Exposing Falsehoods and Revealing Truths
Started this discussion. Last reply by Shallel Octavia Feb 11, 2011.
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nuclear bombs (or at least every nuclear bomb I've ever heard about)
generates a lot of heat
the dust cloud that rolled over the people didn't burn the people
therefore nuclear bombs did not cause the dust cloud
because it wasn't hot
thermite doesn't turn a building into dust
let's say somebody trucked in a whole bunch of
thermite (or sprayed it on) and then set it off
the result? molten steel would fall to the ground
fine powdered dust wouldn't shoot upwards into the air"
I agree with you here. I really don't get why Steve Jones fixated so doggedly on thermite from day one and still won't hear of any other possibilities. I do think thermite would more melt than turn WTC into dust. Also, the practical problem: it would take so very much thermite to demolish these towers in seconds. I just can't see how they would get it into every nook and cranny to do this.
But other things like nuclear devices wouldn't be limited like this. Those you could plant just maybe a dozen of near the core columns and it would produce effects like we see.
they are evil liars
my views on 9/11:
no planes were hijacked
no planes crashed into buildings
videos of the day do not depict plane crashes
the planes in the video just melted into the buildings
they didn't bounce off the buildings
so something about the videos is obviously fake
Stephen E. Jones is the most feted of all 9/11 researchers,
but he is a damn smiling liar
i don't care if he has a friendly demeanor
his thermite theory is a fake trail
thermite doesn't explode, it burns
thermite isn't an explosive, it's an incendiary
don't tell me about nano-spray-on-thermite unless
you've got a youtube video showing that it turns
a building into dust
thermite melts steel
thermite doesn't turn a building into dust
let's say somebody trucked in a whole bunch of
thermite (or sprayed it on) and then set it off
the result? molten steel would fall to the ground
fine powdered dust wouldn't shoot upwards into the air
the WTC buildings exploded
they exploded into very fine dust,
much of which shot directly up into the sky
that idiot Jones is talking about how he scraped
the Hudson River and found thermitic material
HEY JONES ---> were you able to sample the
stuff that went directly up into the air and never
came to the ground?
what happened to the wtc was an unusual process
we don't have the words in our common vocabulary
yet to express what this process was
before Hiroshima, very few people knew about atomic
bombs or would have had the proper vocabulary to
describe one should they have witnessed one going off
Judy Wood was right about his and a multitude of other things
what happened at the wtc was the new hiroshima
a new weapon using a new technology
the most hopeful thing i can take out of the many years of
sadness and destruction that has come because of 9/11
is that after we uncover the criminals
we can use their technology
it's big
the real weapon is the real search
if i'm ever rude to someone or post lies, that's a reason not to like me
otherwise say hi to Killtown and others
julie: you're mostly talking about who did it, the "who" and the "why"
On a certain level, i don't really care who did it. When we find out what really happened, we will know who did it.
3. the videos cannot be showing real planes hitting the south tower because they violate Newton's laws. The possibility of fake videos , compositing, or something technical like that; or maybe a hologram, exists.
What did happen at WTC: 1. the towers were turned to fine dust in a matter of seconds
So the researchers are trying to explain above with the exact techniques that were used.
i used the icon because too many people get into WHO did it when we don't know WHAT happened
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