea that
Israel had a part in planning and executing the 9/11 “attack.”
During the Q & A after the premiere, out of some twenty
questioners, four brought up evidence of Israeli guilt for 9/11.
I was the first questioner. Here is a transcription taken from
the Granada Forum video. The video showed only Avery, not
the questioners.
Zan Overall (ZO): Dylan, thanks for everything you’ve done
(Dylan Avery (DA) responds with a big, happy smile.) but until
Israel is named as the principal agent behind this you have
done no more than a police department that arrests drug
dealers on the street (DA’s big smile is replaced by a quizzical,
vaguely amused look) and Mr. Big is well and safe in his
(ZO got the words “Mr. Big” out but DA cut in talking over the
rest of the sentence.)
DA: I think I see where you you’re going with that. Were you
here before the beginning of the film? Did you hear what Chris
had to say about us being labeled as racists?
(This Chris had mentioned that 9/11 Truthers had been called
racists for allegedly spreading the idea that Arabs were not
intelligent enough to pull off 9/11. I ignored his question not
wanting to get sidetracked from the Israeli angle.)
ZO: I have a question for you. (DA remains silent, politely
waiting for the question.) Christopher Bollyn, a man whom you
DA: (interrupting) I haven’t read a Christopher Bollyn article for
a long time, sir. I’m here to talk about evidence.
(Some talking over each other occurred.)
ZO: I have a question for you!
DA: Well, let’s………(Smiling amusedly and holding out his
hands in a “get on with it” gesture, although his interruption
had kept me from asking the question moments before.)
ZO: Christopher has written a book called “Solving 9/11.”
It’s not a book. It’s an electronic book and can be accessed.
(I should have given the website and should have
made it clear that the book puts the blame for 9/11 on Israel
and its Jewish and Gentile Zionist helpers here in this country.
I think the context of the preceding exchange made that clear.)
I’m asking you : will you read that? Perhaps you’ll change your
DA: (Matter of factly) Probably not.
ZO: (Very emotionally) “Probably not???!!!!” You haven’t read
it and you say you won’t change your mind?
DA: (Making a soothing, oil-on-the-waters gesture with his right
hand) Hey, relax. You asked me a question and I answered it.
ZO: (Very loudly) PROBABLY NOT???!!! (A female producer
touched my arm and asked me to calm down.)
DA: (Laughing) You’re right. That’s my answer. Next!
Questioner two (Q2) That will be hard to follow. Are you an
anti semite, Mr. Avery?
DA: (Smiling) No, I am not. (Laughter in the audience)
(Q2’s non sequitur question was pointless since the implication
of Avery’s defense of Israel would make him a “pro semite”
rather than an anti semite. DA’s answer was intriguing in light
of the fact that Dylan Avery is Jewish. I understand he says he
is an agnostic but that philosophical position says nothing
about his family background or his sympathies for Israel.
I find DA’s simple denial that he is an anti semite intriguing in
that he could have gotten a much bigger laugh by answering
“I’m not an anti semite. I’m Jewish!” That seems to be the
natural answer. Was DA not wanting to say that because it
would make people in the audience wonder if his denial of
Israeli involvement in 9/11 was motivated by his Jewish ties.
I’m sure the average 9/11 Truther in that very enthusiastic
audience had no idea DA is Jewish. I had no idea until that very
In googling “Is Dylan Avery Jewish” I came across these
websites and postings. I offer them here FYI. One of them
argues that a number of people in the 9/11 Truth Movement are
motivated to oppose the idea of Israeli guilt for 9/11. The author
says that the motivation is their Jewish identities or ties.
(To be continued)
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