9/11 Scholars Forum

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Judy Wood and John Hutchison: On "Beam Weapons" at the WTC, Part I

Date: Wed, 02 Sep 2009 08:53:05 -0500 [08:53:05 AM CDT]
From: jfetzer@d.umn.edu
To: "Tracy Postert, Ph.D." , lisajudy@nctv.com, econrn@suddenlink.net, jfetzer@d.umn.edu
Cc: [Show addresses - 55 recipients]

Subject: Re: Just remembered something

Yeah, well, I have taken for granted that I was
dealing with rational minds. Between Andrew's
book and your attacks, I can see that I was off
my beam (there's a nice pun!) in thinking so.
Spell it out. What did Morgan have to say of
me that he had to "warn you" about? Tell us.

What, precisely, was he warning you about? I
imagine this is in the same league as my so-
called "threat" to Judy when I made an obser-
vation to the effect that she could probably
salvage her reputation if she drew back from
Hutchison. It was a suggestion, not a threat.
I was trying to protect her reputation, not
threaten her. I think Huchison is a fraud.

Maybe he's the real deal, but I am not yet
convinced. My most competent source--who
has a Ph.D. in electromagnetism and with
whom I have collaborated in the past--has
told me that "Hutchison effects" are not
taken seriously in the world of physics,
that he is widely regarded as a phony.

That is not something that I can discount.
So I asked him a few questions about his
background and training. The area we are
talking about--electromagnetisim and so-
called field theory--are among the most
complex in the entire domain of physics.

It is simply beyond belief that a fellow
who is tinkering around in his garage is
going to come up with startling new find-
ings about basic physical phenomena. And,
so far as I can see, he has not. He does
a lot of hand waving and had produced a
few videos to illustrate his "effects".

But Ace showed that it is not difficult
to fake these "effects" in videos. It
was very revealing to me when Judy took
after him for making "fake videos". He
was producing videos to show how easy it
is to fake the "effects" he "discovered".

In fact, Rosalee now tells us that John
actually did FAKE HIS VIDEOS. So where
does that leave Judy in taking after Ace
for showing how easy they are to fake?
I think her moral limb has been sawed
off. Rosalee says Alexander made them
with John, no doubt for a worthy cause.

I invited him and Judy on to listen to
what they had to say. I did not ask a
lot of questions because (a) he wasn't
answering the ones I did ask and (b)
I wanted him to have the chance to say
whatever he wanted to say without any
interruption. Which is what I did.

Some like to point out that the military
has taken a great interest in his work.
But the military always takes an interest
in something that MIGHT pan out, even if
it is extremely improbable. That they
have "shown interest" does not show that
anything real is actually going on here.

As for Judy's adaptation of Hutchison's
"work", if she were to come on the show
and explain it to me, I might find some-
thing of interest. Here parallels with
"Hutchison effects" as they are laid out
on her web site look pretty strained or
implausible to me. I just don't see it.

I had no idea that they were romantically
involved. I will be talking about all of
this this evening on the show. But let me
ask a few questions. I am learning more
about Andrew and Judy (and Morgan, too,
for all I know). I gather free energy
is a dogma in this group. You, too?

Maybe there is such a thing. I am getting
the impression that 9/11 is interesting as
an exhibition of free energy and that the
"work" of John Hutchison is supposed to be
the link that ties it altogether. So if I
am skeptical of John, then I am not a true
believer but an outsider to be condemned.

Maybe I am dense and simply don't under-
stand. It's like the Hurricane Erin busi-
ness. What is that supposed to be about?
I conjectured that it was supposed to be
a source of energy for taking down the
towers. Judy threw a fit at that, but I
really have no idea what she thinks is
supposed to be going on with all this.

That is another of her traits. Judy is
cryptic. Ask her a question, you are
likely to get another question in reply.
She is like the Delphic Oracle: some-
times I just have no idea what she is
trying to say. And when I don't know
what someone is trying to say, I tend
not to talk about it here or on the air.

Andrew has written the most tedious crap
about these things and produced a book
of monumental pseudo-intellectual drivel.
In a way, I am glad that you have taken
on this attack because, as baseless as
it is in reality, it apparently has a
foundation in the bizarre beliefs of
what I now believe is actually a cult.

In broad outline, it is looking to me
as though Hutchison is Moses (who is
leading us to the promised land) and
Judy is a cross between Mary Magdalene
and Joan of Arc. Her word is TRUTH
and beyond any question for those who
know and understand her saintly status.

Since I don't think Judy is infallible
and know next to nothing about "free
energy" so I have not appreciated that
9/11 is merely a display of this new
technology that should emancipate the
world--and they are the "chosen ones"
to lead us out of the wilderness!

When it comes to Judy and Hutchison--
who is the guru of the movement--I am
and must be eradicated by any means possible
Which is where Andrew's book and Tracy's
attacks come in. They are the vanguard
in exposing and eradicating those who are
not sufficiently devoted to Judy Wood!

The fact that I have done more than any-
one in the world to make her name a
household word, that I even featured
her--for three hours!--at the Madison
Conference is not enough. Even Morgan
thinks there is something funny about me!

This, after I have stood up for him and
even used him as a guest host, telling
him that he should invite Judy on after
she would not longer come on with me. I
was still supporting and promoting her
work. I had no idea that they were so
negative about me. I am just that naive.

Well, there is. I am a professional phil-
osopher of science. The theory of knowl-
edge is one of my areas of specialization.
I am going to have different standards of
rational belief than most of those who
appear to have become involved in the
9/11 movement for the most diverse of
motives that go beyond the truth of 9/11.

Some of the beliefs that appear to be
central to this cult are free energy,
9/11 was an inside job, visitations to
Earth by ETs, that many seemingly human
beings are actually lizard people, and
that there is evidence of the existence
of advanced civilizations on Mars.

Some of this is found on Andrew's site:
I guess he also thinks there is evidence
of life after death, if I get it right:

So how much of this are you into, Tracy?
Free energy I take as a given and that
9/11 was an inside job. But are you
also into alien visitations and ETs
among us? How about lizard people?
Is there evidence of an advanced
civilization on Mars? Do tell us.

But don't forget to explain why Morgan
has been troubled with me. That really
fascinates me. If he thought I was on
the wrong side, why didn't he tell me?
I am discovering things about people
with whom I thought I was having honest
dealings when I was not. Tell me more.

I thought I was dealing with a single
flake here. But it is now dawining on
me that I may be dealing with a group
of flakes who hold views that are far
removed from mine and where I am being
dealt with harshly simply because I am
not a TRUE BELIEVER in Judy and John!

Quoting "Tracy Postert, Ph.D." :

[Hide Quoted Text]
I met Morgan Reynolds before I met Judy Wood.
He came to Rice University to give a talk on 9/11.
That was the day I finally understood "no planes"
because he explained it quite beautifully using
Newtonian physics.

You know what Morgan said to me on the very first
day we met? He warned me about Jim Fetzer.
Oh, yes he did!

I said something nice about Jim Fetzer (because I
was a fan at the time) and MORGAN told me to
be careful. This was before the Madison conference.
Before I met Dr. Wood. Before I met Jim Fetzer.

So you're wondering why Morgan isn't leaping off
his sick bed to defend you? Maybe it was the time
you kicked Morgan and Judy off the 9/11 scholars
group for "insubordination".

That pisses a guy like Morgan off. He's not a subordinate
to you, Jim.

Neither am I. I'm your superior, actually, when it comes

I was 100%+ right that you are not Judy Wood's biggest
fan, and you were 100%+ wrong when you said I lived
in Albany. I know people are watching this and scratching
their heads.

Why was it so easy for a relative nobody to take down

It's because I've actually paid attention to what has been
going on these past years and I know who doesn't like him.

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