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Latest strategic weapon deployed by the "explosive nano-thermite" faction



    9/11 Theories: Expert vs. Expert 

physicsandreason      9 videos   
This new video appears to be a product of someone who belongs to what I term the "explosive nano-thermite" faction or the "Thermite Gang."
It has conincidentally (?) been released at just the same time as the studies and revelations of
Dr. Christopher Busby are receiving widespread attention in the media.
This video pretends that its opponents are "experts" who are wrong about their "9/11 theories".  However, it is quite possible that this entire video release, and at this paticular point in time, have as its real opponent not only the possibilities suggested by Dr. Busby's work for new areas of 9-11 physical causation of the Twin Towers destruction, but also  the general work of Dr. James Fetzer in his writings and his broadcasts and other media
I think there have been some articles on VeteransToday.com (VT) that have been posted in response to, but not indicated to be in response to, some of Dr. Fetzer's VT articles, so this is another indication of the real war of words being waged by the Thermite Gang.
I notice a pattern of the timing of the publication of articles and the release times of videos as well as the timing of conferences and meetings and such.   There is never any acknowledgement in any of these productions of Dr. James Fetzer or his many areas of 9-11 truth inquiry.  The "experts" fought against are carefully selected, and in my opinion, are "experts" long discounted and left behind by serious 9-11 truth seekers.
There is a battle going on but exactly who the real opponents are in this battle being waged are not at all clear, and that is as so craftily planned.

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Notice that throughout this video both the Thermite Gang experts and the "other experts" they are ostensibly opposing refer repeatedly to the World Trade Center buildings' "collapse."  This is wrong and misleading. 


It may be appropriate to refer to Building 7 as having collapsed since there were about 5 pancakes in the rubble.  (However, according to Dwayne Deets, there is found residue of Building 7 that contains strontium, barium, deuterium and tritium indicating that conventional controlled demolition agents were not all that were used to destroy the building.)


However, it is wrong, and I think deliberately misleading and misrepresenative, to use the word "collapse" to refer to what happened to the Twin Towers, or for any other of the WTC complex buildings that were destroyed.


from Dictionary.com



(of a structure) Fall down or in; give way:  "the roof collapsed on top of me".
An instance of a structure falling down or in.
verb fall - fall down - founder
noun breakdown - fall - downfall - crash - ruin - failure



I think the thermite gang is being directed by the dark forces to mislead 911 research.  I really think the thermite was only a part of it, it started eating away at the core steel before the mini nuke bombs did the real pulverization.  Clever, they give us a part of the story to make us think it's the whole story.  

Yes, you are on the right track, Thoth.  I am leaning toward thermite being present and having done perhaps "some of the work", but not the real work.  The mini-nukes are more and more looking to be very plausible. 

However, I think that IF we accept the "molten metal" being around in large quantities, the mini-nukes would better explain molten metal.  As for the "iron spherules" found by the thermite gang, IF they were found, I wounder if those same kind of "spherules" might also be found after one of the later-generation mini-nukes is detonated, or if the spherules are solely a product of thermite or nano-thermite. 


I still see some strange evidence that also suggest employment of some kind of directed energy weapons, so possible all three were employed.


One thing I know, all of the buildings were "pre-planted" or "prepared" in some way before the event and at least one of the agents used had to finely pulverize not only concrete but also heavy construction steel.  There being no evidence of bodily parts suggests a neutron type nuclear device.


For sure at the Pentagon, but also probably at the WTC, there are several instances where Hollywood type props or fake rabbit-trail "evidences" were inserted into the scenario.  If the thermite gang is as ill-intentioned as I suspect they are, and have been from the very beginning, it is possible that the thermite and nano-thermite was one such insertion, but one having performed no real work at all.  Maybe the thermite "meme" was the entire planned main "schtick" of the gang from its earliest planning stages.


And the beat goes on...




the best minds are converging on solution, always do.


I myself if I was like Gary Mack and willing to sell my soul to the devil for a great salary like he did, (by the way, in his case, he has not gotten totally off the hook because I see a tortured, haggard look on his face like he is having nightmare after nightmare about his big lies and misleading history.com docs, and looks like he would like to have a face to face over a beer with a good guy soon), and the monsters came to me with this question:  we need to SURGICALLY take out Larry Silverstein's WTC property and not damage a damn thing else, plus do it at 9 in the morning when 3000 innocent workers are at work (of course to the oligarchs the day to day workers are just slave drones where they are the self appointed "capitalists"); and do it according to our sicko secret society credos like on "911" of all days of the year;


If the monsters had come to me with this job, I'd have said, well , I've got two different materials that are totally different: concrete and steel , and it'll take roughly the same energy to demolish both from the top down so the bathtub isn't damaged.  Well, we know steel can be easily eaten with thermite, let's use thermite to eat the steel.  Concrete can be demolished with explosives, but this is an extra big job, so why not use small nukes every 10 floors, not big enough to damage the bathtub, just enough to demolish the concrete.  That is why they needed these two.


I still think DEW is a Judy Wood fantasy, a pipe dream; that she didn't really need a pipe to dream up.  what I mean is I've heard her in interviews say that the inspiration for her DEW idea was work she had done on reflection of light; and she blew this hunch up into a full blown theory.  Trouble is, there is no direct evidence for it; no cause and effect relations we can be sure of.  So I don't think these were used on 911, only because they weren't necessary for the "job".  These guys had forever to plan this out, and they only used whatever weapons in the arsenal they needed.  Today I was in the garage and only needed jewel screwdrivers, not a power drill.  

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