9/11 Scholars Forum

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Architects & Engineers - Solving the Mystery of WTC 7 - AE911Truth.org




Unidentified person says…

“If terrorists used these explosives in 1993…”


"explosive controlled demolition"


Molten steel


yadda yadda


Heard Dr. Bob Bowman say the dust samples came from "all three buildings" (WTC 1, 2 & 7) in another recent video.

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I think it is important to look at the deceptive, manipulative "psy-ops" nature of this video by AE911truth.


In this video I observe a carefully laid out progression.  In the first part of the video, the idea of thermite, molten iron, thermitic material, nanothermite, and high heat melting iron (channels of molten steel, foundry, etc) is set forth.  Then in at about ten minutes, the idea of "explosives" "terrorists used explosives", "witnesses heard explosives" is set forth. 


The firefighter "expert" Erik Lawyer at 10:07 on video keeps complaining that the [ Firefighters manual ?] national standards require that explosives be tested for and that NIST never did this.  So here we have the thermite gang appearing to be beating up on the government - NIST.

He said "If terrorists used explosives in '93, why didn't we test for them?"  [meaning why didn't NIST test for explosives for the 9-11 event]


So, here, in a very matter-of-fact way, the idea that terrorists used (planted) bombs in the WTC for the 1993 "bombing."

This is the "clincher" or crucial psy-ops part of this AE911truth  video - to suggest to our minds "muslim terrorists used internally-placed explosives to bring down the WTC".


This part of the video confirms what Dr. Morgan Reynolds wrote in an email, and is found in more than one place on this forum...


"I am widely accused of discrediting the 9/11 truth movement but it is Gage/Jones/and the rest of their gang that does so. There is no substantive case for thermite or its variants playing a significant role in turning the WTC (mostly) to fine dust. Theirs is a distraction, a limited hangout, a fall back story for the perps who, once the 9/11official version I fairy tale lies in ruins, trot out version II: muslim terrorists used internally-placed explosives to bring down the WTC—ridiculous version II. "


So the whole idea of this dishonest video is to have people think ...


Thermite is "explosives"


Thermite is "bombs" planted, which is "explosive controlled demolition" as Richard Gage says.


Muslim terrorists "used explosives" to do 1993 World Trade Center bombing * ("six people dead, more than a thousand people injured, and damages in excess of half-a-billion dollars")


Ergo Muslim terrorists "used explosives", planted thermite explosives in WTC 1, WTC 2, and WTC 7 to effect "explosive controlled demolition"


and AE911 truth, are the good guys seeking truth and insisting NIST do a new proper investigation for explosives, that is nanothermite explosives.


Note that there is not a hint that "9-11 was an inside job".  To AE911Truth, the only "inside job" about it is that NIST has been illogically negligent in not testing for explosives in its studies of the destroyed World Trade Center buildings and we need to press for a new investigation to have this done.


This latest "Toronto Hearings" distraction nonsense, designed to show dishonor to the memory of the 9-11 victims, has the added schtick of making it all seem super tough and brutally honest because now the investigation requested is for an "international" investigation.  


My gut feeling is that all of this is seriously evil and dishonest and I feel an obligation to expose it.




* Let us not forget that the 1993 World Trade Center bombing was something "architected and engineered" by the FBI as a false flag terrorist event.



Tapes in Bombing Plot Show Informer and F.B.I. at Odds

Published: October 27, 1993




Tapes Depict Proposal to Thwart Bomb Used in Trade Center Blast

Published: October 28, 1993



Bomb Informer's Tapes Give Rare Glimpse of F.B.I. Dealings

Published: October 31, 1993

Yes. Jim has it right in his Veterans Today comments at http://www.veteranstoday.com/2011/07/17/is-911-truth-based-upon-a-f...  Though many respondents below the article posted claims that no-one thinks thermite did it alone, in fact most do, or over-emphasize thermite in exactly the way that (it seems) Steven Jones was intending (for I think him an agent -- the one agent in the science side of things, to my knowledge, though Gary Welz is an agent of sorts, too, it seems).


No, I do not believe in agents running around in all places, but these two seem to be, with good evidence about that. (Steven Jones worked on covering up certain aspects of cold fusion for the "secret" government contract-agents, and Welz is exposed in several videos -- and no, not all videos out there on 9/11 faking are accurate, but these make good cases -- some being http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vCSUd7NjNyw and http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Aqq4xWLot0Q&feature=related and www.youtube.com/watch?v=V4yIFnq1wkU )


Anyway, most people do believe "explosives"/"thermite" are interchangeable ideas, including Kevin Barrett http://radiofetzer.blogspot.com/2011/08/clare-kuehn-kevin-barrett.html (2nd hour). It is the greatest stop-think in the 9/11 movement (besides the more basic idea of Boeing planes, instead of the:

a) unidentified ball-object in NYC: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=a1650zz-2EA&feature=related (Part 2, because it has the Ball-"Plane underbelly" issue specifically) and here's Part 1, explaining the Ball footage itself: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=q4VQs57m4So&feature=related )

b) and instead of the military plane flyover at Pentagon, suggested because of reports and video from the day, but corrected now by the Citgo witnesses (stationary, excellent viewpoint, 5 of them, landmark to judge their position).

Thanks for VeteransToday link, Clare, and for your comments.  At that link, I learned some more things I had never heard of before.  For example, Dr. Harrit claims, and in the paper too, that there were approximately 100 tons of the unreacted red/grey chips in the Ground Zero dust.   For example, that Dr. Jones and Dr. Harrit saw no need to perform certain tests on those "unreacted chips" or "unreacted thermitic material", and indeed appear adamantly opposed to doing such tests,  such as a test to ignite or blow up a chip or some chips to see if they do blow up (react) or to see what happens or does not happen.  For example, that an argument could be made that there was considerable amount of red / reddish paint on surfaces in the buildings and that the "red / grey chips"  may be simply paint flakes.


I think it is good that more scientists are beginning to question the famous study of Dr. Jones and Dr. Harrit.


I guess my main concern, from a non-scientist truth seeker, is to do what I can to analyze, discuss and expose what I sometimes call the "thermite gang's" or the "Jones boys' "  (Steven and Alex) efforts to lead truth seekers astray and to distract and channel these good people's concerns into narrowly defined pens.  I want to do that NOW right before the thermite gangs "Toronto Hearings" and at this time of the tenth anniversary of 9-11.  We need to expose and enlighten in whatever ways we can now, or these Toronto Hearings will simply be a coffin lid closing on the entire 9-11 truth efforts of so many people for the last ten years.


I want to reiterate a theme that plays underneath the subject video, and supported by other videos and that is that the thermite gang's present focus on Building 7 and their ostensible tough complaints against the government NIST agency is a theme that the dust came from all three buildings, the Twin Towers as well as WTC 7, and that all these red / grey chips and iron spherules explain the method of destruction for all three buildings.  They speak these themes in indirect but clear ways throughout this video and videos of others, such as a recent one by Dr. Bob Bowman.


The gang's supposed tough stance against NIST is for one said reason - that NIST was negligent in not testing for explosives in NIST's Building 7 study.  But the complaints against NIST go much farther and wider than that single issue.  Dr. Judy Wood filed a lawsuit against NIST because of their conflict of interests with major military-industrial contractors who possibly could have created and manufactured the techology that may have been responsible for the destruction of the Towers.  Dr. Wood and other scientists and experts have also rightly criticized NIST, in their Twin Tower studies, in regard to NIST only examing possible conditions and causes up to the point of collapse initiation.  In other words, NIST did not look at the actual crumbling or "dustification" or being "blown to kingdom come" phase of the tower destruction.  Those are MAJOR reasons to fault NIST, and many others were acting and speaking out about those major complaints years before the thermite gang decided to change their strategy and focus on Building 7 and calling for a new investigation.


I guess I am just using this video to expose as much as I can 9-11 truth in my own personal effort to do what I can in memory of those killed and otherwise affected by the events of that fateful day.

Clare Kuehn said:

Yes. Jim has it right in his Veterans Today comments at http://www.veteranstoday.com/2011/07/17/is-911-truth-based-upon-a-f...  Though many respondents below the article posted claims that no-one thinks thermite did it alone, in fact most do, or over-emphasize thermite in exactly the way that (it seems) Steven Jones was intending (for I think him an agent -- the one agent in the science side of things, to my knowledge, though Gary Welz is an agent of sorts, too, it seems).


No, I do not believe in agents running around in all places, but these two seem to be, with good evidence about that. (Steven Jones worked on covering up certain aspects of cold fusion for the "secret" government contract-agents, and Welz is exposed in several videos -- and no, not all videos out there on 9/11 faking are accurate, but these make good cases -- some being http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vCSUd7NjNyw and http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Aqq4xWLot0Q&feature=related and www.youtube.com/watch?v=V4yIFnq1wkU )


Anyway, most people do believe "explosives"/"thermite" are interchangeable ideas, including Kevin Barrett http://radiofetzer.blogspot.com/2011/08/clare-kuehn-kevin-barrett.html (2nd hour). It is the greatest stop-think in the 9/11 movement (besides the more basic idea of Boeing planes, instead of the:

a) unidentified ball-object in NYC: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=a1650zz-2EA&feature=related (Part 2, because it has the Ball-"Plane underbelly" issue specifically) and here's Part 1, explaining the Ball footage itself: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=q4VQs57m4So&feature=related )

b) and instead of the military plane flyover at Pentagon, suggested because of reports and video from the day, but corrected now by the Citgo witnesses (stationary, excellent viewpoint, 5 of them, landmark to judge their position).

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