9/11 Scholars Forum

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Last White Man Standing: anti Leprosy Los Angeles California

 Ahh, the joys of open borders and Democrat & Republican Leadership, if I may add it is suppose to be a two political party, so what happened...:)

California is not just a public toilet but now there is evidence that leprosy is on the rise in Los Angeles County.

Last White Man Standing: anti Leprosy Los Angeles California- YouTube

Barack Obama changed US law in 2016 and allowed immigrants with blistering STDs and leprosy to migrate to the US.

Medscape reported:

California is not just a public toilet but now there is evidence that leprosy is on the rise in Los Angeles County.

Barack Obama changed US law in 2016 and allowed immigrants with blistering STDs and leprosy to migrate to the US.

Medscape reported:

Leprosy, also known as Hansen’s disease, is rarely seen in the United States, but cases continue to emerge in Los Angeles County, a new report says.

“Hansen’s disease still exists, and we need to educate medical students and physicians,” coauthor Dr. Maria Teresa Ochoa from Keck Medical Center of the University of Southern California, Los Angeles, told Reuters Health by email.

Dr. Ochoa and colleagues identified 187 patients with the disease in a review of medical records from their leprosy clinic spanning 1973 to 2018. Most patients were Latino, originating from Mexico, and they experienced a median delay in diagnosis of more than three years, the team reports JAMA Dermatology, online August 7.

Multibacillary leprosy (MB) cases outnumbered paucibacillary leprosy (PB) cases by nearly eight to one (88.6% vs. 11.4%, respectively), and Latino patients were more likely than non-Latino patients to have MB, as were patients from Central or South America (versus other regions).

Most patients (80.7%) received multidrug therapy, and most (92.6%) received antibiotics for more than two years, especially if they had MB.

Only about half of patients (56.7%) had World Health Organization (WHO) grade 0 disability (no signs or symptoms suggestive of leprosy or disability) at the one-year follow-up, whereas 16.0% had grade 1 disability (loss of protective sensation) and 26.2% had grade 2 disability (visible deformity) at the last follow-up.

Among the patients who lost protective sensation, 87.7% (50/57) did not regain it following therapy.


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Not only leprosy (Hansen's Disease) but also Bubonic plague (Yersinia pestis), typhus / typhoid fever, cholera and possibly soon ebola if illegal aliens keep coming in from Mexico via Africa.

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mi0wGibI4og   3 minute video about rats and disease in Los Angeles

Yersinia Pestis Has Arrived

People with an IQ of at least room temperature knew that Obama was a fraud and George W. Bush was a fraud as well, though of a different type than Barry Soetoro aka Obama. What Bush accomplished during his 8 years is relatively invisible. Bush was a part of the inside job that was 911. He was probably too stupid to be told the details ahead of time, but when he got the news that the towers had been hit he knew it was game time for the 911 operation. The 911 scholars for truth turned out to be infested with govt operatives which caused the movement to just fade away with the major figures of the movement making money on lectures that went nowhere and book sales profits. As far as California is concerned what happens there can be expected when you have incompetent, naive, and corrupt Democrats in charge.  

Thank you for the comment and I have been busy.

Agree Laurence

Good to hear from you Henry, 

Now there is another faction of 911 scholars who are taking some ambiguous form of action regarding

govt actions taken currently and how they relate to 911. I assume they mean not disclosing  agreements

and actions between America and other countries. I have come to conclude that there was an almost unspoken agreement between the media and those who wanted an investigation of 911 to stick to the govt version for the sake of the American people not finding out that their own govt betrayed them. Donald Trump knows the govt version was bogus but he decided to use the created Muslim fear to keep people from Middle Eastern countries out of the United States. He had 2 of his building engineers go over to the twin towers within 12 hours of the so-called attacks and they told him that bombs had to be involved. So, the likes of traitors Bush, Rumsfeld, Cheney and others will go to their graves with their secrets. 

Glad you were able to survive the pandemic, Laurence Smith     

Pandemic, ahh???

Laurence. out of over 100 people I asked, do you know anyone that died from it, one lady said yes. Then I asked did you get a second opinion, or did you only allow a state opinion of their death.

 Trump, is involved with the banks for human implants, for immigration. But the same banks in Sweden, are implanting everyone. IQs must of dropped in Sweden.

 Bush started the program for 911, its is listed, Obama continued the program, but under fire from Patriots Obama dropped it, and Trump Corporations invested big time into it.

 Bank of America, will format cashless. Israel states it is their banking system, but Israel was built by the Rothschild, of England. Now the banks in Israel forced the cashless system in that land.

 Israeli Laws for US Government positions, is British, that is nothing more then a cover up.

 Americans became betrayed in 1913 of the Federal Reserve, but when Trump said something about reforming the fed, the Rothschild told Trump to Shut The Fuc*k Up.

Just google it...LMAO at the whole system........

On 9-11-2020 Dachsie posted elsewhere the following message.

"The people who did 9-11-01 are the same people who did the Plandemic and their goal is the same --

A One World Death and Slavery System for All.


Ephesians 6:12

For our wrestling is not against flesh and blood; but against principalities and power, against the rulers of the world of this darkness, against the spirits of wickedness in the high places.


Truth is our strongest weapon. "

 I am somewhat at a loss to fully understand what exactly human implants are or represent! I agree totally that the virus situation has some serious political overtones in America, if not corruption in the juggling of


HenryMassingale said:

Pandemic, ahh???

Laurence. out of over 100 people I asked, do you know anyone that died from it, one lady said yes. Then I asked did you get a second opinion, or did you only allow a state opinion of their death.

 Trump, is involved with the banks for human implants, for immigration. But the same banks in Sweden, are implanting everyone. IQs must of dropped in Sweden.

 Bush started the program for 911, its is listed, Obama continued the program, but under fire from Patriots Obama dropped it, and Trump Corporations invested big time into it.

 Bank of America, will format cashless. Israel states it is their banking system, but Israel was built by the Rothschild, of England. Now the banks in Israel forced the cashless system in that land.

 Israeli Laws for US Government positions, is British, that is nothing more then a cover up.

 Americans became betrayed in 1913 of the Federal Reserve, but when Trump said something about reforming the fed, the Rothschild told Trump to Shut The Fuc*k Up.

Just google it...LMAO at the whole system........

Human implants, for tracking and banking.

 Do you believe in the truth?

 Some have no faith in God, I say, there is a God. Dan Two Feathers is tribal, he found where they are DNA testing the grave of Lilith. The first wife of Adam. Lilith is considered a story of tales, then the DNA testing of the man called Jesus Christ.

 They found the graves of the family of Jesus, and built apartments over the tombs, and forbidden all man from continuing the work of their graves.

 The Dan showed us a people called Khazar, a enemy of the 12 Tribes of Dan. Dan the Judge of the tribes, was white with blue eyes. The blood line of the Spartans, and American Indians. Dan Two Feathers has blue eyes, and his great great great grandfather was Dan.


Truth is our strongest weapon, Jeannon.

 Have you noticed that no matter what videos that is formatted or blog created it does not stop the events to unfold. They wish to create a war between men, just like in WW2.

Please follow along with my statement, I watched so many videos about WW2, and then two videos came on line, a total of 1200 or so hours of video of which I watched.

 I did not know that all of Islam united with Germany against Russia, long before the British and and the USA got involved.

 Around 1200 tribal America Indians fought with Germany, they called the murder of Christians in Russia, The Blood Moon.

35,000 American Indians was drafted into that war, and discovered the Cherokee fighting Russia. The Indians brought back to America German guns knives documents and videos released by Germany.

 Germany documented everything they did against the Rothschild banking system in England. Over 370,000 Freemasons were executed. And one Rothschild died in the German camp as a pow- prisoner of war.

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