Exposing Falsehoods and Revealing Truths
-------Updated on Saturday: March 16, 2013---------
Isaac Newton is the founder of the 3 Laws of Motion and Calculus, and many other immutable Laws in Physics.
Isaac Newton's 3 laws of motion have been blatantly violated, overruled, overturned and intentionally ignored, and then these falsly propagandized and anti-Scientific-Method presumptions have been elevated to the "New scientific Laws of the Land" conclusions.
These mutant-based conclusions have been given a massive and stupendous amount of Zionist-controlled multimedia support, so much so, that the Shepple of the world have given these lies and falsified conclusions, positive and almost infalible-like credence, especially the dumbed down and brainwashed Police forces, Security forces, and Military forces (Army, Marines, Navy, Air Force, Coast Guard, etc...) of the USA and other Zionist controlled Sheeple countries, like Great Britain, Australia, and many others.
The Zionist controlled mass media knows that over 99+% of the American population has basically no knowledge nor understanding, even conceptually, of the physics of materials, motion, Vector Forces, Momentum, Collisions, Elasticity, Potential & Kinetic Energies, and of Explosived (incendiary and nuclear).
Also most people are life-long school-taught to trust their government and its supposedly independent Mass Media Sources and especially their popular Talking Heads.
Sheeple seem to be unaware of who owns the 2 houses of Congress, The Justice System, The FBI, The CIA, Homeland Security, and the President of the USA and his minions, and who has been buying up all of the media establishments, outlets, and sources progressively for decades, resulting in a clear-cut conspiricy to fool, dupe, deceive, steal, and blatantly lie to the American public concerning Zionist-associated Agendas, and knowing that the majority American population will swollow every word of its lies and deceptions, even to a seemingly Patriotic degree.
People of America, we need to take back our government like Jim Trafficant says, like Alex Jones advocates, Like Jesse Ventura says, like many other Patriots who support the American constitution are crying out to all of the public that they can get to listen, limited though that may be...
Hopefully we can take back our government without violence and bloodshed as many YouTube Patriots have proposed and have been ardently advocating.
We have to win the minds of the majority of Americans even without access to the mass media.
We need to take back the Mass Media, impossible as that may seem.
After 9 years of post 911 events, we still have not reached the majority of Americans to convince them that 911 was definitely and conclusively "An Inside Job" and that we are involved in massive Wars as the Agressive Terrorists of the world. The Zionist controlled countries are the greatest Terrorist nations on the planet Earth...
Zionist PHDs from MIT, Northwestern, Berkeley, and others support the NIST explanations for the Free-Fall and Fires destructions of the Twin towers. they are scientific fools and will one day be recognized as fools, in the strongest sense of the word. They are not ignorant fools but are knowing, cover-up, lying, deceiving, bamboozleing fools, clowns...
by: Chuck Boldwyn
Commen updated on March 16, 2013
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