Exposing Falsehoods and Revealing Truths
Goldman Sachs,
Lehmans and
Kuhn Loebs of New York;
the Rothschilds of Paris and London;
the Warburgs of Hamburg;
the Lazards of Paris; and
the Israel Moses Seifs of Rome.
Views: 34
Who did the Thermate and bombs planting and detonations, who in the USA Govt and the Israeli Govt?
These people only did the financing as they have all of the money and the professed One World goals
II think I have followed the money and named names at the core of 9-11.
Maybe I could name every single person who is in the employ of the U.S. government for a start, including all elected "officials" federal, state and local. Maybe if I could name every single person who invests their money in international interests to make lots of money. Maybe if I could name every single person who accepts money in any form from any of these people.
Maybe then we could name names.
By the way, I think Dr. Steven Jones and Richard Gage are in the employ of those who made 9-11 happen.
Why, why, why, please elaborte why you think that, please, in detail, so I can see it as you see it, in fact, as you see the facts. I need to be convinced by you reasoning and facts. If they are convincing, then I will join you and your anti-jones campaing/crusade.......
Chuck - pray to be convinced...
Chuck, as I've said before, I have been reading and studying 9-11 since 9-11. I used to actively particiapte in Killtown's forum where some of the absolute most knowledgeable people posted and shared their ideas. It was the only place for open discussion as all the other forums like 911 blogger and 911 truth and letsroll and the Loose Change guys forums were all tightly controlled into only one accepted way of thinking. If you posted something that even slightly questioned those forum moderators' ways of thinking, you were kicked off the forum and ridiculed on the forum, as Dr. Fetzer was many many times. As soon as Dr. Jones came on the scene and gave his Ph.D. physicist's "true science" ideas about the thermite, that was accepted and incorporated into the strongly enforced "9-11 truth orthodoxy." Dr. Fetzer was knocked down, BUT NOT OUT, by Dr. JOnes and company.
Dr. Jones has a very murky history and played a key roll in squelching Pons and Fleishman's cold fusion work. Dr. Jones is a practicing Mormon and has some quite unusual ideas about early America. That religion is founded upon Freemasonry and they also have a deep love of and protectiveness towards all things "Israeli". They believe their church's founder was deeply connected to Israel being just about the same thing as America's founding. So Dr. Jones' religion prohibits him from every naming Jewish money interests as having any negative influence on anything going on in this country.
Octavia posted a while back in this same thread that he was caught misrepresenting things early on his 9-11 truth work, as I recall, one thing being about the "molten metal" . I heard several people who were engineers and scientists call in on radio shows over the early years calling out Dr. Jones on his misrepresentations but usually those callers were immediately cut off the air.
I do not trust Dr. Jones. That is just my personal opinion based on all I have read about him and seen of him on videos and heard of him speaking on the radio shows. But people like Gerard Holmgren, Dr. Fetzer and Dr. Morgan Reynolds and Mr. Hightower, and Andrew Johnson have pointed out Dr. Jones' shall we say "deficiencies" from a scientific standpoint as well as the standpoint of intelligent academicians', and those are considerable too, and that contributes to my opinion as well.
As you may be aware, depending how long you have been in the 9-11 truth movement, most of the main arteries of 9-11 truth endeavors on the web and on the Internet radio and videos have been taken over and controlled by some entity, an entity that wants them all singing the same song on the same page in the songbook. When I see good honest work and questions and inquiries made about various aspects of 9-11 being squelched and drummed out and extinquished, I know that those doing that suppressing have been taken over by entities that do not want First Amendment free speech, free inquiry, and open discussion of 9-11. That is the reason your work, Chuck, can only appear on Dr. Fetzer's radio show and forumm and is why you are ignored by Dr. Jones and company. You are not singing the right song.
Please let me know yea or nay about my general outline of what you say happened or probably happened that would explain all that is said to need to be explained.
Thank you
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