Dear Ladies and Gentlemen,
I was not aware that I was part of this forum. But as I remember, I surfed here on an occasion sometime after the attempted plane bombing in Detroit at Christmas. And you have contacted me now, so I will spend a bit of time talking about 9/11. The last thing I did about 9/11 was play Taps for the 24 Canadians who died in the WTC incidents while I was doing a gig in Toronto on 9/11/10.
Besides being an international blues performer and recording artist, I am also a political investigator. You may obtain my History M.A. thesis, North American Fascism: Transmission of the Virus, which culminates in my independent investigation of the Murrah Bombing and its coverup aftermath, from the Oklahoma State University History Department. Call 405-744-5678 for shipping details, and be sure to talk to my thesis advisor Dr. Ronald Petrin. I had the Elohim City/NeoNazi/McVeigh connection right first.
I don't talk about 9/11/01 much, because I am well aware that the scope of a proper, independent 9/11 investigation is far beyond my own investigative or financial capabilities. I could probably conclude my investigation of Murrah for under $2 million, including paying a staff of investigative journalists and security personnel for at least a year's work. That's conceivable. The nationwide, indeed, worldwide scope of a 9/11 probe would require multiples of 10 times that. So, I have come to the point of saying, "let's move on, even if crimes were committed, and I am not convinced they weren't."
But here's what I think. Now I am not a conspiracy theorist. I am aware of the grander conspiracy theories associated with this complex of events, but I do not strongly believe any of them. I'm a phenomenologist, and (modestly) a historian. I observe, and I write about what I have seen. If you talk to Dr. Richard Rohrs at Oklahoma State, when you call that number, he will discuss with you the reasons one should not jump to historical conclusions. All history, as he will tell you, is interpretations. Facts-- real facts-- are very much harder to come by.
Hence, I will not declare that I believe any option below to be a "fact". I haven't spearheaded the investigation, or even been part of a constituted investigative team, so I will not presume to assert any more than my opinions.
For instance, I find it plausible that category 1, subc. a, parts i and ii, PLUS subc. b, part i., could all apply. In short, Al Qaeda and Osama bin Laden could have been, simultaneously, players and patsies. Al Qaeda had motivation, and they had prior history, specifically in NYC.
In category 2: I am ignorant of all photographic technology, so I have no valid opinion.
Category 3: if planes did hit the two towers, then it is plausible that the damaged buildings could have collapsed in the pancake method. I am not sure that that is what happened, but I do find the lack of even a single low-level operative coming forward and saying that he helped prepare a Twin Tower for controlled demolition to incline me against scenarios involving the blowing up of the building in place, by conventional explosives, nanothermite or any other agent. I must agree with the naysayers that this scenario would have required months of preparation, and would almost certainly have been in some way noticeable to other people working in the buildings in some context. But that doesn't mean that it flat didn't happen.
Category 4: Here's my point of greatest skepticism. This building was not hit by a plane. It is my opinion that none of the collateral fires caused by the striking of the Twin Towers and fuel, or a fuel tank, or whatever, which spilling into or onto Building Seven, could have caused the collapse which all of us have watched ad infinitum. Secondly, the collapse is perfect. If this was not a controlled demolition (and the statements of whatshisname, Silverman or Silverberg, the real estate guy, sound like lies and CYA after the fact), then it was the most perfect natural collapse of a building in recorded history, to say nothing of the most perfect collapse of a STEEL-FRAMED building in history. And if lies are being told in one area of the Official Version, then we can not be sure that lies are not being told in other areas. Building Seven is the greatest single reason I do not accept the Official 9/11 Commission Report.
Category 5: What hit the Pentagon? The lack of any recovered baggage makes me think that it can not have been a plane full of passengers that hit it. The business about no wing impact areas also gives me pause. But to fully subscribe to something else hitting the building I would then have to subscribe to a MIHOP scenario, and I am not prepared to do it, even though my heart says Cheney and Rumsfeld are cold-blooded mass murderers walking free.
Category 6: I wasn't in Shanksville. Surely there were local witnesses who arrived on he scene before the authorities had it all secured, away from people's eyes. A plane did hit the ground, apparently. I don't know where the death certificates for all those people are, but if they're listed as dead, then only a grand conspiracy-- MIHOP again, involving mass kidnappings and detention for life of all the passengers-- perhaps a planned detail, perhaps merely a tactical loose end MIHOPers realized they had to tie up-- could account for their actually being alive. There was baggage in the debris plume from this plane, was there not?
Category 7: subc. a seems most likely for the Twin Tower and Shanksville crashes. You'd have to ask the survivors of all the dead in those crashes whether they ever received any remains. Even in the case of the NYC crashes, in which there were large fireballs, one might expect a smattering of not easily combustible but potentially identifiable objects-- diamond rings and the like-- to survive the impact, fire and collapse. But even if not, in Shanksville there was no huge fireball in a partially enclosed area, nor did the remains of the plane then fall another 90 stories to the ground, with 20 stories of building on top of them. Surely there is enough evidence extant from Shanksville to prove that there was a planefull of passengers on that plane, certain of whom called people on the ground to say what was happening, and that they were determined to stop the terrorists. If the famous "let's roll!" call was a fake, then the whole OV may be so. Are the Pentagon-plane passengers all accounted for? If not, theoretically, they could be being detained-- again and again, part of a MIHOP scenario.
I'm not aware that there is a movement. I think most people of sense and good will know that even if all of the Official Version was one Big Lie, the perpetrators have gotten away with it, with world-shaking military, diplomatic, social and security implications, save for a confession from SOMEONE of their participation in one or more aspects of MIHOP or LIHOP. So far no one has had the courage to step up and be such a tainted but undeniable hero.
William P. (Bill) Homans,
Professionally known as Watermelon Slim
Clarksdale, Mississippi
(1) 9/11 was
(a) a terrorist act
(i) involving 19 Islamic fundamentalists
(ii) directed by Osama bin Landen from his cave
(b) an inside job where
(i) the administration "let it happen"
(ii) the administration "made it happen"
(2) The videos are
(a) authentic
(b) faked
(i) flying what'sits at the North Tower
(ii) CGIs, compositing, or holograms at the South
(3) The "collapse" of the Twin Towers
(i) actually happened as the official account claims
(ii) represented a demolition under control
(a) using thermite and conventional explosives
(b) using unconventional methods, such as mini-nukes or some kind of directed-energy devices
(4) The collapse of Building 7
(a) was collateral damage from the destruction of the Twin Towers
(b) was arranged and brought down by a classic controlled demolition
(5) The Pentagon attack
(a) really took place with a Boeing 757 hitting the building
(b) involved a fly-over by a Boeing 757 which did not hit the building
(c) involved a second, smaller plane that may have fired a missile into the building
(6) The Shanksville crash
(a) occurred just as the government has claimed (into a mining shaft or whatever)
(b) did not occur at all and is just as phony as the rest of the official story
(7) What happened to the passengers?
(a) they were killed in the plane crashes
(b) they were kidnapped and are in undisclosed secret locations
(c) they were mostly fabricated, just as fake as the rest of the official account
Please us this as an outline in submitting your comments in the "Open Discussion" forum and, as others show up, take some time to think about what others have said and why you agree or disagree about their views on these crucial issues. If you feel inclined, add a paragraph about where the movement should go from here.